Found 1009 Articles for Safe & Security

The Most Popular Types of Information Systems

Uday Mitra
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 06:57:54


Information Systems are crucial in today’s day and age. Without them, virtually no undertaking could manage their data, innovate and improve their functioning. Whatever your objectives, we have a one-stop shop of the most used Information Systems. Knowledge Work System (KWS) As the name suggests, this system is formulated to bring in information at a rapid pace and incorporate it into the business. KWS systems integrate external and internal information sources such as document retrieval. The data is compatible with varied types of databases, whether text-based, visual, or numerical. For example, a common KWS used is Virtual Reality used in ... Read More

Which are the Best Firewall Software for Windows, Mac, and Linux ?

Uday Mitra
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 06:56:55


The threat of cyber-attacks like hacking, phishing, spam, and malware are omnipresent, no matter what Operating System (OS) you use. Systems come with in-built firewalls, but guess what? The bad guys find ways to get around them. As a beginner, it may be confusing to know what to use. This article will guide you through the best firewalls for your system, categorized by OS. Microsoft Windows Windows ranks highest as the most popular in usage and the most vulnerable to attack. Sophos XG Firewall Home Edition Strengths − Sophos is a cutting-edge network security system that doesn't just protect your ... Read More

Secrets to Building a Career in Cybersecurity

Uday Mitra
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 06:55:50


Looking to start a career in cybersecurity? But need clarification about how to get started? Whether you are a beginner, a mid-level executive, or an experienced professional, a cybersecurity career is a possible dream. This article will take you through some key pointers to help you break into this field and stay there, no matter when you start! Step 1: Self-Observation, Self-Examination, and Self-Reflection To create a fantastic career in cybersecurity, you first need to understand yourself. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, both personally and professionally, to make sure this career is right for you in the long haul. While ... Read More

Reviewing the Elements of Cryptography

Uday Mitra
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 06:54:47


The Internet is essential for everything from business to leisure activities. We frequently use the Internet to conduct business, check our accounts, communicate with friends and family, and do other things. Security has grown to be a significant concern due to all this usage. Hackers and online criminals constantly pose a threat to our privacy. Cybersecurity professionals are working hard to maintain the safety of the Internet using different types of tools. Today, we'll focus on the encryption and decryption aspects of cryptography, precisely the concept of "keys." The private key and Public key are the significant elements of Cryptography. ... Read More

Public Key Cryptography Beginner's Guide

Uday Mitra
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 06:53:39


The critical need for secrecy in electronic communications makes it necessary to use coded language. Plain text is easily understood. Cryptography means a secret language. Algorithms combine mathematical and computer systems to provide protection through keys. The keys can be public and private. Symmetric cryptography uses keys of the same type used by both sender and receiver. Asymmetric cryptography uses two types of keys, public and private keys, public to encrypt and private to decrypt. What is Public Key Cryptography? Mass communication refers to thousands of users who send and receive messages via digital networks. Public key cryptography makes use ... Read More

Managerial Round Cyber Security Interview Questions

Uday Mitra
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 06:52:29


Aspiring to hold the post of Cyber Security Manager calls for certain dynamic qualities. Along with leadership, cooperation and teamwork come a sound understanding of the technical aspects of Cyber Security. Reaching the managerial round assumes that the potential candidate has reached far along the Cyber Security highway and conquered several milestones. How will such skills, understanding, ability, and technical expertise be confirmed? Outwardly, the candidate should impress with soft skills like effective communication, harsh language, and clever words. Answers should be to the point unless it is an open-ended question like ‘What are your hobbies?’ The following are sample ... Read More

How to Become an Information Security Analyst?

Uday Mitra
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 06:51:18


Information Security Analysts perform the several tasks. They check for security breaches and data vulnerabilities on their company's systems and networks and look into them if they find them. To safeguard confidential information, use, update and maintain technologies like firewalls and data encryption systems. Both computer and network infrastructures should be examined for weaknesses. That's where Internet Security Analysts play their role. Required Skills to become Security Analyst An Information Security Analyst needs to possess some crucial traits. As the job description implies, critical analytical thinking abilities, such as an in-depth understanding of computer technology, network infrastructures, and digital systems, ... Read More

How Quantum Computing & ML Shaping Cybersecurity

Uday Mitra
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 06:49:58


Quantum refers to energy and matter that work with very tiny particles. They refer to the basics of human and natural existence since everything is the same in composition. Modern physics uses quantum theory to represent matter and energy's atomic and subatomic levels. Electrons and photons are examples of those smallest particles that cannot be divided further. Working at such a grassroots level reminds me of the basics of life and the building blocks that made everything possible. It is interesting to check out how such a theory aids the cybersecurity industry, which is being harshly threatened by hackers nowadays. ... Read More

Digital Signature Algorithms (DSA) in Cryptography

Uday Mitra
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 06:48:52

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The need for privacy and secrecy applies to every organization and individual in personal and official matters. Plans and programs will only succeed if confidentiality is maintained. In the digital world, with millions of messages exchanged daily, it is also necessary to observe privacy. Sensitive websites that deal with Banking and E-commerce, for instance, require greater secrecy. Frauds and fakes, hacking, and ransom demands have become quite common. How can companies guard against such dangers? Secret and writing are the literal meanings of the terms crypto and graphy. Why Cryptography is a Smart Solution Like traffic signals that use codes, ... Read More

Data Encryption: Types, Algorithms, Techniques, and Methods

Uday Mitra
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 06:39:13


Consider the electronic digital media and the millions of online messages that travel up and down each day. Like the registered post facility that ensures safe delivery, digital authorities need reliable methods to ensure privacy and non-interference. Safety measures assume greater importance in Ecommerce and Banking, where money changes hands. All is not lost, even though cybercrime is growing with data encryption. Stealing passwords and account numbers enable fraudsters to misuse hard-earned money. Data encryption refers to the change of plaintext to scrambled text with a code that is unreadable. Scrambled text is also known as ciphertext. Decryption means changing ... Read More
