Found 519 Articles for Selenium

How to stop TestNG from running after a test fail?

Ashish Anand
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 14:18:41


A TestNG class can have different tests like test1, test2, test3 etc. There could be some failure while running the test suite and user may get failures in between of @Test methods. Once a test method gets failed, it skip remaining code of the @Test method and moves to the next @Test method. However, user may want to skip remaining all @Test methods after getting 1st failure. There are 2 most popular solution for such use cases: Write dependsOnMethods annotation − But this solution works only if user knows exact dependent method/s otherwise in large suite it would be ... Read More

How to set TestNG in classpath in Maven project?

Ashish Anand
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 14:17:03


Maven is a project management and comprehension tool that provides a complete build lifecycle framework. User can automate the project's build infrastructure in almost no time as Maven uses a standard directory layout and a default build lifecycle. In case of multiple environments, Maven can set−up the way to work as per standards in a very short time. As most of the project setups are simple and reusable, Maven makes life easy while creating reports, checks, build and testing automation setups. Maven provides developers ways to manage the following − Builds Documentation Reporting Dependencies SCMs Releases Distribution Mailing list ... Read More

How to separate unit and integration tests in TestNG + Maven using Annotations?

Ashish Anand
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 14:15:27


TestNG is a testing framework and can use Maven as build tool. It helps to maintain dependencies and their version at one place in pom.xml User can run test from testng.xml or pom.xml. To run tests from pom.xml, user need to mention the path of testng.xml and require maven−surefire−plugin to execute. Along with testng.xml, maven provides feature to run specific group through maven or command line. While running through command line, user can mention group name at run time without changing anything either in testng.xml or pom.xml. This feature can be utilized to separate unit and integration tests. User can ... Read More

How to run TestNG from IntelliJ IDEA?

Ashish Anand
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 16:16:00

1K+ Views

TestNG allows to run the test suites from IntelliJ IDE as well as command line. Usually, IntelliJ IDE is handy to run testng.xml for development purpose while command line (cmd) for actual execution. There are few pre−requisites to run test suites from IntelliJ IDE: testng.xml file should be created to define test suites and testing classes to execute. All dependent jars should be configured as External Libraries. It includes testing.jar, jcommander.jar and any other jars those are used in test cases. It usually gets done while setting up the project first time. JDK set up at project level, ... Read More

How to run single test in a TestNG class from IntelliJ IDE?

Ashish Anand
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 14:12:20


TestNG allows to run the test suites from IntelliJ IDE as well as command line. Usually, IntelliJ IDE is handy to run testng.xml for development purpose while command line (cmd) for actual execution. Apart from this, IntelliJ supports to run only single TestNG class as well as single test method inside a class. This feature helps while writing the code and debug it. In this article we will discuss how to run a single testng class as well as single test method inside a testng class. Approach/Algorithm to solve this problem Step 1: Create a TestNG class &minus ... Read More

How to run Junit test in Maven?

Ashish Anand
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 14:10:55


Maven is a project management and comprehension tool that provides a complete build lifecycle framework. User can automate the project's build infrastructure in almost no time as Maven uses a standard directory layout and a default build lifecycle. To summarize, Maven simplifies and standardizes the project build process. It handles compilation, distribution, documentation, team collaboration and other tasks seamlessly. Maven increases reusability and takes care of most of the build related tasks. Junit is a testing framework and can use Maven as build tool. It helps to maintain dependencies and their version at one place in pom.xml User can run ... Read More

How to run a TestNG class without using testng.xml with maven?

Ashish Anand
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 14:07:18


TestNG is a testing framework and can use Maven as build tool. It helps to maintain dependencies and their version at one place in pom.xml Maven provides flexibility to run using surefire plugin. It allows user to run testng.xml as well as directly run a testng class without using a testng.xml. There are few pre−requisites to achieve this: All testng classes should be created under src/test/java. If classes are not created under these directories user should have to pass testng.xml in pom.xml file. By default, maven surefire plugin identifies following classes: "**/Test*.java" − includes all of its subdirectories ... Read More

How to pass java code a parameter from Maven for testing?

Ashish Anand
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 14:03:07

1K+ Views

TestNG is a testing framework and can use Maven as build tool. It helps to maintain dependencies and their version at one place in pom.xml Maven provides flexibility to run using surefire plugin. Surefire plugin has feature to pass paramaeter from pom.xml to TestNG class or any java code. To achieve this, surefire plugin has another tag named as systemPropertyVariables where user can pass n number of variables and assign the value to these variables at run time using command line. In this article we will illustrate how to pass a parameter from maven to java code. Approach/Algorithm to solve ... Read More

How to install TestNG plug-in for Eclipse?

Ashish Anand
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 14:00:58


TestNG is an open−source automation testing framework. It can be used along with build tool such as maven, Gradle, ant and even with snapshot. However, user can separately download the TestNG jar file and configure it with the project without using build tool. In this article, we will see how to install TestNG plugin for Eclipse. Download latest TestNG jar Following steps should be followed to download the latest/specific version of TestNG jar. Open the browser and navigate to Once page opens, click on Download present at top. Following screenshot displays page and download button. ... Read More

How to include two group names and create one group to run tests in TestNG?

Ashish Anand
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 12:48:26


TestNG supports to group the test cases based on similar functionality or uses. However, user may add multiple groups to single test. While running the group using syntax, TestNG runs all tests those are part of the group. It works as OR statement. Like if a test has 2 groups and only 1 is mentioned in tag it will run the test. But, when user wants to run a test only if all the groups are mentioned i.e. AND statement. TestNG doesn’t support directly AND statements in groups. For Example: @Test (groups = {“unit”, “integration”} ) If ... Read More
