Found 1009 Articles for Safe & Security

Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)

Satish Kumar
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 10:51:04

5K+ Views

What is ISAKMP? Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) is a framework for establishing security associations (SAs) and performing key exchange in a secure manner. SAS are agreements between two devices that define how they will communicate securely. Key exchange refers to the process of exchanging keys or other cryptographic material that is used to secure communication. ISAKMP is a protocol that defines the structure and format of messages used to establish and maintain SAs. It does not specify the actual cryptographic algorithms or keys that are used. Instead, it provides a framework for negotiating these details and ... Read More

Birthday attack in Cryptography

Satish Kumar
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 10:47:59

8K+ Views

What is a Birthday Attack? A birthday attack is a type of cryptographic attack that relies on the birthday paradox to find a collision in a hash function. A hash function is a mathematical function that takes an input (called a message) and produces a fixed-size output (called a hash value or hash). The output is usually represented as a string of characters. One of the main properties of a hash function is that it is very difficult to generate the same hash value from two different input messages. This property is called collision resistance. The birthday paradox is a ... Read More

Public-Key Signatures

Satish Kumar
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 10:46:15

3K+ Views

What is a Public Key Signature? A public key signature is a type of digital signature that uses a pair of keys – a public key and a private key – to authenticate the sender of a message. The private key is kept secret by the sender and is used to create the signature, while the public key is made available to anyone who wants to verify the signature. Public key signatures are based on the principles of public key cryptography, in which a message encrypted with a public key can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key. This ... Read More

Symmetric-Key Signatures

Satish Kumar
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 10:40:04

2K+ Views

What is a Symmetric Key? A symmetric key is a type of cryptography in which the same secret key is used for both encrypting and decrypting a message. It is also referred to as a shared secret because both the sender and the recipient of the message must have the key in order to be able to encrypt and decrypt the message. Symmetric key algorithms are fast and efficient, but they require that both the sender and the recipient of the message have a copy of the key in advance. This can be a challenge in situations where the sender ... Read More

Symmetric Key Algorithms

Satish Kumar
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 10:36:58

13K+ Views

What is Symmetric Key Algorithms? Symmetric key algorithms are a type of cryptographic technique that uses a shared secret key for both encryption and decryption. This means that the same key is used to encode and decode the message. Symmetric key algorithms are generally faster and more efficient than asymmetric key algorithms, but they require that the sender and receiver of a message share a secret key. Here are some of the basic principles of symmetric key algorithms − The same key is used for both encryption and decryption − In symmetric key algorithms, the same key is used ... Read More

Quantum Cryptography

Satish Kumar
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 10:15:27


What is Quantum Cryptography? Quantum cryptography is a field of study that focuses on the use of quantum mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to secure communication. Quantum cryptography involves the use of quantum states to encode and transmit information, and it is based on the principles of quantum mechanics. One of the main advantages of quantum cryptography is that it can provide unconditional security. This means that it is theoretically impossible for an attacker to intercept and decrypt the transmitted information without being detected. This is because the principles of quantum mechanics ensure that any attempt to intercept ... Read More

Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

Satish Kumar
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 10:00:31

6K+ Views

What Is a Distributed Hash Table? A distributed hash table (DHT) is a type of distributed system that provides a lookup service similar to a hash table. In a hash table, data is stored and retrieved using keys, and the keys are used to determine the location of the data in the table. A distributed hash table is similar, but the data is distributed across multiple nodes in a network rather than being stored in a single table. In a DHT, each node is responsible for storing and managing a portion of the data. When a client wants to retrieve ... Read More

Post Office Protocol, Version 3 (POP3)

Satish Kumar
Updated on 09-Jan-2023 14:46:57

4K+ Views

What is POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3)? Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) is a standard protocol used by email clients to retrieve email messages from a mail server. It is a simple, text-based protocol that allows a client to connect to a server, retrieve email messages, and mark them as read or unread. POP3 works by establishing a connection between the email client and the mail server. The client sends a request to the server to retrieve email messages, and the server responds with a list of available messages. The client can then choose which messages to download and ... Read More

Professional Certifications in Information Security

Jui Mondal
Updated on 06-Jan-2023 11:30:44


We live in a world of digital transformation that includes the internet of things (IoT), big data, and cloud computing. Businesses collect, store, and share massive amounts of data daily.Since there is no shortage of hackers constantly trying to steal precious information, itcreates a significant challenge to safeguard personally identifiable information(PII), intellectual property, and other sensitive data. This is where information security professionals come in. This is one of the fields where the demand keeps on increasing. In fact, according to CyberSeek, it was estimated that the supply-to-demand ratio for cybersecurity workers remains at 2.5 compared to 6.5 for other ... Read More

How to beat security threats?

Jui Mondal
Updated on 06-Jan-2023 11:25:15


Introduction It is no surprise that the threat of security breaches is on the rise. With the advance in technology, malicious hackers are getting wiser at gaining access to assets and data. Whether it's a cybercriminal trying to steal sensitive information or a hacker attempting to disrupt business, operations organizations must have strategies to protect themselves against these threats. If you're running an organization, you must know how companies can beat security threats through vigilance and proactive measures. From assessing risks and developing strong policies to training employees and deploying the right tools, this article offers ways for organizations to ... Read More
