Found 1009 Articles for Safe & Security

How Does a Security Operations Center (SOC) Work?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 05-Aug-2022 11:51:11


An information security team monitors, identify, analyzes, and responds to cybersecurity issues in a security operations center (SOC), also known as an information security operations center (ISOC), often on a 24/7/365 basis. An Information security team that is in charge of continuously monitoring and evaluating an organization's security posture is housed in a security operations center (SOC). The objective of the SOC team is to identify, investigate, and respond to cybersecurity issues by utilizing a range of technological solutions and a solid foundation of procedures. Security operations centers often employ security analysts, engineers, and managers who handle security operations. The ... Read More

How Can a QR Code Be Used for a Phishing Attack?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 05-Aug-2022 11:49:21


Health professionals warn that the Covid-19 virus will not completely disappear, despite the world's sincere desire for the pandemic to come to an end. The most practical course of action is for people to learn to handle it and find a way to live with it. It is reasonable to assume that the pandemic's consequences on leading a digital lifestyle will last forever. The demand for cashless and no-contact transactions is one of the factors that will probably not change for the foreseeable future. And many companies have used quick response (QR) codes to address this demand. What is a ... Read More

How a Security Glitch Might Be More Than Just an Error?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 05-Aug-2022 11:47:00


The truth is that, if ignored, even seemingly minor bugs might pose a serious digital risk. It might be challenging to distinguish between lawful activities and the danger since cunning threat actors seek to evade discovery by living off the land. Infiltration and lateral movement are two potential outcomes of ignoring small security occurrences, and in this, we'll explore some practical measures you can take to better prepare yourself for conflict. What are Security Glitches? Any occurrence that leads to unauthorized access to data, applications, services, networks, and/or devices by getting around the underlying security measures is referred to as ... Read More

Emotet Malware: How Does It Spread, How to Protect Yourself

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 05-Aug-2022 11:45:41


Emotet is a type of computer virus that was initially created as a banking Trojan. Accessing overseas devices and spying on private information were the objectives. Basic antivirus programs have been reported to be tricked by Emotet, which then hides from them. Once activated, the malware spreads like a computer worm and tries to access other networked systems. Spam emails are the primary way that Emotet spreads. The relevant email contains a dangerous link or a corrupted file. Additional malware is downloaded onto your computer automatically if you download the file or click the link. Many people have been scammed ... Read More

Doxing: Techniques Used, How to Know Your Risk of Being Doxed

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 05-Aug-2022 11:42:42


Doxxing, often known as "doxing, " is the act of disclosing personal information about another person online, including their proper name, address, phone number, and financial and other details. Without the victim's consent, the public is then given access to that information. Recently, doxing has been used as a weapon in the culture wars, with hostile hackers doxing people who support the opposing side. Doxers try to take their online conflict with targets into the physical world by disclosing information such as − Home addresses Workplace details Personal phone numbers Social security numbers Bank account or credit card information ... Read More

Can Mobile Devices Get Malware?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 05-Aug-2022 11:29:09


Can Viruses Infect Phones? The quick response is − not really. There are no viruses known to exist for iOS or Android as of yet. There aren't any known traditional viruses for mobile devices yet. A virus is typically defined as malicious computer software that copies itself as it executes. But even while a traditional virus may never infect your iPhone or Android phone, there is a much higher likelihood that your device may become infected by other forms of malware or threats. One sort of malware, or malicious software, is viruses. It makes sense to protect your device because ... Read More

What are the points that you should consider in Cybersecurity Recovery Plan?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 20-Jul-2022 13:18:07


It is critical to take the appropriate safeguards to avoid cybercrime and ensure information security. It's critical to have a cybersecurity disaster recovery strategy if you want to defend your company and avert a catastrophic tragedy. But, exactly, what does this entail? What are the most effective methods for putting one together?Users have a misunderstanding that disaster recovery and cybersecurity recovery are the same things. It's not the same, to be sure! The primary goal of disaster recovery of information is to preserve business continuity even if a disaster occurs as a result of natural or man-made events. Cybersecurity, or ... Read More

The Role of Identity and Access Management (IAM) in Cybersecurity

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 20-Jul-2022 13:15:18


What is Identity and Access Management Security?IAM security is an essential aspect of overall IT security since it maintains digital identities and user access to data, systems, and resources inside an organization. The policies, strategies, and technology that mitigate identity-related access risks within a company are referred to as IAM security.Organizations may use IAM programs to reduce risks, enhance compliance, and increase efficiency across the board. It allows workers to see, copy, and alter material pertinent to their employees while restricting access to sensitive data. This data might include anything from sensitive information to company-specific data.Identity and Access Management refers ... Read More

The Do's and Don'ts of Cybersecurity for Remote Workers

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 20-Jul-2022 13:12:03


Due to the worldwide health crisis in 2020, there was a significant move to remote working, and despite some cyber security worries, this may be a trend that will endure long after the epidemic has passed. Seventy-four percent of businesses worldwide intend to encourage workers to work from home.While this more flexible working arrangement is unquestionably more comfortable, it comes with its own set of hazards, particularly cybersecurity. If you have a lot of remote employees, here are some basic do's and don'ts to remember.The Do's of Cybersecurity for Remote WorkersHere are some cybersecurity measures that every remote worker must ... Read More

What are the Certifications that Cybersecurity Professionals Should Get?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 20-Jul-2022 13:09:37


What is Cybersecurity?The process of preventing cyber-attacks on internet-connected devices, including hardware, software, and data, is known as cybersecurity. Individuals and corporations use the method to prevent unauthorized access to data centers and other digital systems.A robust cybersecurity strategy can give a sound security posture against hostile attacks to gain access to, altering, deleting, destroying, or extorting critical data from an organization's or user's systems. Cybersecurity is also essential in preventing attacks that try to disable or impair the operation of a system or device.Advantages of Acquiring a Certification in CybersecurityThe importance of cybersecurity is growing as the number of ... Read More
