Found 149 Articles for Science & Technology

What is the Babinet’s principle which is the basic for Slot Antenna?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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Babinet’s Principle is actually the principle used in optics. According to its definition, “When the field behind a screen with an opening is added to the field of a complementary structure, the sum is equal to the field when there is no screen”The images clearly explain the principle. In all the regions, which are non-collinear with the beam, the above two screens, in figure 1 & 2, produce the same diffraction pattern.Case1Consider a light source and a conducting plane (field) with an aperture before a screen. The light does not pass through the opaque area but passes through the aperture.Case2Consider ... Read More

What are bioleaching and bioremediation?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


BioleachingBioleaching is an effective technology for metal extraction from low-grade ores and mineral concentrate. This is a simple process which can be done using microorganisms such as Mesophiles, moderately thermophilic bacteria, Extremophiles. Bioleaching is a part of Bioremediation.This process of Bioleaching was used 3000 years ago while recovering copper from mine waters in the Mediterranean area. From then it has been used, but rarely. Recently about 40 plants are using this method to extract copper, gold, zinc, cobalt, and uranium. The organisms used in this procedure are single-celled and undergo chemosynthetic metabolism. They derive carbon dioxide and oxygen from the ... Read More

How did Sony start and become one of the world leaders in the tech industry?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Sony Corporation is one of Japan's biggest multinational corporations, headquartered in Minato, Tokyo of Japan. It was founded by Akio Morita and Masaru Ibuka on 7th May 1946. It was during the wake of the World War-II. Sony’s first branded product was TR-55 Transistor radio that was launched in 1955, whereas Sony was made to be its official name since January 1958.It was Not-So-EasyEarlier, vacuum tubes were used, whereas, after the invention of transistors, the circuits became shorter and eventually the size of the equipment used got reduced. When TR-55 Transistor radio was launched which was made using a transistor, ... Read More

What are the career options for a post graduate in biotech?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Although India does not yet have a good setup for Biotechnology, there are career options galore after you have completed your post graduate in biotech. Whether you have completed your post-graduation in Biotech from the reputed institutes in India such as, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research or Indian Institute of Science, or from any university situated abroad, it’s a high-level training that matters.According to industry experts like Dr. Yusuf Deeni, post completion of Masters in Biotechnology, one can find employment in biotech companies or can even pursue Ph.D.One can also be a part of biofuels, healthcare, cleantech and industrial biotechnology.For ... Read More

What is the best use of a smartphone?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


A smartphone is the most common device often seen in the hands of people, starting from the small kids to a 60 years old man. What is so special about this gadget? Does it only make life easier? What are the additional benefits this gadget offers? Numerous questions come to the mind of the users when they are buying the smart phone for the first time.For some folks, these gadgets are nothing but an instrument of entertainment. For some, it is the way to communicate to people around the world; some use it as the camera, whereas some may use ... Read More

How can the earthing be checked?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

3K+ Views

It is a common question many have in mind. It is always important to ensure your safety by checking whether your house, office or workplace is properly earthed or not.The three-pin female plug pin present in the circuit board has three holes in it called as Phase (P), neutral (N) and Earth (E), as shown in the following picture.Take a light bulb holder, connected with two wires i.e., for positive and negative terminals of the bulb. Now insert one of the wires in phase and the other in neutral. The bulb glows indicating the power supply.Take out the wire from ... Read More

How many ohms are needed for proper earthing?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

2K+ Views

Proper Earthing is a must for safe usage of electricity. Earthing ensures a proper discharge path for the flow of electricity and hence is recommended for any plug pin connected to the circuit board.It's One-OhmIt is always safe to connect the Earthing wire dug into the ground. All the grounding paths should be accessible. This path resistance from the farthest barrier to this grounding electrode should not exceed one ohm. One-ohm resistance or below One-ohm is the suggested value of resistance for an earthing path to be safe and secure.

Why is Visible Learning more effective?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


A good teacher teaches the children putting his best efforts, whereas a better teacher evaluates the effects of his teaching on his students and tries to improve his way of teaching. End of the day, improvement in the status of the student and his learning is more important.An improved process called as Visible Learning was made by John Hattie to help the teachers evaluate their teaching process. It says, “Know Thy Impact” by showing what the teachers have taught and what did the students learn, which enables to understand the gap so as to bridge it.Visible Learning is the concept ... Read More

How true are astrology and numerology predictions?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Many people believe in Astrology and Numerology to know about their future. These two are different streams of science where a person's future is predicted based on some calculations and scientifically proven methods.AstrologyAstrology is a kind of indicative science that interprets the relationship between the movements and positions of celestial bodies and human life in the natural world. According to Astrology, a person born at a certain time when the celestial bodies are in certain positions influences the life of that person in a certain way.In my view, a true astrologer who can make perfect calculations can predict things at ... Read More

What would happen if Earth started to rotate in the opposite direction?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

4K+ Views

Earth rotates around its own axis which is tilted at 23.5 degrees, from the plane of its orbit around the sun, in the eastward direction. It takes almost 24 hours to complete one rotation. The Earth rotates at a speed of 460 m/s, that is approximately 1650 km/hr at the equator. The angular velocity of the Earth decreases as we keep moving toward the poles.The Earth's rotational speed is slowing down with time. According to atomic clocks, the present day is 1.7 milliseconds slower than a century ago. It is not a big issue as it will take more than ... Read More

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