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What are some common forms of scamming?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 12-Jul-2021 07:27:23


Online scamming is one of the top ways used by cybercriminals to conduct various illicit activities like stealing sensitive information, implanting malware in the system, identity theft, and much more.In this post, we would know about the top ways of Scamming used by cyber attackers to lure people.Phishing EmailsPhishing is the most used scamming method of all time. In fact, Phishing is responsible for onethird of the total scams conducted. In Phishing, the users are allure by sending emails of fake offers and gifts. They are asked to click on the malicious links or provided private information like address, bank ... Read More

Types of Rootkits

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 12-Jul-2021 07:25:48

1K+ Views

Rootkits are one of the most dangerous malicious programs a computer can get infected with. They are designed in such a way that they can easily remain hidden deep into the system, remain active, and perform malicious tasks. Since it is hidden deep into the system files, it becomes challenging for the security programs to detect it.Rootkits contain numerous malicious codes and hacking tools that allow cyber attackers to conduct various illicit tasks such as taking remote control of the PC, steal online passwords, credit card details, and more.Rootkits are not a single type. Based on their behavior and intent, ... Read More

Types of Hackers and the Difference between Ethical and Unethical Hacking

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 12-Jul-2021 07:24:22

4K+ Views

Whenever someone hears about hacking, the general perception is some cybercriminals illegally infiltrated a system, network, or account to conduct illicit activities. However, that is not always the case. Hacking is not always conducted with the intention of causing harm. Many times programmers need to perform hacking to improve IT security. Such hacking, which is performed for security purposes, is known as Ethical Hacking. While the hacking performed with the intention of causing troubles is known as Unethical or Black Hat Hacking or simply Hacking.In this post, we would discuss in detail about Ethical and Unethical Hacking.Types of HackersBefore discussing Ethical ... Read More

How to Choose an Antivirus?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 12-Jul-2021 07:22:09


With the ever-growing cybercrimes, it is almost inevitable to stop malware attacks on your smart gadgets manually. For a total safeguard of your device, it is essential to keep it equipped with a robust security solution such as an Antivirus. Whether you own a Windows device, Android, macOS, or iOS, antivirus is required on all.When you search on the internet for a robust antivirus, you will see hundreds of antivirus developers claiming that their antivirus program is the best. With such a large number of options, it becomes difficult to choose an Antivirus solution that would be perfect for your ... Read More

How to Avoid Online Scams?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 12-Jul-2021 07:20:05


With the evolution of the internet, cybercriminals and scammers have also adapted themselves and created several ways to manipulate users and scamming them. Unfortunately, they have got so much advanced that it has become challenging to detect a scam.In this post, we would list out the types of internet scams that are widely spread and ways to avoid them.Common types of Online ScamsThough cybercriminals have developed thousands of ways to perform scams on users, below listed are the most popular types of online scams −Tech Support ScamsTech Support scams are one of the oldest form of scams. Previously it was ... Read More

What is Social Engineering Attack?

Updated on 07-Jun-2021 10:19:07


There are various ways cybercriminals conduct illicit activities. With the advancement in security technology, it has become challenging for them to deceive the security programs and attack the device. So, they are using the traditional technique in modern ways to infiltrate the system. This technique is known as the Social Engineering attack.In this post, we would discuss what Social Engineering attack is, how it is planned and performed, and how to prevent it from happening to you.What is Social Engineering AttackThe Social Engineering attack is one of the oldest and traditional forms of attack in which the cybercriminals take advantage ... Read More

What is Scareware?

Updated on 07-Jun-2021 10:18:19


While browsing the Internet, many users might have received a pop-up alerting them of a virus attack on their system and asking for downloading an application to remove that virus. In anticipation of removing the virus, users download that application which is, in fact, a malicious program known as Scareware.Let us talk more about Scareware and learn how to deal with it.What is ScarewareScareware, also known as Fraudware, are malicious computer applications that pretend to be helpful to the user. As it is clear, the word Scareware is the combination of two terms, Scare and Software. It is basically the ... Read More

What is Rootkit?

Updated on 07-Jun-2021 10:17:43

1K+ Views

There are certain malware programs that are more dangerous than the others because of the level of havoc they create and the difficulty in detecting them. Other than the Ransomware and Trojans, most organizations are afraid of the Rootkits.Let us understand what Rootkit is, why it is considered one of the most dangerous cyberattacks, how it can be utilized, and how to prevent a Rootkit attack on your system.What is RootkitA Rootkit is a malicious computer program that provides the root level, i.e., the admin-level privileges, to the attacker behind it. The term Rootkit is derived from two words, Root ... Read More

What is Riskware?

Updated on 07-Jun-2021 10:16:56


On the Internet, you will find many legitimate programs whose functionalities are misused by intruders to carry out malicious activities. Such applications are known as Riskware.Let us discuss more on Riskware and how to prevent their attack.What is RiskwareThe term Riskware is coined using two words Risk and Software. Riskware is a legal program, but its functionalities and weakness can be exploited by cybercriminals for carrying out illicit activities. The attackers can use it to their advantage to delete, edit, block and perform other modifications on the files and applications of your system. It can also slow down your network ... Read More

What is Phishing?

Updated on 07-Jun-2021 10:03:54


Cybercriminals can go to any extent to infiltrate systems or networks with malware programs and perform illicit activities. They use several techniques to do that; one of those is the Social Engineering attack. One of the most dangerous and widely performed Social Engineering attack forms is Phishing, In this guide, we would know in detail what Phishing is, how it is performed, its examples and how to stay protected from it.What is PhishingPhishing is a type of Social Engineering attack in which the victims are psychologically manipulated to provide sensitive information or install malicious programs. It is similar to 'fishing.' ... Read More
