Found 10783 Articles for Python

Memory Management in Python

Updated on 19-Sep-2022 11:58:17


Writing a memory-efficient and a code that executes quickly is what every developer wants while working on any programming language. In Python, memory allocation and deallocation is not manual, since Python has a Garbage Collector. Now, what is a Garbage Collector. Garbage Collector Garbage Collection is how the memory is freed when not use and how it can be made available for other objects. Python deletes the objects that are no longer in use. This is what we call Garbage Collection. The garbage collector initiates its execution with the program and is activated if the reference count drops to zero. ... Read More

How do I modify a string in place in Python?

Updated on 16-Sep-2022 13:00:42

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Unfortunately, you cannot modify a string in place because strings are immutable. Simply create a new string from the several parts you want to gather it from. Though, if you still need an object with the ability to modify in-place unicode data, you should for The io.StringIO object The Array module Let’s see what we discussed above − Return a string with the entire contents of the buffer Example In this example, we will return a string with the entire contents of the buffer. We have a text stream StringIO − import io myStr = "Hello, How ... Read More

Why are floating-point calculations inaccurate in Python?

Updated on 16-Sep-2022 12:55:08

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What is a float? The floating-point are also called floats, they represent real numbers and are written with a decimal point dividing the integer and fractional parts. Floats may also be in scientific notation, with E or e indicating the power of 10 (2.5e2 = 2.5 x 102 = 250). Why floating-point calculations inaccurate? The floating-point calculations are inaccurate because mainly the rationals are approximating that cannot be represented finitely in base 2 and in general they are approximating numbers which may not be representable in finitely many digits in any base. Example Let’s say we have a fraction − ... Read More

How can my code discover the name of an object in Python?

Updated on 16-Sep-2022 12:54:22

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No, there’s no way to discover the name of an object in Python. The reason is that the objects don’t really have names. Let’s say we have the following code. Herein, we cannot find the actual instance name. Since both ob1 and ob2 are bound to the same value, we cannot come to a conclusion that whether the instance name of ob1 or ob2 − Example # Creating a Demo Class class Demo: pass Example = Demo ob1 = Example() ob2 = ob1 print(ob2) print(ob1) Output As we saw above, we ... Read More

How do I get a list of all instances of a given class in Python?

Updated on 16-Sep-2022 12:53:20

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The gc or weakref module is used to get a list of all instances of a given class. First, we will install the gc module using pip − pip install gc To use the gc module, use the import − import gc Get the instances of a class using the gc module In this example, we have created a Demo class with four instances − ob1 = Demo() ob2 = Demo() ob3 = Demo() ob4 = Demo() We loop through the objects in memory − for ob in gc.get_objects(): Example Using the isinstance(), each object is ... Read More

How do I use strings to call functions/methods in Python?

Updated on 16-Sep-2022 12:50:43

6K+ Views

Python Functions are generally called using their name. However, you can also use strings to call functions. For that, use the locals() and globals(). Call functions using strings Example In this example, we will learn how to call two functions using strings − def demo1(): print('Demo Function 1') def demo2(): print('Demo Function 2') locals()['demo1']() globals()['demo2']() Output Demo Function 1 Demo Function 2 Call a function using string variable Example In this example, we have created a class Example with the function xyzuvw() that accepts arg and print them. The globals() ... Read More

How do I specify hexadecimal and octal integers in Python?

Updated on 16-Sep-2022 12:49:28

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The Hexadecimal and Octal are part of Numeric Types in Python. Let’s see how to specify them one by one. For hexadecimal type, add a preceding 0x. For example − 0x11 For Octal type (base 8), add a preceding 0 (zero). For example − 0O20 Hexadecimal Integers in Python Hexadecimal Number System uses 10 digits and 6 letters, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F Letters represent the numbers starting from 10. A = 10. B = 11, C = 12, D = 13, E = 14, F = ... Read More

How do you make a higher order function in Python?

Updated on 16-Sep-2022 12:48:24

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A function in Python with another function as an argument or returns a function as an output is called the High order function. Let’s see the propertie − The function can be stored in a variable. The function can be passed as a parameter to another function. The high order functions can be stored in the form of lists, hash tables, etc. Function can be returned from a function. Let’s see some examples − Functions as objects Example The functions are considered as object in this example. Here, the function demo() is assigned to a variable − # ... Read More

What are the rules for local and global variables in Python?

Updated on 16-Sep-2022 12:46:41

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Scope of Variables in Python are of two types: local and global. Scope is defined as the accessibility of a variable in a region. Let us first understand both local and global scope before moving towards the rules. Local Scope Example This defines the local scope of a variable i.e. it can be accessed only in the function where it is defined. No access for a variable with local scope outside the function. Let’s see an example − # Variable with local scope can only be access inside the function def example(): i = 5 ... Read More

How do I convert a string to a number in Python?

Updated on 16-Sep-2022 12:40:58


To convert a string to a number, there are various ways. Let’s see them one by one. Convert a string to number using int() Example In this example, we will convert a string to a number using the int() method − # String to be converted myStr = "200" # Display the string and it's type print("String = ", myStr) print("Type= ", type(myStr)) # Convert the string to integer using int() and display the type myInt = int(myStr) print("Integer = ", myInt) print("Type = ", type(myInt)) Output String = 200 Type= Integer = ... Read More
