Found 694 Articles for SAP HANA

Searching data from the different system in SAP.

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


You need to create a search help with custom data selection by defining a search help exit. To do custom data selection, first, go to the “Definition” tab of search help, remove all the content of “Selection method” input and now input the new function module in the “Search help exit”. The signature of the new module should be same as the F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_EXAMPLE. To do this, you can look into the documentation inside F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_EXAMPLE. Now the data from the second system can be fetched with the help of remote function call.

Determining values of parameters of given type on a given selection screen in SAP

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 12:42:12


The function module RS_SELSCREEN_INFO will provide you with the list of parameters and selection options once the report name is input. You can see full details about this FM by entering the name RS_SELSCREEN_INFO into the relevant SAP T-code like SE37 or SE80You can call this FM RS_SELSCREEN_INFO as below −CALL FUNCTION 'RS_SELSCREEN_INFO' "    EXPORTING       report =                    " rsvar-report Report Name    TABLES       field_info =                " scr_info     Information about type, reference field, etc.    EXCEPTIONS ... Read More

Getting age of tracefiles in SAP HANA database

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 12:40:44


In SAP HANA database, you have diagnosis files include log and trace files, a mixture of other diagnosis, error, and information files.These files can be checked for diagnosis to find errors in SAP Hana database.In HANA db, you have trace files stored separated per host, so to get access to the trace files of a multi-node system you have to check for each host individually.To find the location of trace files in SAP HANA you can run the following SQL statement −SELECT* FROM M_DISKS WHERE USAGE_TYPE ='TRACE';To access tracefiles using the command line, you can use cdtrace as below −You ... Read More

Getting month name instead of numeric month number in report in SAP

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 12:37:25

2K+ Views

There are various methods this can be donea) Use the Function module MONTH_NAME_GET - This Function module is used to return all the month and names in the respective language.b) You can also use the below formula −cstr(monthname(month({inputdate})))where “inputdate” is the date for which month name is required.c) Find the numeric value of month and use if condition. For example -IF month = “01” THEN January

Use of for a varchar field in SAP

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 12:36:25


Try to use SqlFunctions.DateDiff method overload which requires 3 inputs as follows −var res = from a in db.Set() where SqlFunctions.DateDiff("dd", a.Date, "20161922") >= 0 && SqlFunctions.DateDiff("dd", a.Date, "20161122") < 0 select a

Generate excel from a report in SAP system

Giri Raju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


I am not sure what you are asking, reason being if you are saying that the report is running in the background, then how it will come to know where the file needs to be saved locally (where locally it should be saved).However assuming few things, what can you try out is you can generate the file (translating data into excel is not a big task and get snippets online easily) on AS.Once generated, you can move this file from report running location to location of your choice using any SHELL command. It’s not suggested that you make a connection ... Read More

Query MDG tables via SAP Studio

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 12:22:25


An answer to your question is a big “YES”. You can execute queries against the tables either if you are using an ABAP program or also you can execute these queries from native SQL environment.For E.g.DATA: lt_TBL LIKE TABLE OF KNA1. SELECT * from KNA1 INTO lt_TBL up to 5 rows.The snippet above lets you get the 5 rows from table KNA1 table and store in an internal table for further use.

Best option for locking bulk user accounts in SAP

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 12:30:43

3K+ Views

As you need to do mass maintenance involving user locking and unlocking, you can opt for using SU10 transaction.You can also access this from SAP Menu by navigating to this path −Tools → Administration → User Maintenance → User mass maintenance. In SAP system, you have different transactions under User Maintenance that you can use for different purpose.T-Code − SU10 User Mass MaintenanceYou can select multiple users at one time and lock/unlock them directly. To select multiple users, you need to select a checkbox and click on lock/unlock button.

Fetch unique records from table in SAP ABAP

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 12:28:07


As you said you are working in ABAP and SQL, so I would expect that you would be using OpenSQL for your SQL activities.You can get the unique records just by using a DISTINCT operator.SELECT DISTINCT Name from where

Field not getting save from table to transparent table in SAP

Updated on 13-Feb-2020 12:27:32


What I can understand from the problem is not type mismatch but the mismatch in size as defaults are different for each. If you change the size as per your needs, it should work.
