Found 10784 Articles for Python

Get a google map image of specified location using Google Static Maps API in Python

Hafeezul Kareem
Updated on 12-Feb-2020 11:29:57

4K+ Views

Google provides a static maps API that returns a map image on our HTTP request. We can directly request for a map image with different parameters based on our need.We have to create a billing account on Google to use this API. You can go to the website for more details.Let's see the steps to get the image of a location.Import the requests module.Initialise your API Key and base URL ("").Initialize the city and zoom value.Update the URL with API Key, City, and Zoom value.USend an HTTP request. And write the response to a file for saving the image.pdate the ... Read More

Find current weather of any city using OpenWeatherMap API in Python

Hafeezul Kareem
Updated on 12-Feb-2020 11:25:39

9K+ Views

In this tutorial, we are going to get the weather of a city using OpenWeatherMap API. To use the OpenWeatherMap API, we have to get the API key. We will get it by creating an account on their website.Create an account and get your API Key. It's free until 60 calls per minute. You have to pay if you want more than that. For this tutorial, the free version is enough. We need requests module for the HTTP requests and JSON module to work with the response. Follow the below steps to the weather of any city.Import the requests and JSON ... Read More

Count frequencies of all elements in array in Python

Hafeezul Kareem
Updated on 12-Feb-2020 11:16:43

16K+ Views

In this tutorial, we are going to write a program that finds the frequency of all the elements in an array. We can find it in different ways let's explore two of them.Using dictInitialize the array.Initialize an empty dict.Iterate over the list.If the element is not in dict, then set the value to 1.Else increment the value by 1.Print the element and frequencies by iterating over the dict.ExampleLet's see the code.# intializing the list arr = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] # initializing dict to store frequency of each element elements_count = {} ... Read More

Count all prefixes in given string with greatest frequency using Python

Hafeezul Kareem
Updated on 12-Feb-2020 11:10:44


In this tutorial, we are going to write a program that counts and prints the words with a higher frequency of an alphabet than the second one.Take a string and two alphabets. The prefixes with a higher frequency of the first alphabet will be printed. And display the count at the end of the output.Let's see some examples.Inputstring:- apple alphabets:- p, eOutputap app appl apple 4Inputstring:- apple alphabets:- e, pOutput0Let's see the steps to write the code.Define a function and write the code in it.Initialize count to 0 and an empty string.Iterate over the string.Get the prefix using the string ... Read More

Top K Frequent Elements in Python

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 04-May-2020 10:10:02

2K+ Views

Suppose we have a non-empty array of integer numbers. we have to return the kth most frequent elements. So if the elements are [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3] and k = 2, then the result will beFormally the function should −Return true if there exists i, j, ksuch that arr[i] < arr[j] < arr[k] given 0 ≤ i < j < k ≤ n-1 else return false.To solve this, we will follow these steps −num_freq = an empty map, freq_list := an empty mapfor each element i in numsif i is not in num_freq, then num_freq[i] ... Read More

Increasing Triplet Subsequence in Python

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 04-May-2020 10:09:06


Suppose there is an unsorted array. We have to check whether an increasing subsequence of length 3 exists or not in that array.Formally the function should −Return true if there exists i, j, ksuch that arr[i] < arr[j] < arr[k] given 0 ≤ i < j < k ≤ n-1 else return false.To solve this, we will follow these steps −small := infinity, big := infinityfor each element i in arrayif i

Odd Even Linked List in Python

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 04-May-2020 10:07:50


Suppose we have a singly linked list, we have to group all odd nodes together followed by the even nodes. Here we are talking about the node position not the value in the nodes. We should try to do it in place. So if the nodes are [1, 22, 13, 14, 25], the result will be [1, 13, 25, 22, 14]To solve this, we will follow these steps −if head is null or the next of head is null, then return headhead1 := head, head2 := next of head, head_beg := next of headwhile next of head2 is nor null ... Read More

Longest Increasing Subsequence in Python

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 04-May-2020 09:10:18

3K+ Views

Suppose we have an unsorted list of integers. We have to find the longest increasing subsequence. So if the input is [10, 9, 2, 5, 3, 7, 101, 18], then the output will be 4, as the increasing subsequence is [2, 3, 7, 101]To solve this, we will follow these steps −trail := an array of length 0 to length of nums – 1, and fill this with 0size := 0for x in numsi := 0, j := sizewhile i is not jmid := i + (j - i) / 2if trails[mid] < x, then i := mid + 1, ... Read More

Find the Duplicate Number in Python

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 04-May-2020 09:09:06

2K+ Views

Suppose we have an array nums containing n + 1 integers. The members are in range 1 to n. prove that at least one duplicate number must be there. Assume that there is only one duplicate number, we have to find that duplicate element. So if the array is like [1, 3, 4, 2, 2], then the duplicate element will be 2.To solve this, we will follow these steps −a := nums[0] and b := nums[0]while Truea := nums[nums[a]]b := nums[b]if a = b, then breakptr := nums[0]while ptr is not bptr := nums[ptr]b := nums[b]return ptrLet us see the ... Read More

Search a 2D Matrix II in Python

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 04-May-2020 09:07:25


   Suppose we have one m x n matrix. We have to write an efficient algorithm that searches for a value in that matrix. This matrix has the following properties −Integers in each row are sorted in ascending from left to right.Integers in each column are sorted in ascending from top to bottom.So if the matrix is like −14711152581219369162210131417241821232630If target is 5, then return true, if target is 20, then return falseTo solve this, we will follow these steps −len := number of columns, c1 := 0, c2 := len – 1while trueif matrix[c1, c2] = target, then return trueelse ... Read More
