Found 1044 Articles for SAP

Database objects in SAP HANA Studio

SAP Expert
Updated on 24-Feb-2020 07:24:01


In Catalog folder, you can see all the database objects in SAP HANA system. You can see the list of all schemas in HANA database and each schema contains different Database objects inside it. In below pic, you can see different database objects under AA_HANA11 schema object.

Checking Last successful data backup in SAP HANA

SAP Expert
Updated on 24-Feb-2020 07:25:31

1K+ Views

This can be checked in Backup configuration in HANA Studio. In Overview tab, you can see status of last successful Data Backup.

Checking currently active data backup in SAP HANA

SAP Expert
Updated on 24-Feb-2020 07:15:10


This can be checked in Backup configuration in HANA Studio. In Overview tab, you can see status of Currently Active Data Backup.

Checking backup configuration in SAP HANA

SAP Expert
Updated on 24-Feb-2020 07:17:10


Backup folder in SAP HANA Studio can be used to manage backup properties in HANA system. Backup properties under HANA system are specific to that system.To see the backup configuration, you have to double click on Backup folder. HANA Studio opens the backup configuration for HANA system −

Folder options in SAP HANA Studio

SAP Expert
Updated on 24-Feb-2020 07:18:39


When you add a system under SAP HANA Studio, you can see the different folders to manage different objects. HANA Studio provides different folders that allow you to manage Database objects, Design Time Repository objects, HANA Provisioning, HANA Security to manage users and roles and Backup folder. The available options in these folders also vary as per the selected Perspectives in HANA Studio. Following are the different folders in HANA Studio −BackupCatalogContentProvisioningSecurity

In-memory read in SAP HANA

SAP Expert
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


SAP HANA In-Memory data read time is in Nano-seconds and in conventional database it is in Milli-seconds so it is 1 million times faster as compared to conventional database.

Defining Workbench save interval in SAP HANA Studio

SAP Expert
Updated on 24-Feb-2020 07:14:08


This can be defined in Preferences under Window tab −When you open Preferences, you have to set this value in General tab.

Configuring SAP HANA Perspective shortcuts

SAP Expert
Updated on 24-Feb-2020 07:49:35


This can be done using the Shortcuts tab of the Customize Perspective dialog. To configure shortcuts: Switch to the perspective that you want to configure.Select  Window → Perspective → Customize Perspective →Open the Shortcuts tab and choose the sub menu whose shortcuts you want to edit.Use the Categories tree to turn groups of related shortcuts on or off, or select categories to work with individual menu items in the Shortcuts list.Click OK to cause the changes to take effect.

Showing and hiding menu items in SAP HANA Studio Perspective

SAP Expert
Updated on 24-Feb-2020 07:36:27


Yes, you can choose to hide menu items and toolbar buttons and then show them again.Switch to the perspective that you want to configure. Select Window → Perspective → Customize Perspective -> Open the Menu Visibility or Tool Bar Visibility tab.Find the item you want to hide. You can do this two ways −Expand the menu or toolbar hierarchy to find the item you want to hide.Click the Filter by command group check box to see a list of command groups which contribute items, and choose the command group the item you wish to hide. Then navigate to the item ... Read More

Different options in customizing SAP HANA Studio Perspective

SAP Expert
Updated on 24-Feb-2020 07:37:23


This dialog allows you to customize the menu items and toolbar buttons which are visible in a perspective. You can change which wizards, views and perspectives are listed in submenus, change the availability of command groups, and tweak the visibility of menu items and toolbar buttons.
