Found 10784 Articles for Python

Generate a Chebyshev series with given complex roots in Python

Updated on 02-Mar-2022 05:53:57


To generate a Chebyshev series with given roots, use the chebyshev.chebfromroots() method in Python Numpy. The method returns 1-D array of coefficients. If all roots are real then out is a real array, if some of the roots are complex, then out is complex even if all the coefficients in the result are real. The parameter roots are the sequence containing the roots.StepsAt first, import the required library −from numpy.polynomial import chebyshev as CGiven complex roots −j = complex(0, 1)Generate the series −print("Result...", C.chebfromroots((-j, j)))Get the datatype −print("Type...", C.chebfromroots((-j, j)).dtype) Get the shape −print("Shape...", C.chebfromroots((-j, j)).shape)Examplefrom numpy.polynomial import chebyshev as ... Read More

Evaluate a 2-D Hermite series on the Cartesian product of x and y with 1d array of coefficient in Python

Updated on 02-Mar-2022 05:51:34


To evaluate a 2-D Hermite series on the Cartesian product of x and y, use the hermite.hermgrid2d(x, y, c) method in Python. The method returns the values of the two dimensional polynomial at points in the Cartesian product of x and y.The parameters are x, y. The two dimensional series is evaluated at the points in the Cartesian product of x and y. If x or y is a list or tuple, it is first converted to an ndarray, otherwise it is left unchanged and, if it isn’t an ndarray, it is treated as a scalar.The parameter, c is an ... Read More

Evaluate a 2-D Hermite series on the Cartesian product of x and y with 3d array of coefficient in Python

Updated on 02-Mar-2022 05:49:07


To evaluate a 2-D Hermite series on the Cartesian product of x and y, use the hermite.hermgrid2d(x, y, c) method in Python. The method returns the values of the two dimensional polynomial at points in the Cartesian product of x and y.The parameters are x, y. The two dimensional series is evaluated at the points in the Cartesian product of x and y. If x or y is a list or tuple, it is first converted to an ndarray, otherwise it is left unchanged and, if it isn’t an ndarray, it is treated as a scalar.The parameter, c is an ... Read More

Add one Laguerre series to another in Python

Updated on 02-Mar-2022 05:44:23


To add one Laguerre series to another, use the polynomial.laguerre.lagadd() method in Python Numpy. The method returns an array representing the Laguerre series of their sum.Returns the sum of two Laguerre series c1 + c2. The arguments are sequences of coefficients ordered from lowest order term to highest, i.e., [1, 2, 3] represents the series P_0 + 2*P_1 + 3*P_2. The parameters c1 and c2 are 1-D arrays of Laguerre series coefficients ordered from low to high.StepsAt first, import the required library −import numpy as np from numpy.polynomial import laguerre as LCreate 1-D arrays of Laguerre series coefficients −c1 = ... Read More

Convert a polynomial to Hermite series in Python

Updated on 02-Mar-2022 05:42:35


To convert a polynomial to a Hermite series, use the hermite.poly2herm() method in Python Numpy. Convert an array representing the coefficients of a polynomial ordered from lowest degree to highest, to an array of the coefficients of the equivalent Hermite series, ordered from lowest to highest degree. The method returns a 1-D array containing the coefficients of the equivalent Hermite series. The parameter pol, is a 1-D array containing the polynomial coefficientsStepsAt first, import the required library −import numpy as np from numpy.polynomial import hermite as HCreate an array using the numpy.array() method −c = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) ... Read More

Convert a Hermite series to a polynomial in Python

Updated on 02-Mar-2022 05:40:45


To convert a Hermite series to a polynomial, use the hermite.herm2poly() method in Python Numpy. Convert an array representing the coefficients of a Hermite series, ordered from lowest degree to highest, to an array of the coefficients of the equivalent polynomial (relative to the “standard” basis) ordered from lowest to highest degree.The method returns a 1-D array containing the coefficients of the equivalent polynomial (relative to the “standard” basis) ordered from lowest order term to highest. The parameter c, is a 1-D array containing the Hermite series coefficients, ordered from lowest order term to highest.StepsAt first, import the required library ... Read More

Remove small trailing coefficients from Hermite polynomial in Python

Updated on 02-Mar-2022 05:38:21


To remove small trailing coefficients from Hermite polynomial, use the hermite.hermtrim() method in Python Numpy. The method returns a 1-d array with trailing zeros removed. If the resulting series would be empty, a series containing a single zero is returned. The “Small” means “small in absolute value” and is controlled by the parameter tol; “trailing” means highest order coefficient(s), e.g., in [0, 1, 1, 0, 0] (which represents 0 + x + x**2 + 0*x**3 + 0*x**4) both the 3-rd and 4-th order coefficients would be “trimmed.” The parameter c is a 1-d array of coefficients, ordered from lowest order ... Read More

Get the Least squares fit of Hermite series to data in Python

Updated on 02-Mar-2022 05:30:13


To get the Least squares fit of Hermite series to data, use the hermite.hermfit() method in Python Numpy. The method returns the Hermite coefficients ordered from low to high. If y was 2-D, the coefficients for the data in column k of y are in column k. The parameter, x are the x-coordinates of the M sample (data) points (x[i], y[i]). The parameter, y are the y-coordinates of the sample points. Several sets of sample points sharing the same x-coordinates can be (independently) fit with one call to polyfit by passing in for y a 2-D array that contains one ... Read More

Evaluate a 2-D Hermite series on the Cartesian product of x and y in Python

Updated on 02-Mar-2022 05:25:33


To evaluate a 2-D Hermite series on the Cartesian product of x and y, use the hermite.hermgrid2d(x, y, c) method in Python. The method returns the values of the two dimensional polynomial at points in the Cartesian product of x and y.The parameters are x, y. The two dimensional series is evaluated at the points in the Cartesian product of x and y. If x or y is a list or tuple, it is first converted to an ndarray, otherwise it is left unchanged and, if it isn’t an ndarray, it is treated as a scalar.The parameter, c is an ... Read More

Evaluate a 2-D Hermite series at points (x,y) in Python

Updated on 02-Mar-2022 05:23:55


To evaluate a 2D Hermite series at points (x, y), use the hermite.hermval2d() method in Python Numpy. The method returns the values of the two dimensional polynomial at points formed with pairs of corresponding values from x and y.The 1st parameter is x, y. The two dimensional series is evaluated at the points (x, y), where x and y must have the same shape. If x or y is a list or tuple, it is first converted to an ndarray, otherwise it is left unchanged and if it isn’t an ndarray it is treated as a scalar.The 2nd parameter, C, ... Read More
