Found 18 Articles for Relationship

Difference Between Experiment and Survey

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 02-Jun-2023 12:28:14

4K+ Views

Experiments and surveys are two commonly used research methods that are utilized in different fields of study. Both these methods have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to understand the key differences between them in order to determine which method is most appropriate for a particular research question. In this essay, we will explore the differences between experiments and surveys, their unique features, and their respective strengths and limitations. Experiment An experiment is a scientific method that involves the manipulation of variables in order to determine their effect on a particular outcome or behavior. ... Read More

Modeling of UNION Types Using Categories

Mithlesh Upadhyay
Updated on 17-May-2023 15:18:32

1K+ Views

In DBMS, Superclass/subclass relationships with a single super-class. A shared subclass may be represented in multiple superclass/subclass relationships, where each relationship has a single superclass. Understanding Superclass/Subclass Relationships in DBMS A single superclass/subclass relationship using more than one superclass. Each superclass represents a distinct entity type. Subclass represents a group of objects that is a subset of the UNION of the distinct entity types. This subclass is known as union type or a category. Example Consider the scenario where we have three distinct entity types: PERSON, BANK, and COMPANY. In a motor vehicle registration database, a vehicle owner can be ... Read More

Difference Between WBS and Project Plan

Md. Sajid
Updated on 15-May-2023 16:21:19

2K+ Views

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and a Project Plan are both essential project management tools, although they serve different purposes. The WBS gives a precise description of the project work and deliverables, whereas the project plan provides an overall roadmap for effectively completing the project. Read this article to find out more about WBS and Project Plan and how they are different from each other. What is WBS? A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a project's hierarchical breakdown into smaller, more manageable components. It separates the project into smaller, more precise tasks or work packages, which can then be ... Read More

Difference Between Parasite and Saprophyte

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 14:06:53


Parasites and saprophytes are two types of organisms that obtain nutrients from other sources. Parasites derive nutrition from living organisms, while saprophytes extract nutrients from dead and decaying organic matter. Although both types of organisms rely on other sources for their nutrition, there are significant differences between parasites and saprophytes that are important to understand. What are Parasites? Parasite is an organism that lives on or in another organism (called host), using it as a source of food and a place of temporary or permanent residence. The host does not benefit from cohabitation but may suffer harm. In some cases, ... Read More

Difference between Parasite and Predator

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 14:04:37


Parasites and predators are both known to prey on other creatures in order to ensure their own existence. One of the most widespread types of human parasites, hook worms, feeds on human blood after attaching to the intestinal wall. Moreover, tigers, being the apex predator in their ecosystem, prey upon smaller creatures like as hares, porcupines, and deer. Whereas predators are normally larger, quicker, and/or stronger than their prey, parasites are frequently smaller and weaker than their hosts. In the following paragraphs, we'll go even deeper into the ways in which they differ. What are Parasites? The term "parasite" comes ... Read More

Difference Between Parasite and Host

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 19-Apr-2023 14:02:42

2K+ Views

Parasitism is an acquired, secondary type of hostile symbiosis characterised by mutual metabolic dependency between host and parasite. Parasites live off of and feed off of members of different species (called hosts) for extended periods of time. Parasitism serves the parasite but harms the host. What are Parasites? The term "parasite" comes from the Greek words para, which means "alongside, " and sitos, which means "meal"; "parasitos" means "eating at another person's table." A parasite is another organism which receives nourishment from another organism, termed the host. Parasites may or may not cause harm to their hosts, but they never ... Read More

How to Deal With Inconsiderate People?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 12:19:07


We all come across inconsiderate individuals from time to time. Examples of such individuals can be one who does not hold the door open for one at a mall or cuts the line and goes in front of someone else. This behavior can drain one of the positive vibes and make the other person feel irritated or cranky. It hampers our view of human nature and makes us negative about others. Often people behave rudely in response to such behavior. Most of us understand that one cannot stop such behavior. But we all have a way to combat such inappropriate ... Read More

Dealing with a Crush at Work

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 13-Mar-2023 12:38:49


Do you wait for a particular coworker to come into the break room so you can talk to them? If you can carpool with this coworker, you might be willing to go 5 miles out of your way. Why did you switch to business clothes so quickly? Having a crush on a coworker could change how you feel about your job in a big way. Read on to find out what it means to have a crush at work and what you can do about it. So you have a crush on someone at work, huh? If you like ... Read More

The Destructive Power of Hate

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 06-Mar-2023 13:17:59


Hatred is a very potent emotion. It is a mental poison that can contaminate your mind, rot your soul, and contaminate all of your relationships. Anybody who has ever been engulfed in hatred knows how destructive and mind-consuming it can be. Even a single phrase can be powerful, especially if it is spoken by a friend, a family member, or a young child. It causes much emotional turmoil for people who are experiencing it. While many things might inspire hatred, including food, jobs, movies, and animals, hatred of other people is the most harmful. Broadly speaking, there are two ... Read More

5 Lesser-Known Warning Signs of an Abusive Relationship

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 03-Mar-2023 17:07:18


A relationship where the intimate partner experiences violence, disrespect, cruelty, harm, force, or emotional and psychological trauma is called an abusive relationship. An abusive relationship can involve physical violence, with visible signs like bruises, scathes, and scratches. It can also involve emotional and sexual abuse, which may or may not have visible signs. Emotional and psychological trauma can go beyond the physical indications of an abusive relationship. Domestic violence and abusive relationship can be subtle with no visible signs. 5 signs of Physical Abuse Let us discuss five early warning signals of physical relationship abuse. Harming the Intimate Partner Physically ... Read More
