Found 1009 Articles for Safe & Security

How to Avoid online Scams on Facebook?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 05-May-2022 07:14:47


With seven hundred million plus users all over the globe, Facebook is a perfect podium for scam artists. For a scammer, it requires little research on your interest, one simple friend request and once you add them in your friend list, the further process of phishing and scamming runs smoothly.This mega program runs through ‘Social Engineering’, which means understanding common user habit along with behavior and make best use of those to design eye-catching headlines. A simple click on them can redirect you safely to unsafe scam page. There you might be asked to input your login details and personal ... Read More

How does WhatsApp “End-End Encryption” Feature Keeps data Safe?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 06:46:27


WhatsApp has emerged as a popular smart app and is even more admired due to its secured chatting feature. With different versions, it offers users an additional security level each time, thus ensuring the safe messaging experience, but the updated version of WhatsApp post 31st march 2016 brought a revolutionary change by introducing a strong security feature for its users known as “end-to-end encryption”, designed on Open Whisper System. This has added another layer of safety to its application and has made more well-liked.What is End-to-end Encryption?End to end encryption means no one except you and the recipient can see ... Read More

How To Set-Up Apache to use Password Authentication on Ubuntu 16.04

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 11:04:18


In this article, we will learn about how to setup and configure the Apache Web server to restrict from visitors without authentication where we can hide some important and critical information to the un-authenticated users.PrerequisitesWe needed an Ubuntu machine with a non-root user with Sudo privileges.An Apache2 web server installed on the machine.Installing the Apache UtilitiesWe needed to install an Apache2 utility package called ‘htpasswd’ where this utility is a part of ‘apache2-utils’ packages.This will help us to create and manage the username and password which is needed to access the restricted part of the website.Below is the command to ... Read More

Gmail Productivity Tips

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 10:04:56


In this super busy world of professional environment, it makes it challenging for each one of us to organize and use our emails effectively and efficiently. Whether it’s customizing, sorting, searching, automating your emails, Gmail offers dozens of ways to managing your inbox easily. Gmail is simple enough to use and to make you become a Gmail power user. We bring you some tips which will help you get to the next level of productivity.Labeling your EmailsLabeling your emails makes it easy and effective in organizing your inbox. Emails can be automatically given a label and you can also create ... Read More

Delete Your Chrome History Selectively

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 08:17:05

3K+ Views

From time to time, clearing browsing history on chrome is a good habit, many do it as this particular action of theirs, help protect their privacy and prevent everyone having access to their personal computer from collecting information about them by having a glance at their browsing history.Chrome browser offers the best erase tool which lets you delete your browsing logs from the beginning or day, week or month. However, if you wish to delete your history selectively or if you want to delete one particular site or few sites from Chrome memory.Chrome Browsing HistorySimilar to other web browsers, Google ... Read More

Best Safety Apps for Women in India

Sharon Christine
Updated on 13-May-2022 08:02:43


Indian women are a symbol of power & knowledge. All they require is a secure environment to grow and work in. Women safety has become the utmost priority of the Indian regime considering the number of cases of malefactions against women. However, currently we have a bunch of safety apps for women.These Apps are especially designed for Android mobile phones since a survey has revealed that most working women use Android based phone. The basics of most apps are similar — a user-decided list of emergency contacts to alert, and transmission of GPS-determined location — but the newer ones are ... Read More

10 Ways to keep your Data safe in Cloud Environment

Sharon Christine
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 06:04:42


A “cloud” in the technological sense, can be defined as a huge online place for storing and accessing data and program files in the internet, instead of your computer hardware- like local disk. When we talk about storing and accessing data, our first concern is how secure is our data, how much can we rely on the cloud environment. Cloud environment is as safe as data stored in an individual data server.Cloud is the latest trend in technology and most of us store all data in cloud housed in Dropbox, Google Drive. Generally, people assume that all the data stores ... Read More

Why did Facebook recently buy passwords off Black market?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 11-May-2022 12:43:15


Facebook, a very popular social networking site, that helps you connect with people. Some of you are well acquainted with and some you don’t, still you get a chance to make new friends and we learn a lot of things, updates on latest movies’ gossip and the list goes on. So, our Facebook account is a pass key to know everything going around the world starting from our street, city, to country and world.Just like bank accounts we prefer to keep our Facebook account private, just to ourselves, like you can share your account number with someone but not your ... Read More

Security Testing – The Need of the Hour

Sharon Christine
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 12:39:21


Yahoo! recently confirmed that a massive data breach occurred to their system in late 2014 and due to that at least 500 million users account information may have been hacked. The statement by Yahoo spokes-person states that the account information may have included names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, hashed passwords and, in some cases, encrypted or unencrypted security questions and answers.Another news from the USA, the American security agencies recently found that hackers are trying hard to penetrate the voter registry database to get the confidential information, as the election is round the corner. Though they are ... Read More

The WhatsApp’s Two-step Verification

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 27-Apr-2022 13:24:04

2K+ Views

If I ask you what are the basic necessities of life, you would answer food, clothing shelter with internet and a smartphone of course. No, we are not discussing about internet but a reason why we desperately want internet, yes that’s right, for WhatsApp. WhatsApp is a must have app these days for every smartphone owner.WhatsApp is the most popular and widely used messaging app. It is impossible to talk about WhatsApp and not include the privacy and security part in it. We use lots of measures to maintain our privacy, like pattern lock, password protection, archive the chats etc. ... Read More
