Found 1009 Articles for Safe & Security

What is GDPR in EU's New Data Protection Law?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 19-Jul-2022 09:03:49


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most comprehensive privacy and security law in the world. Despite the fact that it was designed and enacted by the European Union (EU), it imposes duties on enterprises everywhere that target or collects data about EU citizens. The regulation became effective on May 25, 2018. Those that break the GDPR's privacy and security regulations will face severe fines, with penalties ranging in the tens of millions of euros.The GDPR signals Europe's hard position on data privacy and security when more individuals commit their personal data to cloud services, and data breaches are ... Read More

What is Doxxing? (How People Dox and How to Avoid Doxxing)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 19-Jul-2022 09:02:08


People can use various methods to take revenge on the person they hate or have a rift with; Doxxing is one way to do that on the Internet. In this post, we would discuss what Doxxing is, why and how people Dox, and how to avoid Doxxing happening with you.What is Doxxing?Doxxing is a form of cyberbullying in which the attacker gets the sensitive information of the victim, such as phone number, social security number, address, sexual orientation, pictures, videos, and more. After getting all such information, the attacker would leak them to the public portal or social media channels ... Read More

What is Deception Technology in Cybersecurity?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 19-Jul-2022 08:57:43


Deception Technology is a type of cybersecurity defense that works by disseminating a series of traps and decoys throughout a system's infrastructure to simulate genuine assets. If an intruder sets off a decoy, the server will keep track of the attack vectors used for the length of the engagement.The technology operates by creating traps or deceptive decoys that seem like actual technology assets throughout the infrastructure. These decoys can run on a virtual or physical operating system and are intended to fool cybercriminals into thinking they've figured out a means to escalate privileges and steal credentials. When a trap is ... Read More

What are Blended Threats? How Do Blended Attacks Work?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 19-Jul-2022 08:55:37


What are Blended Threats?Blended threats are harmful programs that mix the capabilities of many forms of malware such as Trojans, worms, and backdoors into a single package. A person visits a website and is subsequently sent to a malicious URL in a blended threat. Following that, social engineering entices the victim to download a malicious file, which then downloads other malicious files.Cybercriminals can distribute threats swiftly and covertly by employing a variety of ways and approaches. It may be defined as a software vulnerability that entails a sequence of assaults aimed at targeting various flaws. When a blended danger is ... Read More

What is an Insider Threat? (Types, How to Detect)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 19-Jul-2022 08:53:02


What is an Insider Threat?An insider threat is a form of cyberattack perpetrated by someone who works for or has allowed access to a company's networks or systems. Insider threats might be current or former employees, consultants, board members, or business partners, and they can be deliberate or inadvertent.In cybersecurity, an insider threat occurs when someone with authorized access to a company's data and resources uses that access to harm the company's equipment, information, networks, and systems. Corruption, espionage, resource depletion, sabotage, terrorism, and illegal information exposure are all examples. It can also be used as a launchpad for virus ... Read More

What is Email Virus? (How Do They Spread, How to Prevent)

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 19-Jul-2022 08:49:15

2K+ Views

If your device starts misbehaving after you open an email or its attachment, then your system might become a victim of an Email Virus. In this post, we would discuss more about email virus, methods of spreading, and how to prevent it.What is an Email Virus?Cybercriminals tend to use the popular mediums to cover the maximum number of devices in less time for wide spreading the malware programs and codes they created. One such commonly used medium for malware spreading is email. The malicious programs or codes spread through emails are widely known as 'email viruses.'The infected codes can be ... Read More

What is a Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) in Cybersecurity?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 19-Jul-2022 08:45:04


A Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a collection of experts who deal with computer security issues. Another name for such a team is a Computer Emergency Preparedness Team or a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT). Cyber Security Incident Response Team is a more current version of the CSIRT acronym.The CERT Coordination Center (CERT-CC) at Carnegie Mellon University coined the term 'Computer Emergency Response Team' in 1988. (CMU). CMU has registered the word CERT as a trade and service mark in a number of places across the world. Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT), as a generic acronym for ... Read More

What is a Command and Control Server? How Does It Control a Compromised System?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 19-Jul-2022 08:33:46


A Command-and-Control (C&C) server is used by an attacker or cybercriminal to deliver orders to malware-infected devices and receive stolen data from a target network. Many campaigns have been discovered employing cloud-based services as C&C servers to blend in with normal traffic and evade detection, such as webmail and file-sharing applications.The headquarters or command centers where malware employed in targeted attacks reports back, allowing stolen data or damaging commands to be retained, are known as C&C servers. Establishing C&C links is essential for attackers to move laterally within a network. C&C servers also function as the command and control center ... Read More

Ways to Map and Monitor Cyber Threats

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 19-Jul-2022 08:31:50


What are Cyber Threats?Computers and the Internet have become inseparable parts of lives in multiple spheres. The booming technologies of the modern age have made our life much easier and more connected across the globe via interconnected networks. The gadgets we use are used to store personal information, online banking, online shopping, social media, etc. Even though this makes our lives easier, there come many challenges and threats associated with this, known as cyber threats.There's something for everyone, from infrastructure infiltrations and security breaches to viral phishing and brute force. When seeking a target, online dangers are diverse, and they ... Read More

Difference between Internal and External Penetration Testing

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 19-Jul-2022 08:24:02


Penetration testing is a cybersecurity procedure during which a team of specialists checks networks, software, hardware, applications, etc., for security weaknesses. Essentially, penetration testing is ethical hacking performed for the benefit of the company that orders the test on its own systems.In some fields such as financial services, healthcare, and government system access, penetration testing is required by regulators, while it is voluntary in others. Penetration testing is an important information security technique that should be included in an organization's governance framework in the face of constantly shifting threats.Network penetration testing, also known as 'infrastructure penetration testing', can be conducted ... Read More
