Found 6 Articles for Red Hat

What is Red Hat Cloud?

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 04-Jan-2023 15:21:04


"The cloud" suggests servers gotten over the Internet and the item and databases that abruptly spike popularity for those servers. Cloud servers are arranged in server ranches from one side of the planet to the next. By using disseminated registering, clients and associations don't have to direct genuine servers themselves or run programming apps on their machines. The cloud enables clients to access comparative records and apps from essentially any device because the handling and storing occur on servers in a server ranch instead of locally on the client contraption. To this end, a client can sign in to their ... Read More

How to Install a Software on Linux Using Yum Command?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 27-Jan-2020 07:47:38

2K+ Views

In this article, we will learn about “how to use the Yum command” for installing the packages. Also note that, the repositories on the Cent OS 6.7 YUM (Yellowdog Update Modified) is a tool used to develop by Redhat. You can use this materials for learning the YUM.Managing Software with YUMUse the yum utility to install or modify the software on your system in the following ways –New software installation from repositories.Installing software from an individual package file.Updating the existing software on your system.Removing unwanted software from your system.Installing Software from a Package FileThe yum commands used in this is ... Read More

Red Hat Updates OpenShift Container Platform with New Service Catalog

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 09:54:35


Red Hat, an American multinational software company, recently released an update of its OpenShift container platform on August 9. This update provides users with capacities which are taken from open-source Kubernetes 1.6 release. This is Red Hat’s quarterly update of the OpenShift platform. This update brings in a lot of changes but the major one is an addition of a Service Catalog which will help IT or third-party vendors in creating connections to internal or external services.This shows that in recent years, OpenShift has mainly become a Red Hat distribution of Kubernetes. The OpenShift is largely responsible for providing enterprise-grade ... Read More

How to Enable and Install Third Party Packages Using EPEL Repository on CentOS/RHEL

Sharon Christine
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 10:42:03


In this article we shall try to learn, how to add EPEL Repository for Linux. EPEL (Extra Package for Enterprise Linux) is an open source and free community based repository from the Fedora community team which provides high quality and good add-on software’s for Linux distributions. It has Red Hat Enter Linux, CentOS, Scientific Linux and most of the repositories which are maintained by the Fedora team only.Why we use EPEL Repositories for PackagesProvides a lot of open source packages which are installed using yum.EPEL repositories are open source and they are 100% free to use.There will not be any ... Read More

How to Add a New Disk Drive to a Linux Machine

Sharon Christine
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 07:26:11

10K+ Views

This article helps you to configure and add a new disk to the Linux box. This is one of the most common problems encountered by system administrators these days since the servers are tending to run out of disk space to store excess data. Fortunately, disk space is now one of the cheapest. We shall look at the steps necessary to configure on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. x to add more space by installing the disk.ContentsMounted Filesystems or Logical VolumesGetting StartedFinding the New Hard Drive in RHEL 6Creating Linux PartitionsCreating a Filesystem on an RHEL 6 Disk PartitionMounting a ... Read More

How To Use Systemctl On CentOS 7.x or RHEL Linux 7

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 12:56:10

3K+ Views

In this article we will learn how to use ‘systemctl’ command, ‘systemctl’ is a new command which is available in the new version of Linux distributions which is used to control the system and services, we will explore some possible ways to use the ‘systemctl’ command in Linux.Checking Services StatusWe can verify the status of the services using this command. Below is the command to check the service.# systemctl status httpd httpd.service - The Apache HTTP Server Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Thu 2016-06-02 06:48:58 EDT; 27s ago    Docs: man:httpd(8)    man:apachectl(8) Main ... Read More
