Found 694 Articles for SAP HANA

Checking a table inside a schema in SAP HANA database

John SAP
Updated on 27-Feb-2020 10:55:51

2K+ Views

Note that you need to check table under schema name under which it is created. You can confirm schema name on top of SQL editor.In below snapshot, you can Current Schema: AA_HANA11.To check if table is created, go to schema name under Catalog folder → Tables and search for the table name used in SQL query.

Use of SAP HANA Repository to maintain objects

John SAP
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


This is used to update versions of HANA Studio to newer versions. Studio Repository maintains the code to perform updates for HANA Studio.All the objects that you develop are maintained in Packages which are maintained under SAP HANA Repository. These packages are arranged in the form of hierarchy to make them easy to understand and logical.

Using LM Structure in SAP HANA environment

John SAP
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


LM structure in SAP HANA system landscape is used to manage installation details of all the components under HANA. LM structure information helps to manage software updates and patches. The information with LM structure is used by Software Update Manager SUM to install the software updates and new releases in HANA environment.

Use of SAP Host Agent in SAP HANA

John SAP
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


To manage software updates and patch management in HANA system environment, you should install SAP Host Agent on all the machines that are part of SAP system landscape. SAP Host Agent is used by Software Update Manager to install the software patches on all the component servers in your system landscape.

Using DSN name while using a remote source in SAP HANA

John SAP
Updated on 22-Jun-2020 10:44:33


In below SQL statement you have to define orcl_DSN_Name −CREATE REMOTE SOURCE Source_Name ADAPTER “odbc” CONFIGURATION FILE ‘property_orcl.ini’ CONFIGURATION ‘DSN=oral_DSN_Name’ WITH CREDENTIAL TYPE ‘PASSWORD’ USING ‘user=username;password=password′;In this SQL statement- can be as per remote data source and take these values- TDODBC, HIVEODBC, ASEODBC, IQODBC and ODBC.In above statement, is used to specify the connection information for data source where you need to mention the DSN name for your ODBC remote source system. You have to create a System DSN/User DSN to access the data source using ODBC connection. To create an ODBC DSN in system, you need to ... Read More

Granting _SYS_REPO with SELECT to user schema in SAP HANA

John SAP
Updated on 21-Feb-2020 10:43:21

4K+ Views

In SAP HANA system _SYS_REPO user is required to create run time objects that are saved in HANA database under _SYS_BIC schema. When you activate modeling views in HANA, SYS REPO provides the read access to users on these modeling views. That is why it is required to grant _SYS_REPO with SELECT with GRANT privilege to user schemas.GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA "SCHEMA_NAME" TO _SYS_REPO WITH GRANT OPTIONThis is required when you use objects of a table/view of a schema to build HANA Modeling Views. You need to grant _SYS_REPO the SELECT WITH GRANT privilege on this schema.Read More

Execution time while running a SQL query in HANA Studio

John SAP
Updated on 22-Jun-2020 10:49:45


When a SQL query is executed, you can see the confirmation that the query is executed in time duration and also with server processing time. In this scenario, you can see the time taken by SAP HANA processor to create a new table in the HANA database as below −“Statement 'Create Table Demo_HANA ( ID INTEGER, NAME VARCHAR(10), PRIMARY KEY (ID) )' successfully executed in 3 ms 117 µs  (server processing time − 2 ms 458 µs) - Rows Affected − 0”

Executing a SQL query in SAP HANA Studio

John SAP
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21

1K+ Views

To run the query, click on green arrow button on top right corner  or press F8.

Create table SQL query in SAP HANA

John SAP
Updated on 22-Jun-2020 10:48:44

6K+ Views

In below SQL query, you can see a create table command in SQL editor to create a new table with name-“Demo_HANA” in schema name AA_HANA11 with column names- ID and NAME and corresponding data types. In the below example, we have defined ID as “Primary Key” which means it is unique and not null.Create Table Demo_HANA (    ID INTEGER,    NAME VARCHAR(10),    PRIMARY KEY (ID) );

Changing default schema in SQL console in SAP HANA

John SAP
Updated on 21-Feb-2020 10:44:34

1K+ Views

To change the default schema, you have to select schema name from Catalog folder and click on SQL tab at the top.You can also right click on Schema in which you want to create Relational objects and select Open SQL Console. In below pic, you can see the Schema AA_HANA11 and right click → Open SQL Console.At the top of SQL console, you can see Schema name where the objects will be created using this console.
