Found 1009 Articles for Safe & Security

What is Port Forwarding?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 23-Mar-2022 05:46:22

2K+ Views

Port forwarding is a networking method in which a gateway or similar device forwards all incoming communication/traffic to the same port on any internal network node. An external source network or system can link to an internal source node/port, which commonly connects to Internet services and a private LAN. Port mapping, tunnelling, and punch through are the terms used to describe port forwarding.Port forwarding is generally used to separate network traffic, improve network performance, and allocate a network path for a certain protocol or network service on a permanent basis. Port forwarding often uses well-known port numbers. To automate the ... Read More

How to stay safe online while working remotely?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 23-Mar-2022 05:43:31


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses will undoubtedly be under pressure to ensure their availability of corporate resources in locations outside their control. Even after the pandemic has passed, many experts believe that remote working will continue to be popular in various industries.While working from home offers numerous advantages, it exposes individuals and enterprises to various cybersecurity dangers. At home, you are more responsible for cybersecurity, although, at work, someone else is usually in charge. Even if your employer provides you with a computer, you have some control over how you use it.Security RisksRemote workers are frequently the first to ... Read More

How to Spot Fake LinkedIn Profiles?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 23-Mar-2022 05:40:42

1K+ Views

As we all tend to grow more and more into the online world, our professions are also getting an excellent opportunity to participate in this. Be it a home business or a professional job LinkedIn is the place to help boost your career.But just like any other online networking platform LinkedIn also faces a few threats, and a common one is fake profiles in their media; however, it has recently been discovered that there are several fraudulent LinkedIn profiles out there that are used to connect with unsuspecting people and then collect their personal and professional information.These bogus LinkedIn profiles ... Read More

How to spot a fake Antivirus?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 23-Mar-2022 05:38:05


It is a smart idea to run an antivirus programme on your computer. Regrettably, cybercriminals are aware of the importance of a security solution. As a result, to infect systems, threat actors deceive users into downloading fake antivirus, a software that appears to be a legitimate protection tool but performs poorly.Antivirus software isn't real pain in the neck. It's pretty inconvenient. It's also possible that it'll harm your computer. The evil guys adjust things just when you think you've figured it out.If you've never had fake Antivirus, it usually manifests as a piece of malware that shows on your screen ... Read More

How to erase yo urself from the Internet?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 23-Mar-2022 05:35:38


It won't be easy to untangle your information from the Internet if you've been using it for a long time. Whenever you share anything on the Internet, you normally relinquish ownership of that data. It may still be yours, but controlling who gets access to it and what they do with it is quite tough.The first step is to find what's out there so that you can figure out what you'll have to brush away. A whole industry has sprung up around "data scraping, " in which firms scrape the information you provide on the Internet, store it in databases, ... Read More

How important are Windows updates?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 23-Mar-2022 05:33:29


The Windows operating system is the most common OS installed on more than a billion devices worldwide. Hundreds of millions of people use earlier versions of this widely used programme. Microsoft releases updates every few weeks to correct faulty portions of code, add functionality, and, perhaps most significantly, safeguard PCs from security flaws exploited by criminal hackers.Is it, however, necessary to install all of the updates? Is it possible to skip some of them? The short answer is yes, let us consider why you should.Types of Windows UpdatesSecurity updates are included in the majority of monthly releases. The worst form ... Read More

How Facebook's Metaverse can be a privacy nightmare?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 23-Mar-2022 05:25:35


In a recent bait-and-switch operation, Facebook renamed itself as Meta, thinking that a new moniker will help people forget about the tech giant's earlier sins. They've also announced an ambitious new project — the Metaverse — with this rebranding.Representatives for the Metaverse have described it as a collection of virtual spaces where individuals may meet up with friends and relatives from afar. It will be a fully immersive and dynamic environment where you may play, engage, shop, watch movies, and more. In a purely virtual realm, it will replicate our physical and social experiences.Metaverse, according to Facebook, is an immersive ... Read More

Hashing vs Encryption: What’s the difference?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 23-Mar-2022 05:20:21


In the realm of data security, encryption and hashing are frequently contrasted, but why is this so? Encryption is a two-way function in which data is passed in as plaintext and comes out as unreadable ciphertext. Because encryption is two-way, the data may be decrypted and read again. Hashing, on the other hand, is a one-way process in which the plaintext gets scrambled into a unique digest that cannot be decrypted using a salt. Although hashing may be reversed technically, the computer power required to decrypt it makes decryption impractical.A hashing algorithm is used to do hashing. This approach is ... Read More

Can my home WiFi be hacked?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 23-Mar-2022 05:16:48


Jobs that required us to commute to work physically can now be completed at home in a pair of comfortable pyjamas, thanks to technological advancements. Most of the world's work has gone online, especially after the spread of the Coronavirus, and schools and universities have followed suit. This trend does not appear to go anywhere anytime soon. There are many solid reasons for it: Remote employment has been connected to a slew of advantages for employees and lower overhead expenses for businesses.On the other hand, working remotely brings new concerns and obstacles, particularly in terms of network security. Home networks ... Read More

What is Bluesnarfing and how to prevent it?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 23-Mar-2022 05:09:37


We live in a world where information reigns supreme, a world where our use of data propels us ahead. This is, for the most part, a good thing. Information aids us in making better decisions, enriching our lives, and improving the lives of those around us. However, there is a dark side to information, a place in the shadows where individuals who desire to exploit the information of others can be found. Others take information for personal benefit, while others are merely nosy. The latter is more critical since it has far-reaching consequences. Bluesnarfing is a method used by burglars ... Read More
