Found 694 Articles for SAP HANA

Changed SAP password not working while resetting using BAPI

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 11:30:52


You are using the structure Password for resetting the password. It is of type “BAPIPWD” and comprises of a field which is again named as “BAPIPWD”When you need to reset the password, you need to specify the correct field name instead of password.JCO.Structure structPassword = userChangeInput.getStructure("PASSWORD"); sPassword.setValue(nPassword, "BAPIPWD");

Assign image source dynamically in XML View in Fiori app in SAP UI5

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 11:30:20


Yes, it can be done but you need to compute the dynamic field.Firstly, you need to mention that the binding is complex so change the flag −“data-sap-ui-bindingSyntax="complex" ”. Then have a helper function which can be used for formatting.fnImageFmtr: function(value) {    var imgSrc = "Image" + value;    return imgSrc; }And lastly, use the function in the image tag in the XML view.

Updating Data source of provider by REST API in SAP

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


I think you are missing the basic part over here. You have modified the document but you need to save it too.If you would have noticed after you had made changes to the document. Its state would have been updated to ‘Modified’ from the previous state which could be ‘Unused’ or ‘Original’.Now you need to send a PUT request, once the PUT request is processed for the requested document, then the change (data source of the data provider) will be updated in the repository as well.

Getting error- Hard-coded logon parameters not allowed when using a Destination Configuration while connecting to SAP server dynamically

Priya Pallavi
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 04:50:55


You can try below sample code. I would suggest you to try using this:public class Program {    static void Main(string[] args) {       SapConnection con = new SapConnection();       RfcDestinationManager.RegisterDestinationConfiguration(con);       RfcDestination dest = RfcDestinationManager.GetDestination("NSP");       RfcRepository repo = dest.Repository;       IRfcFunction fReadTable = repo.CreateFunction("ZSOMA");       fReadTable.SetValue("I_NRO1", 1);       fReadTable.SetValue("I_NRO2", 2);       fReadTable.Invoke(dest);             var result = fReadTable.GetValue("E_RESULT");       Console.WriteLine(result.ToString());       Console.ReadLine();     } } public class SapConnection : IDestinationConfiguration { ... Read More

Specified cast not valid for datetime while using SAP RFC

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 11:16:35


I think you better use the ParseExact method available over DateTime type. It should work.Please find the code snippet for reference −string dateFormat = " hh:mm:tt"; DateTime finalDate = DateTime.ParseExact(argumentDate, dateFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

Change leaves duration from hours to days in SAP Fiori app

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


In general, customizing Fiori applications involves customizing the parent SAP application. So, if in the application, it defaults to hours then the Fiori app will also inherit the default behavior and show it in hours.Go ahead and change it to days, it will impact your Fiori app and the app will also start showing in days.In case you cannot afford to make a change in SAP application, then you need to handle it in a custom manner which will require you to have a custom implementation in place.

Alter SAP standard code not working

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


As you have mentioned you require access key for the change to be complete, but this key is mapped to SAP specific installation. In short, you need to retrieve this key from the SAP.I would still suggest not to go for the change. You can seek other alternatives for this. You can analyze the feasibility of implicit enhancements usage. The reason I am recommending alternatives is whenever you would have an upgrade in SAP, you would require a change which is cumbersome.

While using SAP .NET connector, I am an getting error: Could not load file or assembly 'sapnco' or one of its dependencies.

Srinivas Gorla
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 04:47:22

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You can try any of the below fixes −Go to Run > RegeditOpen “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\1X.0\WebProjects” and change Use64BitIISExpress from 0 → 1Next is to restart Visual Studio and IISExpress.Other solution would be to try configuring IIS service, and set appPool .Net 4.0. You can try this to fix sapnco dll issue.Go to IIS Manager → Application PoolsOther fix would be to navigate to Project/Properties → Set platform target from “any” to “x86”.

ABAP constants with %_ as prefix

Nancy Den
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


The constants with a value of %_ as prefix are defined in ABAP for its internal use of the system. These needs to be used as such and cannot be modified by the user.

Truncating multiple strings after 100 characters in ABAP

Daniol Thomas
Updated on 18-Dec-2019 07:41:29


You can just define a character of 100 bytes and move your variable to that character. Please find the below code as example.Example  
