Found 10784 Articles for Python

Python - Uncommon elements in Lists of List

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:17:07


In this article we will learn about various methods using which we can find the uncommon element in the list of lists that means the element which is not present in the other list. When working with lists of lists in Python, it's common to encounter scenarios where you need to find the uncommon elements present in these nested structures. Finding the uncommon elements in lists of lists can be achieved using various methods and techniques. In this article, we will explore 8 examples and methods to help you easily identify the uncommon elements in your lists of lists. Example ... Read More

Finding the Word Analogy from given words using Word2Vec embeddings

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:15:52


In this article we will learn about machine learning program which can find the word Analogy from the provided word. Take an example "Apple : fruit :: car :vehicle". In this analogy, "apple" and "car" are the two things being compared. "Fruit" and "vehicle" are the two categories that the things being compared belong to. The analogy is saying that apple is a type of fruit, just as car is a type of vehicle. So the human brain can identify the pattern but training machine to do the same task will be very difficult as we will require very very ... Read More

Understanding the Interpretations of Histograms

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:15:12


In this article we will learn about histograms and we will see detailed view about histogram and its various types. We will also draw see implementation using python. Histogram Histogram provides us visual representation of data, it is used to shows bar chart for numerical data. We can visualize the different distributions and patterns in the dataset. X-axis in the histogram is used to denote the range of values and the y-axis is used to denote the frequency or count of data points. Applications of Histogram 1. Analysis of Data Distribution We use histogram to analyze the data distribution and ... Read More

Types Of Activation Functions in ANN

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:13:43


This article we will learn about ANN and its types. We will also see programs on different types of Activation. Before diving into the types let's get to know what ANN is. ANN Artificial neural network (ANN) is a branch of machine learning which performs computation by forming a structure of biological neural network where each neuron can transmit the signal or processed data to other connected neurons. This structure is similar to the human brain in which neurons are interconnected to each other. Neural network is created when a connection of nodes or neurons forms a connection. Artificial ... Read More

Image Classification using Google\'s Teachable Machine

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:11:14


In this article you will learn about machine learning, image classification and how to use the googles teachable machine for training the models. Machine learning Machine learning is a subset of AI (artificial intelligence) which is used to develop the models and algorithms using which we can make our computers learn and make the decision without programming it explicitly. This is an effective way to teach machines to learn from the given data and improve the performance by time. Computers can learn the task and make predictions or find any pattern using data which shows the scenario about what we ... Read More

Role of Text to text Transfer Transformer in Data Augmentation

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:10:23


In this article we will learn about the role of Text to text Transfer Transformer technique in Data Augmentation and how we can use this technique to improve the NLP model. In the current tech scenario Natural Language Processing has observed very rapid advancement in data augmentation field. Data Augmentation is used to improve the performance of model which is based on natural language processing (NLP). There are many techniques available using which we can achieve this in which one technique is Text to Text Transfer Transformer(T5) technique. We can use this technique for performing multiple NLP tasks by using ... Read More

Python - Uneven Sized Matrix Column Product

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:08:31


In this article we will learn about various methods using which we can find products of uneven size matrix columns. Working with matrices is very common for fields like data analysis, machine learning, so there can be situations where we have to find the matrix column product which can be a challenging task. Let’s see some examples for finding the uneven size matrix column product − Method 1: Using a Simple Loop In this method we will use the concept of simple nested loop and we will iterate through the matrix column and compute their products. Example def col_product_loop(mat): ... Read More

Implementing PCA in Python with scikit-learn

Someswar Pal
Updated on 05-Oct-2023 15:57:13


Introduction Extraction of useful information from high-dimensional datasets is made easier by Principal component analysis, (PCA) a popular dimensionality reduction method. It does this by re-projecting data onto a different axis, where the highest variance can be captured. The complexity of the dataset is reduced while its basic structure is preserved by PCA. It helps with things like feature selection, data compression, and noise reduction in data analysis, and it can even reduce the dimensionality of the data being analyzed. Image processing, bioinformatics, economics, and the social sciences are just a few of the places PCA has been put to use. ... Read More

Statistical Simulation in Python

Pranay Arora
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 15:08:37


Statistical simulation is the task of making use of computer based methods in order to generate random samples from a probability distribution so that we can model and analyse complex systems which exhibit random behaviour. In this article we are going to see how to make use of this powerful tool in Python to make predictions, generate insights as well as evaluate the performance of statistical algorithms. There are different types of statistical simulations, which are as follows: Monte Carlo simulations − Generation of random samples from a probability distribution in order to estimate the expected value of a ... Read More

Network Analysis in Python

Pranay Arora
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 14:47:51


A network is a collection of nodes and edges that represent the relationships or connections between those nodes. The nodes can represent various entities, such as individuals, organizations, genes, or websites, while the edges represent the connections or interactions between them. Network analysis is the study of the relationships between these entities are node represented as a network. In this article, we are going to see how to implement network analysis using python. It involves the use of many mathematical, statistical and computational techniques. Network analysis can provide insights into the behaviour of complex systems and help to make ... Read More
