Found 1009 Articles for Safe & Security

What does a Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) do? (Composition, Process, Framework)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 22-Jun-2022 13:59:31


Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) is a team that deals with computer security breaches. CIRT professionals, which comprise team members from certain departments and specialties, must manage such occurrences quickly despite the fact that most firms have procedures in place to prevent security concerns.A CIRT is an organized entity with a defined mission, structure, and duties and responsibilities, according to this definition. Any ad hoc or informal incident response action that lacks a defined constituency or stated roles and duties are excluded from this assumption.The "FIRST CIRT Framework" was issued by the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams, an ... Read More

What is Citadel Malware? (How Does It Work, How to Remove)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 22-Jun-2022 14:14:32


What is Citadel Malware?Citadel is a malware distribution and botnet management toolkit that makes it simple to create a ransomware and infect computers one by one using pay-per-install apps. Citadel was created to steal personal information from its victims, including banking and financial information.Based on the Zeus source code, the Citadel Trojan creates a botnet that comprises of a large number of infected machines. On an exploited computer, the attacker can run harmful malware such as ransomware and scareware.Citadel virus infects machines using a variety of methods. This danger is spread by cybercriminals using sophisticated tactics such as banking malware, ... Read More

What is Hacktivism? ( Hacktivism vs. Hacking)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 22-Jun-2022 13:25:10

1K+ Views

What is Hacktivism?Hacktivism can be said to be an act of breaking into a computer system for political or social reasons. It's a union of two words, i.e., "hack" and "activism." A hacktivist is someone who engages in hacktivism. The hacktivist who does activities like defacing a company's website or leaking personal information is seeking to send a message and create awareness for a cause they believe in.Hacktivism is when political or social activists use computer technology to make a statement in favor of one of their causes.Hacktivism often targets government or corporate targets, although it may also target any ... Read More

How to Conduct a Cyber Threat Analysis?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 22-Jun-2022 06:48:38


The practice of examining the cyber actions and capabilities of unknown intelligence groups or criminals is known as cyber threat analysis. A cybersecurity threat, often known as a "cyber threat, " is a harmful act that attempts to disrupt digital life. This crime might involve the interruption of a communication channel, data damage, or data theft.Hackers prey on corporations, governments, organizations, and even individuals that have access to sensitive information. Cyber-attacks such as Denial of Service (DoS), computer viruses, malware, phishing emails, and other types of cyber-attacks are all possible risks. The attacks are aimed at everyone with an online ... Read More

What is an Exploit Kit? (Stages, Process, How to Stay Safe)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 14-Jun-2022 08:59:54


An Exploit Kit (EK) is a means for widely disseminating a malware. EKs are intended to operate in the background while a possible victim is surfing the Internet. The end-user does not need to do anything further in order to utilize an EK. EKs are a clever technique of distribution. An exploit is a series of commands or a piece of code that exploits a vulnerability in a program to cause it to act in an unexpected way.Repository of Various ExploitsAn Exploit Kit is nothing more than a software that collects and manages various exploits. They serve as a form ... Read More

What is Angler Exploit Kit in Cyber Security?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 14-Jun-2022 08:54:16


Angler is one of the most well-known exploit kits used in cyber assaults, having been discovered in 2013. Angler has garnered a lot of momentum in its brief lifetime due to its unique traits. It has distributed ransomware, participated in malvertising, and even participated in hacktivism efforts.According to the 2015 Trustwave Global Security Report, Angler was the second most often used exploit kit in 2014. It was responsible for 17% of infections, while Nuclear, the most often used exploit kit, was responsible for 23%.Angler's landing page is divided into distinct sections.There is some visible English language that is designed to ... Read More

What is DNS Cache Poisoning aka DNS Spoofing?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 14-Jun-2022 08:49:38


What is DNS Cache Poisoning?DNS cache poisoning occurs when misleading information is entered into a DNS cache, causing DNS queries to return an inaccurate answer and users to be led to the wrong domains. DNS spoofing is another term for DNS cache poisoning.IP addresses are the Internet's "room numbers" allowing web traffic to reach the correct destinations. DNS resolver caches serve as the "campus directory, " and when they store incorrect information, traffic is routed to the incorrect location until the cached information is updated.DNS spoofing is a threat that imitates real server destinations in order to redirect traffic to ... Read More

What are False Positives and True Positives in Cybersecurity?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 14-Jun-2022 08:47:24

3K+ Views

You might encounter false positives and true positives while using antivirus software, anti-malware tools, or intrusion prevention systems.What is a False Positive in Cybersecurity?When a piece of security equipment warns you of a problem, this is known as a false positive. The problem is that the security device is malfunctioning. This is a positive. However, it's a false positive, meaning there was no issue.These warnings are based on signatures if you receive a message from an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) or an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS). A piece of information that gone through the IPS that matches a signature and ... Read More

What is Anti-Botnet? How Does It Work?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 14-Jun-2022 08:45:01


Botnets are computer networks that have been hijacked and are used to carry out different schemes and cyberattacks. Bots are used to automate large-scale attacks such as data theft, server failure, and malware spread. Botnets utilize your gadgets to defraud others or cause havoc without your knowledge or approval. Botnets can affect nearly any device with an Internet connection, which means the threat is always expanding.Using a variety of automated approaches, malicious bots are targeting firms in a range of industries, including retail, travel financial services, travel, and gaming. Credential stuffing, card cracking, online scraping, and ad fraud are some ... Read More

What is a Supply Chain Attack in Cybersecurity? (Examples, How to Detect & Prevent)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 14-Jun-2022 08:40:09


What is a Supply Chain Attack?A supply chain attack, also known as a value-chain or third-party attack, occurs when an outside partner or provider with access to your systems and data infiltrates your system. The attack surface of the typical organization has grown substantially in recent years, with more suppliers and service providers touching critical data than ever before.A supply chain attack is a cyber-attack that aims to harm an organization by targeting the supply chain's less-secure sections.A supply chain attack can affect businesses in any sector, including banking, oil and gas, and government sectors.A supply chain attack can occur ... Read More
