Found 519 Articles for Selenium

How to Handle alerts in Selenium?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 06-Apr-2021 11:22:26

3K+ Views

We can handle alerts in Selenium webdriver by using the Alert interface. An alert can be of three types – a prompt which allows the user to input text, a normal alert and a confirmation alert.By default, the webdriver can only access the main page, once an alert comes up, the method switchTo().alert() is used to shift the focus webdriver control to the alert.A normal alert is shown below −A confirmation alert is shown below −A prompt alert is shown below −To accept an alert (to click on the OK button in alert), the method switchTo().alert().accept() is used. To dismiss ... Read More

How to stop a page loading from Selenium in chrome?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 06-Apr-2021 11:21:56

8K+ Views

We can stop a page loading with Selenium webdriver in Chrome browser by using the JavaScript Executor. Selenium can execute JavaScript commands with the help of the executeScript command.To stop a page loading, the command window.stop() is passed as a parameter to the executeScript method. Also, for the Chrome browser we have to configure the pageLoadStrategy to none value and wait for the web element to be available.Finally, we have to invoke window.stop.Syntaxdriver.execute_script("window.stop();")ExampleCode Implementation with JavaScript Executorfrom selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities from import WebDriverWait from import expected_conditions as EC from import By #configure pageLoadStrategy ... Read More

How to refresh a webpage using Python Selenium Webdriver?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 06-Apr-2021 10:58:56

17K+ Views

We can refresh a webpage using Selenium webdriver in Python. This can be done with the help of the refresh method. First of all, we have to launch the application with the get method.Once a web page is loaded completely, we can then refresh the page with the help of the refresh method. This way the existing page gets refreshed. The refresh method is to be applied on the webdriver object.Syntaxdriver.get("") driver.refresh()Examplefrom selenium import webdriver #set chromodriver.exe path driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="C:\chromedriver.exe") driver.implicitly_wait(0.5) #launch URL driver.get("") #identify text box m = driver.find_element_by_class_name("gLFyf") #send input m.send_keys("Java") #refresh page driver.refresh()OutputRead More

Can we get the HTTP Response Code in Selenium with Java?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 06-Apr-2021 10:58:29

2K+ Views

We can get the HTTP response code in Selenium webdriver with Java. Some of the response codes are – 2xx, 3xx, 4xx and 5xx. The 2xx response code signifies the proper condition, 3xx represents redirection, 4xx shows resources cannot be identified and 5xx signifies server problems.To obtain the response code we shall use the HttpURLConnection class. To have a link to the URL, the method openConnection is used. Also, we have to use the setRequestMethod where the vale Head is to be passed as a parameter.We have to create an instance of the HttpURLConnection class and then apply the connect ... Read More

What is the primary difference between the XPath and CSS selector in Selenium?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 06-Apr-2021 10:57:45

4K+ Views

There are some differences between the xpath and css selector. The format of xpath is //tagname[@attribute='value'] while the format of css selector is tagname[attribute='value'].We can traverse both forward and backward in DOM, i.e we can move from parent to child element and also from child to the parent element with xpath. However for css, we can only traverse from parent to child and not vice-versa.In terms of performance, css is better and faster, while xpath is on a slower side. An xpath can be of two types – absolute which starts from the root node and relative does not require ... Read More

How to Select Value from DropDown using Selenium Webdriver?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 06-Apr-2021 10:54:24

7K+ Views

We can select an option from the dropdown with its value attribute in Selenium webdriver by using the Select class. . A dropdown is represented by tag and the options are represented by tag.To select an option with its value we have to use the selectByValue method and pass the value attribute of the option that we want to select as a parameter to that method.SyntaxWebElement v = driver.findElement("selt")); Select s = new Select(v); s.selectByValue("val1");Let us see the html code of a dropdown having value attribute for its options.Exampleimport org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; ... Read More

How to extract text from a web page using Selenium and save it as a text file?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 06-Apr-2021 10:52:47

4K+ Views

We can extract text from a webpage using Selenium webdriver and save it as a text file using the getText method. It can extract the text for an element which is displayed (and not hidden by CSS).We have to locate the element on the page using any of the locators like id, class, name, xpath, css, tag name, link text or partial link text. Once the text is obtained, we shall write its content to a file with the help of File class.Let us obtain the text – You are browsing the best resource for Online Education from the below ... Read More

Is it possible to manually set the attribute value of a Web Element using Selenium?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 06-Apr-2021 10:49:31

3K+ Views

Yes it is possible to manually set the attribute value of a web element in Selenium webdriver using the JavaScript Executor. Selenium can run JavaScript commands with the help of the executeScript method.First, we shall identify the element on which we want to manually set the attribute value with the JavaScript command document.getElementsByClassname. Next to set the attribute we have to use the setAttribute method.Let us modify the background color of the button CHECK IT NOW to yellow. By default it is green on the page.The can be done by setting the style attribute of the background-color to yellow.SyntaxJavascriptExecutor j ... Read More

How to install TestNG in eclipse using Selenium?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 06-Apr-2021 10:48:07


We can install TestNG in Eclipse to create a test automation framework with the help of the following steps −First, we have to launch the Eclipse editor, click the menu Help, and then choose Eclipse Marketplace.The Eclipse Marketplace pop-up shall come up, enter TestNG in the search box and click on Go. Once the search result – TestNG for Eclipse gets populated at the top, click on Install.After some time, the confirm Selected Features window comes up, check the TestNG for Eclipse and proceed.Choose the radio button - Keep my installation the same, then click on Confirm.Next, we have to ... Read More

Is navigate method available in Selenium Webdriver with Python?

Debomita Bhattacharjee
Updated on 06-Apr-2021 10:44:33


The navigate method is not available in Selenium webdriver with Python.In order to navigate to a page, we can use the get method and pass the URL of the page that we want to launch as a parameter.In this method the webdriver waits till the webpage is completely loaded prior transferring the control to the next step in the test case. If the page that we are trying to load, has multiple AJAX calls after loading, then the webdriver becomes unaware when the page will ultimately load.We can use the different wait methods in synchronization to handle such a scenario. ... Read More
