Found 1009 Articles for Safe & Security

What is Credential Stuffing? (How it Works, How to Prevent)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 02-Jun-2022 10:17:16


What is Credential Stuffing?Credential stuffing is a term for hacking in which a hacker secures user credentials by breaching a system and then tries to utilize those credentials with other systems. Like different types of related hacking, Credential stuffing attacks rely on hackers to break into a network and steal sensitive user information such as passwords and usernames.Credential stuffing occurs when hackers take stolen information from one site or system and use it in a brute force hacking attempt to gain access to multiple other systems. Hackers will sometimes check whether a password or username can be used on another ... Read More

What is a CDN? (Functions, How does it work, Advantages)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 02-Jun-2022 10:09:54


What is a Content Delivery Network?A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a collection of computers that keep data copies at several network nodes. A well-designed and adequately executed CDN increases data access by increasing bandwidth and reducing access latency. Web objects, apps, database queries, downloadable data objects, and video streams are all examples of CDN content.A CDN is a collection of computer nodes connected over the Internet to give users access to massive volumes of video or data. CDNs are also known as Content Distribution Networks.A CDN architecture comprises numerous independent components that all work together to give service to ... Read More

What is CAPTCHA? (Uses, How it works, reCAPTCHA, Drawbacks)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 02-Jun-2022 10:06:04


What is CAPTCHA?CAPTCHA is short for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and People Apart. It is a technique used by computers to identify if they are communicating with a human or another computer. As computers become more prevalent and computerized jobs and services become more common, the requirement for improved security has prompted the development of this way for computers to assure that they are dealing with humans in instances when human involvement is essential for safety.Online commerce transactions, Web polls, Web registrations, free email service registrations, and other automated services are all vulnerable to software programs, ... Read More

What is a Ping Flood Attack or ICMP Flood Attack?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 02-Jun-2022 10:02:06

1K+ Views

How Does a Ping Flood Attack Work?Ping flood, which is also known as ICMP flood, is a common DoS technique in which an attacker floods a victim's computer with ICMP echo requests, or pings, in order to bring it down.The attack includes sending a large number of request packets to the victim's network, with the expectation that the network will respond with an equal number of reply packets. Another option is to use specialized tools or scripts, such as hping and scapy, to bring down a target with ICMP requests. This puts a burden on the network's incoming and outgoing ... Read More

What is a 3D Secure Authentication?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 02-Jun-2022 09:59:20

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Many card transactions that would have been done in person can now be done online because of the growing popularity of e-commerce platforms Card-not-present (CNP) payments have risen. As a result, they provide greater convenience for consumers starting the transaction. They require less from retailers, who no longer need to establish a physical location or engage dedicated workers to collect payments. However, the disadvantage of digital modernity is that it makes credit card fraud more common and challenging to detect.What is 3D Secure Authentication?3DS is a security protocol that allows users to be authenticated. This adds an extra degree of ... Read More

OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 02-Jun-2022 09:44:19

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What is OWASP?OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing software security. OWASP is based on an "open community" approach, allowing anybody to engage in and contribute to projects, events, online conversations, and other activities. OWASP's guiding concept is that all resources and information on its website are free and easily accessible to anyone.OWASP offers a variety of tools, forums, projects, and events, among other things. In a nutshell, OWASP is a one-stop-shop for everything web application security, supported by the collective wisdom and experience of its open community contributors.What are the OWASP Top 10 ... Read More

What is Card Cracking?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 02-Jun-2022 09:39:58


Credit Card Cracking: What is It?Card cracking is a credit card fraud that makes use of bots (software that runs automated tasks over the Internet). Cracking is founded on the notion that obtaining a credit card number, also known as a Private Account Number (PAN), and the name inscribed on the card is simple. Bots are used by attackers to guess and validate the additional information needed to "break" and use a credit card fraudulently.Criminals can get PANs in a variety of ways −Purchasing PAN listings on the dark webThrough associates who work in retail or restaurants and have access ... Read More

What is Google Dorking?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 30-May-2022 11:33:54


With the advancement of technology, everyone may use Google, which is one of the most widely used search engines on the planet. Google is a search engine that allows you to find information, data, and other internet resources. But Google's capabilities aren't restricted to this. You will learn how to use Google search techniques for hacking tactics in this tutorial on what Google Dorking is.What Does It Mean When Google Dorks?Google Dorking is a hacking technique that utilizes Google's advanced search facilities to seek useful data or material that is difficult to find."Google hacking" is another term for Google Dorking. ... Read More

Buffer Overflow Attack: Definition, Types, How to Avoid

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 30-May-2022 11:31:59

3K+ Views

What is Buffer Overflow?When a lot of data is written to a buffer than it can hold, a buffer overflow occurs. The extra data is written to the adjacent memory, overwriting the contents of that location and resulting in unpredictable program results. Buffer overflows occur when the data is written without sufficient validation (no boundaries). It's seen as a flaw or defect in the software.By introducing code specifically engineered to cause buffer overflow with the initial portion of a data set, attackers can exploit a buffer overflow problem then write the rest of the data to the memory address adjacent ... Read More

Sandbox Security: Definition, How It Works, Advantages

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 30-May-2022 11:28:41

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Sandboxing is a cybersecurity practice in which code is run, observed, and analyzed in a secure, isolated network environment that mimics end-user operating environments. Sandboxing is a technique for inspecting untested or untrusted programs to prevent dangers from entering the network. Sandboxing confines the code to a test environment, preventing it from infecting or harming the host machine or operating system.A sandbox can be used as a standalone solution or a supplement to existing security systems like an email gateway. Because email is the primary vector of internet dangers, a sandbox is extremely critical for email security. Although sandbox is ... Read More
