Found 149 Articles for Science & Technology

What are some hidden features of Google Drive?

Anuradha Nanda
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


To enjoy the facilities of Google Drive all you need is to have an email account with Google or have a Gmail account. Google Drive can also be accessed online through your Google account or simply set up a new account by using the Create Account link on the sign-in page. Given below are the best features offered by Google Drive that are too hard to miss.These are as followsBackup anything: The cloud storage service lets you store all your irreplaceable photos, files, and documents. In fact attachments from Gmail can be directly saved to the drive. One can backup up ... Read More

What is Screw Gauge and how it is used for measurement?

Vandana Rao
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

3K+ Views

The screw gauge is an instrument used for measuring exactly the diameter of a thin wire or the width of a sheet of metal. It comprises of a U-shaped mount which is fixed with a screwed pin which is fixed to a thimble. Side by side to the axis of the thimble, a scale passed in mm is inscribed. Having a U shaped metallic mount, a screw gauge measures even the tiniest length with exact accuracy.Just like Vernier calipers, a screw gauge also holds two scales - a key scale and an additional scale. The key scale is a millimeter ... Read More

What is Vernier Calipers and How it is used for Measurement?

Vandana Rao
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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Measuring things and distances is one of the important concepts to learn when we are studying maths. For maximum uses, measuring scales do the work quite well and everyone is aware of it how to use one. But the measuring scale only provides a specific level of correctness and once you need exact measurements which lie between two spots on the scale it becomes difficult to get a correct reading without a bit of counterpart.Also measuring scales are very vulnerable to parallax mistakes which can cause a huge portion of the difference in readings from person to person which is ... Read More

Why do our eyelashes and eyebrows does not grow continuously?

Vandana Rao
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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A roughly 90% of your hair follicles are normally in the development stage at any specified point. The hair in your eyebrows just goes through a short-term length, approximately 4 months. The length of your hair is normally perfect before expected time which it has to grow.Hair follicles have staged growth cycles: one stage for growth, one stage for the lapse and one stage for rest. A roughly 90% of your hair follicles are generally in the development stage at any specified point. The hair in your eyebrows just goes through a short-term cycle length, approximately 4 months in contrast ... Read More

What kind of jobs are there in the IT sector?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

1K+ Views

IT sector is an ever-growing industry and there is always a demand for good IT graduates in the industry. It is very important to know about the opportunities before you make a decision about your career.Jobs in Core IT sectorDevelopment of software using various computer languages and programming.Hardware support and programming, maintenance of hardware to support the developers and project managers is a more challenging and more important job for the IT professionals.Developing new sites, networking and testing are the booming career paths in IT.Providing database support, Database administration, backup of the data, these all come under database management which ... Read More

Why China is way ahead than India in technology?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Statistics show that in 1980 the economies of China and India were almost the same in terms of gross domestic product (GDP). But China has crossed India and continuing to run ahead. China is ahead of India economically because it has initiated economic reforms at least 1 decade earlier.Chinese are currently obsessed with technological leadership and their economy is growing at an average rate of 10% every year. In fact, the Chinese manufacturing sector is presently eight times the size of India's. There are many reasons for their rapid growth in technology.Chinese Government has initiated Business-friendly Special Economic Zones and ... Read More

What are the scientific reasons behind daily rituals followed by a married woman?

Divya Agarwal
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


India is known for its variable culture and rituals. Out of multiple, there are many rituals which are very specific and has to be followed by only a married woman. Well, each and every ritual has its own scientific values and benefits, but because it has started with some religious reasons, all rituals and customs have become a tradition today.Let's explore the very basic traditions and rituals which are being followed by almost every married woman in India and the scientific reasons behind each one.Sindoor or VermillionOther than considering as a demarcation between married and unmarried women, it has some ... Read More

How did Stephen Hawking Use His Cheek Muscle To Communicate With The World?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

2K+ Views

We all know about the great British physicist and world-famous scientist, Stephen Hawking who is considered the most practical theoretical physicist since Albert Einstein. At the young age of 22, Hawking contracted Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) also referred to as motor neurosis.It causes muscle twitching and deterioration of muscles which leads to gradual degeneration of muscles, difficulty in swallowing, talking and even breathing. Initially, doctors predicted that he will be alive only for 2 years. But the genius went on to live till he turned 76 and passed away in March 2018.A person which such rare degenerative disease went on ... Read More

What is meant by blue eyes technology?

Jaya P
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

4K+ Views

The blue eyes technology works on Artificial Intelligence. It aims to give human abilities to a computer. A research team of IBM has come up with this technology to make a computer understand and sense human feelings and behavior.The aim of the blue eyes technology is to give human power or abilities to a computer so that the machine can naturally interact with human beings as humans interact with each other, through speech, facial expressions and touch.All human beings have some perceptual capabilities, the ability to understand each other’s emotional level or feelings from their facial expressions. Blue eyes technology ... Read More

How faster is the time when we think of something and Google will show results?

Jaya P
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


When I googled the question "time taken for Google to show the results", I got 19,40,00,000 results in 0.47 seconds.This again varies with the speed of your system's processor and the speed of your internet connection.This wonderful, super fast search engine is 50,000 times faster than the time our brain takes to interpret an image and about 6 million times faster than the time it takes for an average human brain to react to an external stimulus.
