Found 75 Articles for Server

How to Install LAMP using Tasksel in Linux

Sharon Christine
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 11:17:48


LAMP stack is a bunch of open source software that uses Linux as an operating system. LAMP is an abbreviation for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. It is used to setup web development environment. Here, we will learn about – How you can install LAMP stack using tasksel on Ubuntu. For this article, we expect that you have a just right figuring out of Linux working method and its terminal. Installation of LAMP requires root privileges on the host machine.Installing ProcessTo install Tasksel, use the following command –$ sudo apt-get install taskselThe sample output should be like this –Reading package ... Read More

How to Install and Setup Cacti on Ubuntu 16.04

Sharon Christine
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 11:05:17


Cacti is a Network monitoring device that creates personalized graphs of server efficiency. It is accessed and managed via an online entrance-finish. This article explains on – How to install and set up cacti on Ubuntu.PrerequisitesLAMPSNMP, SNMPD and RRDtoolsTo install LAMP, add the following repository as shown below –$ sudo add-apt-repository 'deb trusty universe'To update the packages, using the following command –$ sudo apt-get updateTo install LAMP, use the following command –$ sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server-5.6 php libapache2-mod-phpThe sample output should be like this –Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done libapache2-mod-php is already ... Read More

How To Install and Configure Webmin on Ubuntu 16.04

Sharon Christine
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 10:53:34


In this article, we will learn – How we can install Webmin on Ubuntu 16.04. Webmin is a web-based control panel with dashboards for any Linux server machines, which allows you to control your server with a simple interface, where we can change the settings of common application packages with simple clicks. Webmin can also be used to add new users accounts and update the packages on the server from the Webmin dashboard itself.Pre-requisitesUbuntu 16.04 machine with a non-root user with Sudo permissions.Apache, PHP, and MySQL Installed on the Ubuntu 16.04 machine.Installing Webmin on Ubuntu 16.04Assuming that we have all ... Read More

How To Configure and Setup Ghost on Ubuntu 16.04

Sharon Christine
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 08:15:27


In this article, we will learn how to setup and Configure Ghost on Ubuntu 16.04. Ghost os a light-weight and open-source blogging programs which can be used easily and can be customizable, also have many more themes to use.Pre-RequisitesIn this setup, we need the following –Ubuntu 16.04 installed server machine.A non-root user with Sudo permissions on the machine.Nginx web server installed on the server.Ghost Installation on Ubuntu 16.04We will install the ghost using the Ghosts official repository which is hosted on GitHub.First, we will get the latest version of the Ghost using the bellow command.$ wget Output:    --2017-05-18 ... Read More

Mastering User Management on Linux

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 07:09:12


Are you working as Linux admin? Do you create/delete users in Linux Command line? If yes, then this article is for you guys! After reading the below content, you will be able to manipulate users and group permissions in Linux system.In the below example sai is the username.usermodThe usermod command modifies the approach account records to reflect the alterations which can be targeted on the command line.To get more information about usermod, use the following command –$ usermod --helpThe sample output should be like this –-c, --comment        COMMENT new value of the GECOS field -d, --home HOME_DIR ... Read More

Mastering Package Management system with Dpkg

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 06:55:03


Dpkg is a device to install, build, dispose of and manage Debian programs and is managed utterly through command line parameters, which consists of precisely one action and zero or extra options. The action parameter tells to dpkg, what to do and options to manipulate the conduct of the action is some way. This article explains about -“Mastering Package Management system with Dpkg”.To get the options of dpkg, use the following command –$ dpkg --helpThe sample output should be like this –Commands: -i|--install           ... | -R|--recursive ... --unpack           ... Read More

Learn Modern Service Management System (Systemd) on Linux

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 06:38:40


systemd is a framework and service manager for Linux operating system. At a point when keep running as the first process on boot (as PID 1), it goes about as init system. that raises and keeps up userspace services.This article explains -“Learn modern service management system (Systemd) on Linux”To get more information about systemd, use the following command as shown below –$ systemd -hThe sample output should be like this –Starts up and maintains the system or user services. -h --help                                     ... Read More

How to Monitor your Linux Servers and Websites from Cloud

Sharon Christine
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 09:28:59


This article will help you to monitor IT infrastructure, Servers, Websites from the cloud. There is a huge requirement of having a tool to monitor and fits the bill of a cloud monitoring tool. One of the key feature of this tool is to send you alerts and notifications to the team for CPU, DISK, RAM, Network usage and also monitors the services like Apache, MySQL, Mail, FTP, is a new monitoring tool from Linux server, which is very easy to use and has a good yet capable feature of providing most vital information of your servers. CloudStats ... Read More

How to Install Taskwarrior (Terminal Based Todo Application)

Sharon Christine
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 07:33:21


Taskwarrior is an open-source, cross-platform time and task management tool. It has a command-line interface rather than a graphical user interface. If you spend a lot of time on Linux terminal (as a developer or system administrator) then constantly switching to a web app or another GUI based todo applications may not be a very productive thing to do. In that case, you may want to try a simple command line application instead. This article explains How to install Taskwarrior in Ubuntu.To install Taskwarrior, use the following command –$ sudo apt-get install taskThe sample output should be like this –Building ... Read More

How to Install Subversion Server on Ubuntu 16.04

Sharon Christine
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 07:26:06


Subversion is a free/open supply variation manipulate process (VCS). That is, Subversion manages records and directories, and the alterations made to them, over time. This makes it possible for you to get better and older models of your information or evaluate the historical past of how your data is modified. On this regard, many people suppose of a variation to manage procedure as a variety of “time computing device.”Before installing subversion, it should require apache. To install apache, use the following commands-$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install apache2To get more information about apache installation, read this articleTo install ... Read More
