Found 1009 Articles for Safe & Security

How to Create a ".Onion" Site?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 29-Aug-2022 12:04:58

9K+ Views

The Onion Router (Tor) is your best bet if you want to be anonymous while exploring the dark web. The Tor browser is a powerful free tool for anonymously browsing the Internet, where you can find a variety of websites that use the onion domain. What is an Onion Domain? An onion domain is a particular IP suffix that can only be used with the Tor anonymity browser. Because regular browsers like Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox cannot navigate the relay of proxy servers from which Tor is formed, they will be unable to visit sites using the ... Read More

How Does Clop Ransomware Work?

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 29-Aug-2022 12:01:43


What is Clop Ransomware? Jakub Kroustek discovered Clop, a ransomware-like virus. This malware is programmed to encrypt data and rename files with the ". Clop" extension. It is a part of the wellknown Cryptomix ransomware family. It uses the AES cipher to encrypt images, movies, music, databases, papers, and attachments. The CLOP or ".CIOP" file extension stops victims from accessing their personal information. Clop ransomware is regarded as extremely severe malware because it can infect most operating system versions, including Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. Clop virus gets its name ... Read More

Dridex Malware – Mode of Operation, How to Detect

Pranav Bhardwaj
Updated on 29-Aug-2022 11:59:56


A type of malware called Dridex targets the financial data of its victims. Software that is meant to harm a user is known as malware or malicious software. The Dridex malware is specifically categorized as a Trojan that conceals dangerous code within seemingly benign data. The primary objective of the Dridex malware is to steal private information from the bank accounts of its victims, such as their login information for online banking and financial access. It sends spam email campaigns to Windows users to trick people into opening an email attachment containing a Word or Excel file. Because ... Read More

Broken User Authentication

Updated on 25-Aug-2022 10:27:28


What is broken user authentication? Poor implementation of API authentication allows attackers to predict other user’s identities. In more general terms, broken user authentication occurs when an API having an authentication system but does not in working, or that the implemented authentication system fails in some cases, allowing attackers to project himself as an authenticated user. The weaknesses present in the system, mentioned above, will be divided into two different groups, namely poor credential management and poor session management. A. Poor credential management Victim credentials can be collected to gain access to the system. There are various ways that the ... Read More

Broken Object-Level Authorization

Updated on 25-Aug-2022 10:24:46


What is Broken Object-Level Authorization? Broken object-level authorizations (BOLA) is also known as insecure direct object reference (IDOR). This issue occurs when the server does not properly verify if the currently authorized user or an unauthorized user is accessing data to read, update or delete an object to which they are not having the rights. Types of Broken Object Level Authorization (BOLA Mainly there are 2 types of BOLA. Those can be carried out if a userID is passed on to the server or an objectID, we will look into both. Based on User ID If a userID is passing ... Read More

Types of Application Programming Interface (API) and their Security vulnerabilities.

Updated on 25-Aug-2022 10:21:15


What Is Application Programming Interface. API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, API is a set of defined rules that explain how computers or applications communicate with one another. APIs implemented between application and web server, acting as an intermediary layer that processes data transfer between systems. Types of API’s They are four main types of API’s Open APIs− Open-source application programming interfaces Also known as Public API, there are no restrictions to access these types of APIs because they are publicly available. Open APIs can been can been access by any developer. Partner APIs− This API exposed ... Read More

What is Cybersecurity Mesh?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 16-Aug-2022 14:18:24


Unfortunately, the COVID-19 outbreak provided numerous possibilities for criminal actors to prey on vulnerable, suddenly-removed personnel. In 2021, inadequate security postures will allow hackers to continue infecting businesses with ransomware, leading to data breaches, according to TechRepublic. As companies migrate to anyplace operations, cybersecurity investment is only natural to rise this year. What is Cybersecurity Mesh? Today there are two buzzwords in cybersecurity: ZeroTrust and Cybersecurity Mesh. Although the concept of a zero-trust architecture has been around for almost two decades, using it to design your security infrastructure just became popular approximately four years ago. On the other hand, Cybersecurity ... Read More

What is Behavior Monitoring in Cybersecurity?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 16-Aug-2022 14:17:20


What is Behavior Monitoring? Behavior Monitoring is the process of collecting and analyzing the network information to detect malicious activities. It is also referred to as network behavior analysis (NBA) or network behavior anomaly detection. Behavioral monitoring software analyses data from various sources and employs machine learning to spot trends that could indicate an attack is underway. In IT, behavioral monitoring checks and controls end-user, device, and network behavior patterns. The baseline is a model behavioral profile that the monitoring solution creates for individuals and devices. For each person, device, or app, a baseline would be set. This becomes easier ... Read More

How to Choose a VPN Provider?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 16-Aug-2022 14:15:55


What is a VPN? A VPN is a way to secure your privacy, but selecting one is a trust exercise. You're giving third-party access to a lot of your internet data, so you want to make sure they'll keep it safe and not misuse it. It can be difficult to know which VPN providers are trustworthy if you're new to using one. There are, fortunately, steps you can take to evaluate a VPN company before committing. Here's how to evaluate a VPN provider so you can decide whether or not they're worth your time and money. Check the Provider's Logging ... Read More

How Does Ingress Filtering Help with Cyberattack Detection?

Ayushi Bhargava
Updated on 16-Aug-2022 14:14:07


What is Ingress Filtering? Enterprises and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) utilize ingress filtering to prevent suspicious traffic from entering a network. Ingress filtering inspects all inbound packets and then accepts or denies admission to the network depending on the information in the packet header when implemented on an edge device such as a router or firewall. Packet filtering is what it is. One of the primary blockades in a network security plan is ingress traffic filtering. Its goal is to thwart cyberattacks, particularly denial of service (DoS) operations involving IP address spoofing. Ingress traffic filtering can be defined as a ... Read More
