Found 23 Articles for Share Market

Short Interest

Pratik Kumbhare
Updated on 20-Nov-2023 12:19:01


Introduction The quantity of shares that were actually sold short and are still on the market is known as the short interest. By lending shares of stock, traders would often sell an investment short if they believe the price will fall. Afterward, the investor sells these loaned shares to buyers who are prepared to pay the going rate. Short interest is widely employed as a market sentiment indicator. When short interest rises, it frequently indicates that traders have become more negative, while a decline in short interest indicates the opposite. Share Interest: Definition and Explanation How many shares of a ... Read More


Pratik Kumbhare
Updated on 20-Nov-2023 12:25:23


Introduction Scalping is a well-known trading strategy that involves making profits from minor changes in a particular stock’s price. It can be one or more small-term profit stocks, that are targeted throughout the day in a manner that does not violate any set rules of the trading market. Let's us in this tutorial get to know scalping as a trading strategy, and how it can help to gain massive perpetual profits in one day. What is Scalping and How Scalping Works? Scalping can be referred to as the process of building up smaller sets of profit from the minimum ... Read More

Santa Claus Rally

Pratik Kumbhare
Updated on 20-Nov-2023 12:26:58


Introduction The stock market historically has increased throughout the final five trading days throughout the year through the initial 2 market days of the following year. This is known as the Santa Claus rally. Stock prices demonstrate a tendency to climb around this time, leading to a year-end rally. It is claimed that market analysts helped to popularize the term Santa Claus Rally when it was first used by the media. It has its roots in the idea that holidays and the upbeat feelings it fosters, such as greater spending by customers, gift-giving, and confidence, may result in higher stock ... Read More

Rematerialization of Shares

Pratik Kumbhare
Updated on 20-Nov-2023 12:29:45


Introduction A client can have his electronic assets transformed into physical certificates through a procedure called rematerialization. The Depository Participant (DP) with whom the client has an account must receive the Rematerialization request from the client. When the Depository Participant (DP) inputs the request into its system, the client's holdings are automatically blocked to that degree. The DP submits the application form to the Issuer/R&T agent and releases the request to National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL). The Issuer/R&T agent prints the certificates, mails them to the client, and simultaneously notifies National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) electronically that the request was ... Read More

Proprietary Trading

Pratik Kumbhare
Updated on 20-Nov-2023 12:33:29


Introduction When financial institutions use their cash instead of making transactions on behalf of customers or investors, then these financial institutions such as banks, or hedge funds businesses engage in a practice known as proprietary trading. When a company engages in proprietary trading, it does so intending to make a profit by purchasing and disposing of financial instruments, such as commodities, stocks, bonds, currencies, derivatives, and various other securities. Explanation of Proprietary Trading Proprietary trading is the practice of financial services companies like brokerage houses, investment banks and hedge funds. The members of proprietary trading desks are frequently ... Read More

Passive VS Active Portfolio Strategy

Pratik Kumbhare
Updated on 20-Nov-2023 12:42:16


Introduction We have examined the definitions, characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of active and passive portfolio strategies in this post. With an active portfolio strategy, portfolio managers actively choose securities in an effort to outperform the market. The objective of a passive portfolio approach, on the other hand, is to mimic the performance of a market index with the least amount of intervention possible. General example of Product Portfolio Define Active Portfolio Strategy In an active portfolio strategy, portfolio managers actively choose investments in an effort to outperform a market benchmark or index. In order to provide larger returns than ... Read More

Qualified Dividends

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 09:54:47


Introduction Public companies raise funds from the external sources by issuing shares. People who buy these shares becomes the shareholders of the company. Fig 1: Qualified Dividends In return, the company offers dividend to the shareholders for holding the shares for a time period without selling it in the market. These dividends are grouped into qualified and unqualified dividend. Here, the discussion point will be only about qualified dividend. Meaning of Qualified Dividends Qualified dividends are a type of dividend income earned by common stock investors. These dividends are taxed at a lower rate than ordinary dividends. ... Read More

Equity Dilution

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:37:21


Introduction Equity Dilution impacts the ownership stake in a company. Learn Are you a founder or an investor concerned about the impact of equity dilution on your ownership stake? You're not alone. Equity dilution is a critical issue affecting the total value of shares of the company. Initially, the owners of the company hold full control and ownership in the business. But when they go for raising funds or issuing stocks, the total stake decreases, resulting dilution of the ownership value in the company. This is not a good sign for any company, as the equity holdings, voting ... Read More

Dividends in Arrears

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:40:49


Introduction Buying stocks is an excellent way to accumulate wealth and generate passive income. When you invest in a company, you become a shareholder and have a stake in its profits. These earnings are frequently paid to shareholders as dividends. Unfortunately, there are times when businesses cannot pay dividends to their shareholders, resulting in dividend arrears. Dividends in Arrears: Explained Dividends are a way for organizations to distribute earnings to their shareholders. When a firm announces a dividend, it saves a portion of its income to pay to shareholders. But, sometimes, firms may find themselves in a ... Read More

IPO Grading

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 05-Apr-2023 13:12:03


Introduction With so many options in the market, it can be challenging to determine which IPOs are worthwhile your investment. That's where IPO grading comes in - a rating system used to evaluate the quality and potential of an IPO. This rating system helps investors make informed IPO-investing. This comprehensive tutorial touches upon all the key aspects of IPO grading. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a solid understanding of this concept and keeps you abreast of your investment decisions. So, let's get started. What is IPO Grading? IPO grading refers to the process of evaluating ... Read More
