Found 10784 Articles for Python

Relative Layout in Python Kivy

Updated on 04-Sep-2023 16:35:55


The Relative Layout in Python Kivy may be a powerful format supervisor that permits designers to form energetic and adaptable client interfacing. It empowers the situating and measuring of widgets based on their connections to other widgets or the format itself. By utilizing grapple focuses and relative situating, designers can plan to interface that adjusts to distinctive screen sizes and introductions. The Relative Format utilizes calculations for measuring gadget sizes, situating them precisely, and overhauling the format powerfully. With its flexibility and ease of usage, the Relative Format is a fundamental apparatus for making outwardly engaging and responsive client interfacing ... Read More

Random Password Generator using Python Tkinter

Updated on 04-Sep-2023 16:32:42


The tkinter module in Python gives a straightforward and proficient way to form graphical client interfaces (GUI). By utilizing tkinter, able to make an irregular secret word generator window. The interface ordinarily comprises a button that triggers the watchword era and a name to show the created secret word. Interior the secret word era work, characters are arbitrarily chosen from a characterized set, such as alphanumeric characters and uncommon images. The produced watchword is at that point shown within the name. With tkinter's user-friendly highlights and the adaptability of arbitrary secret word era, clients can effortlessly produce secure and one ... Read More

Real time currency converter using Python Tkinter

Updated on 04-Sep-2023 16:30:53


In today's globalized world, cash transformation plays an imperative part in different monetary exchanges and worldwide exchanges. Whether you're arranging a trip overseas, overseeing outside ventures, or running multinational commerce, having to get to real-time money change is basic. In this article, we are going investigate how to construct a real-time money converter utilizing Python Tkinter, a prevalent GUI toolkit. By leveraging the power of Python and Tkinter, ready to make an instinctive and user-friendly application that not as it were performs exact cash transformations but to gives an intuitive interface for clients to input their craved sums and select ... Read More

Print Python list elements in circular range

Updated on 04-Sep-2023 16:28:48


The list data structure holds elements of different data types like integers, strings, or float numbers. The elements that are once defined inside the list data structure that is within the square brackets cannot be changed. To print the list data structure in a circular range, the Python language provides the user with some inbuilt functionalities. So inside the list, we can store multiple values together and thus reducing the complex operations. Python works on the OOPS concept and is popular among programmers due to its simpler code. Print Python list elements in circular range As the list data structure ... Read More

Python – Reading contents of PDF using OCR (Optical Character Recognition)

Updated on 04-Sep-2023 16:24:05

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PDF stands for Portable Document Format and is one of the popular file formats which can be exchanged between devices. Because the files in PDF format hold the text which cannot be changed. It gives the user easier readability and stability with the format of the files. Even though reading the text in PDF format is easier but when copying the contents from it may be time-consuming. To make the reading process easier, the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) tool is used. Reading contents of PDF using OCR In this article, we are going to deal with Optical Character Recognition or ... Read More

Python – Program that matches a word containing ‘g’ followed by one or more e’s using regex

Updated on 04-Sep-2023 16:09:56


Python is the most powerful programming language to work in the field of data visualization and deep learning. The regex also known as regular expressions is an effective tool to search for any characters or text in a given document. Python language provides the user with versatile roles ranging from basic calculations to complex ones. The Python methods use various functionalities to match a word in the given text. Python is a high-level programming and a versatile one that is mostly preferred by the developers and also it is widely used for data analysis. The program that matches a ... Read More

Print diagonals of 2D list in Python

Updated on 04-Sep-2023 16:07:06


Python is a high-level programming and a versatile one that is mostly preferred by the developers and it is widely used for data analysis with the help of machine learning and data science. The feature it produces to deal with the data is immense and, in this article, we will see how to print the 2-Dimensional list diagonally.  It is one of the fundamental tasks involved and is implemented efficiently with different approaches. Printing diagonals of 2D list Before diving to print the diagonal of the 2D list, we need to know how the diagonals are represented. A diagonal is ... Read More

Python - Print alphabets till N

Updated on 04-Sep-2023 15:52:22


Python language provides the user with versatile roles ranging from basic calculations to complex ones. The alphabets get printed up to the ‘N’ value as mentioned by the user. When we say printing the alphabet up to some range seems to be a simple task, but when creating a program, involves some tedious processes. The Python methods use various functionalities to print the alphabet till N. This algorithm acts as a base for machine learning technology. Print alphabets till N In the English language there are twenty-six alphabets in total, when the range, N is mentioned as 9, then up ... Read More

Python – Product of squares in list

Updated on 04-Sep-2023 15:44:50


In the current world, the Python language is one of the most popular ones and it allows the user flexible accessibility and usability. The Python language has data structures namely the list, dictionary, tuple, and string. In this article, we are going to deal with the list data structure in which the type of data can be chosen among integer, float and string. When the lists are assigned some values, they cannot be changed. In lists, the elements are ordered in a sequence and are a one-dimensional array. Product of Squares in list The lists are composed of an element ... Read More

Python – Product of prefix in list

Updated on 04-Sep-2023 14:44:33


Python comes under the high-level language and the people working with Python can find solutions to the problem using simple concepts and functionalities. The language is composed of several data structures and from the list is the most common one. The elements inside the list can be from any data type like integer, string, or float data type. And the elements are represented inside the square brackets and separated by a comma. Working with the list data structure is the most interesting fundamental. Product of prefix in list The list data structures are composed of integer elements and ... Read More
