Found 1009 Articles for Safe & Security

Are VPNs legal or illegal?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 03-May-2022 12:10:22


What is a VPN, and is it legal or not?A VPN is one of the most dependable and secure ways to safeguard your devices, and it was designed specifically for use with public WiFi. A virtual private network (VPN) connects users' devices to a private network over a public network. VPNs protect your internet connection by acting like a bulletproof vest. They preserve your privacy, enabling private and anonymous web browsing and encrypting the data sent through that connection.Even though VPNs have numerous advantages and are typically lawful, they are prohibited in several countries. But don't worry, using a VPN ... Read More

What are the Effects of Cyberwarfare?

Revathy Nair
Updated on 20-Apr-2022 08:06:06

1K+ Views

What is Cyberwarfare?In this twenty-first century, one-third of the world's population has access to technology. These technological changes have led to war among nations, and the nature of war has transformed. So, we can say that the world is entering into a new age of warfare; it is an Internet-based conflict.Cyberwarfare is a well-planned competition conducted in cyberspace. It allows countries to conduct undercover operations on a large scale anonymously. Cyberwarfare can occur in at least five different spaces—economic, societal, cultural/intellectual, military, and political. Cyberwarfare is basically the theft of critical data or hacking data of institutions, businesses, or governments. ... Read More

Cybercrime and its Impacts on Younger Generation

Revathy Nair
Updated on 20-Apr-2022 08:03:46

4K+ Views

What is Cybercrime?Cybercrime is also known as Computer Crime, which specifically involves a computer and a network. The computer involved could be the guilty or the victim. Cybercrime could be responsible for harming somebody's both financial health and security.Cybercrime can be intercepting or disclosing someone's private information while being sent or received. This information could be very confidential. Globally, both government officials and non-officials engage in computer crimes like espionage, financial theft, and other cross-border crimes.Two main categories of Cybercrimes are as follows −Criminal activity that targets computersCybercrimes that target computers often involve malware like viruses.Criminal activity that uses computersCybercrimes ... Read More

How to Combat Injection Attacks?

Revathy Nair
Updated on 20-Apr-2022 08:01:56


What is an Injection Attack?Cyber Hackings can occur due to a security flaw of any site which then leads to the extraction of private information, inserted or deleted data, and destroys operations for the entire website. Injections are one of the oldest and the most dangerous attacks focussing on harming web applications. It is because it tops the list of vulnerabilities. The codes received by the server from the browser are executed. It may result in loss of knowledge and denial of access. To avoid injection attacks, one must code their web applications in the most secure way possible to ... Read More

How to Prevent Your Website from Hackers?

Revathy Nair
Updated on 20-Apr-2022 07:47:39


Is your Website Secure?A website traffic might be protected, but it doesn’t mean that the website is secure. It could be hacked at any moment. Similarly, you might also think that your site has nothing worth being hacked for. However, you could even be hit by ransomware.The security breaches have nothing to do with your personal data or your website layout, but they could use your server as an email generator for spam or set up a temporary webserver of illegal nature. At the present time, hackers might use your server as a part of a botnet and for Bitcoin ... Read More

How to Prevent Systems from Phishing Attacks?

Revathy Nair
Updated on 20-Apr-2022 07:44:54


What are Phishing Attacks?Phishing attacks are one of the biggest and most frequently faced cyber threats faced by organizations these days. Phishing attacks are scams which are increasing with time and cybercriminals are making huge profits out of them.Phishing attacks are the process of sending duplicitous communications that appear to come from a trustworthy source. Common phishing attacks include social media, text messages, by phone, URLs, and most commonly via emails.The goal of Phishing Attacks includes the following −To steal sensitive data like credit card and login informationTo install malware on the victim’s machine systemTo freeze the system as part ... Read More

How to Become an Ethical Hacker?

Revathy Nair
Updated on 20-Apr-2022 07:41:03


Who is an Ethical Hacker?An Ethical Hacker is scrutinized as a security executive who perform security assessment to protect client’s computer or application from potential security risks and vulnerabilities. Organizations employs ethical hackers to protect their computers and other systems in the network from cyberattacks, and any external and internal risks in the IT infrastructure.A hacker usually tries to gain unauthorized access to a computer system or application; whereas an ethical hacker imparts hack-preventing tactics, installing several technologies to protect the system before falling victim to the hacker.Through this outlook, an ethical hacker can set up a defense team to ... Read More

Why is it unsafe to use Pattern Locks on a Smartphone?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 18-Apr-2022 11:53:22


There was a time, long ago, when a phone's sole purpose was to allow us to make calls, send a few texts, and play Snake. However, now that so much of our data-rich lives are contained within the shells of our smartphones, it's more crucial than ever to keep all of our phones safe. Thankfully, locking your phone is now so simple that everyone should do it.Smartphone makers are increasingly incorporating biometric security methods such as Face ID and iris scanning into Android and iOS smartphones, in addition to passcodes, passwords, and patterns, to provide consumers with a faster, more ... Read More

Why You Should Update Your Operating System

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 18-Apr-2022 11:51:47


Applications and drivers continuously remind users that they are out of the current updates. They always seem to pop up just as you're about to conclude something important.New updates often seem to arrive at the most inconvenient moments. Usually, the easiest option is to ignore. They can be annoying, but they aren't there just for the sake of it. There is a slew of compelling reasons to avoid putting off software upgrades. You don't have to worry about money because they're primarily free; all you have to do is schedule time to do them.As more individuals use cloud-based software, updates ... Read More

Why You Should Update Your Apps

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 18-Apr-2022 11:49:15


That annoying pop-up window reminding you to update your software is staring you down, begging you to choose between updating and "remind me later." So, what exactly do you do? You decide on the all-too-tempting option of "remind me later, " but we all know what that entails. That's why we're here to explain why keeping your software up to date is critical, especially if you're running a website or server. And how it affects usability, security, and program compatibility.Maintaining an app is similar to purchasing a home and investing time and money into customizing the interiors to fit your ... Read More
