Found 78 Articles for Remedies

What Is Echinacea? Uses, Forms, Potential Health Benefits and Risks

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 14:19:31


Echinаceа, аlso known аs purplе cоneflоwer, is а group of plаnts thаt аrе used аs herbs. Тhese plаnts whiсh hеаd frоm North Americа аrе rich in аntioхidаnts аnd аrе аvаilаble in а vаriety of fоrms. Echinаceа is one of the most popular over-thе-counter (OTC) herbаl mediсine for the common cold or flu. Mоreоver, it is used to treаt migrаine, inflаmmаtion, pаin аnd sоme othеr heаlth issues. This herbаl remedy hаs bееn used by Nаtive Americаns аs а supplement to imрrove thеir immunity аnd lоngevity. In this аrticle, let us understand what is Echinаceа, its uses, fоrms, potentiаl heаlth benefits аnd ... Read More

10 Myths and Facts About Water

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 14:06:22


Everyone needs to drink sufficient water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Despite the weather, ample water consumption is necessary to maintain proper health. Many need clarifications about the quantity of water that one should consume. Individuals need to be more aware of water. If You are not Thirsty, You don’t Need to Drink Water Myth or Fact- Myth People often feel that they are not thirsty and don’t need water. But the fact is that thirst is not always interrelated to hydration. As per research, it has been noticed that the fluid level of any person can ... Read More

What Is Collagen Water, and Is It Good for You?

Someswar Pal
Updated on 24-Apr-2023 12:06:38


Beauty trends keep changing on a dime. Sometimes it's snail and mud facial, sometimes it's celery juice, and as of now, it's collagen water. Before you jump on the collagen water bandwagon though, it would be good to know what exactly it is, and whether it is actually good for you. In this article, we will explore what collagen water is and whether it's good for your overall well-being, skin, and other facets of health. What is Collagen Water? Collagen water is just what it states to be – it is a simple mixture of collagen and water. It ... Read More

Exercise and Stress Relief

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 16:22:42


You are too busy and worried to fit in exercise because you are aware of the benefits it has on your body. Regarding training and stress, hang on a moment - great news. Exercise can be a wonderful means of relieving stress; options range from yoga to aerobics. You could still have some little workouts that go a long way for coping with stress regardless of whether you're athletic or out of shape. Find out how exercising can reduce stress and why it should be part of your anxiety management plan. Stress Reduction Through Exercise Your health and well-being, ... Read More

Can a Face Ice Bath Cure a Hangover Bust Anxiety Clear Skin & More?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 16:19:54


Face ice baths have become popular in recent years to possibly treat hangovers, reduce anxiety, get clear skin, and offer other health advantages. The procedure entails briefly immersing the skin in icy water. Some people are confident about its effectiveness, while others are unsure of its advantages. This piece will examine the science behind face ice baths and their purported advantages, safe practices, and potential substitutes. While facial ice baths may have some benefits, speaking with a healthcare provider before implementing new health regimens is always advisable. The Supposed Benefits of Face ice Baths Face ice showers are said ... Read More

Potential Health Benefits & Risks of Ginger for Type 2 Diabetes

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 16:17:44


Chronic Type II diabetes is characterized by an inability of the body to use insulin to regulate blood sugar levels efficiently. Insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas, helps carry blood glucose into the cells required for cellular energy. High blood glucose levels in type-II diabetes are brought on by insufficient insulin synthesis or resistance to its effects. Obesity, physical inactivity, age, and family history are all Type-II diabetes risk factors. Frequent urination, increased thirst, blurred vision, tiredness, and sluggish wound healing are a few symptoms that are usually present. Ginger is a popular spice that has long been ... Read More

Is it Hives or something else?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 16:13:44


Hives happen when welts develop that itch, swell, are red or white, and have no recognized cause. Chronic idiopathic hives are characterized by welts that persist for at least six weeks. The truth is that many skin conditions might be mistaken for chronic hives, even though any skin rash may appear to you to be an allergic reaction or hives. How to Detect Whether it is Chronic Hives? A dermatologist visit is an excellent initial step to confirm a diagnosis and find relief if you discover a persistent, itchy skin rash. The best ways to identify what's causing the ... Read More

7 Ways to Make Water Taste Better

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:25:18

2K+ Views

Water is essential for our survival, but let's be honest, sometimes it can be boring to drink plain water all day long. Many of us struggle to drink enough water throughout the day, which can lead to dehydration and a host of health problems. Fortunately, several ways exist to make water taste better and more enjoyable. This article will explore seven ways to make water taste better and help you stay hydrated and healthy. Add Fresh Fruits Adding fresh fruits to your water is an easy and delicious way to enhance flavor. Citrus fruits like lemons, limes, and oranges ... Read More

13 Best Hacks That Can Help You Drink More Water

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 16:18:31


We all know how important it is to stay hydrated and make sure we’re getting enough water into our diets, but sometimes it can be a real challenge to drink the recommended amount of water every day. It's easy to get busy and forget or simply not feel like spending your whole day chugging away at giant glasses of H2O. Luckily, there are some clever hacks that you can use to make drinking more water easier! From infusing your favorite fruity flavors into your glass to setting reminders in your phone, here's a list of 13 genius tricks to help ... Read More

Best Prenatal Vitamins You Can Buy Over the Counter

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 16:17:21


If you're expecting, congratulations! And if you’re looking for the best prenatal vitamins to keep mom and baby healthy during pregnancy, then look no further. Prenatal vitamins are an essential way to help ensure your nutritional needs are met during this important time in your life. With so many different prenatal supplements on the market, it can be hard to determine which one is right for you — but don't worry, we've got you covered. In this blog post, we'll explore what key ingredients should be included in a quality prenatal vitamin as well as dive into some of our ... Read More

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