Found 10783 Articles for Python

Is there an equivalent of C’s “?:” ternary operator in Python?

Updated on 19-Sep-2022 13:26:25


Yes, we can work around C Language’s ternary operator in Python as well i.e. a similar way do exist. Let us first see an example of C Language’s ternary operator − Example #include int main() { int x = 10; int y; y = (x == 1) ? 20: 30; printf( "Value of y = %d", y ); y = (x == 10) ? 20: 30; printf( "Value of y = %d", y ); } Output Value ... Read More

My Python program is too slow. How do I speed it up?

Updated on 19-Sep-2022 13:09:17


If your Python program is too slow, you can follow the below given tips and tricks − Abstraction Avoid excessive abstraction, especially under the form of tiny functions or method. Abstractions tend to create indirections and force the interpreter to work more. If the levels of indirection outweigh the amount of useful work done, your program will be slower Avoid Looping Overhead If the body of your loop is simple, the interpreter overhead of the for loop itself can be a substantial amount of the overhead. This is where the map function works in a better way. The only restriction ... Read More

Why did changing list ‘y’ also change list ‘x’ in Python?

Updated on 19-Sep-2022 12:36:08


Example In this article, we will see if you will change a list, let’s say List y will also change list x. For this, let us first see an example with two lists and try to append() and print − x = [] y = x print("Value of y = ", y) print("Value of x = ", x) y.append(25) print("After changing...") print("Value of y = ", y) print("Value of x = ", x) Output ('Value of y = ', []) ('Value of x = ', []) After changing... ('Value of y = ', [25]) ('Value of x ... Read More

What is the difference between arguments and parameters in Python?

Updated on 19-Sep-2022 12:33:48

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The concept of arguments and parameters are part of Functions in Python. Therefore, before moving further let us learn how to create a function and parameterised function. A function is a block of organized, reusable code that is used to perform a single, related action. Functions provide better modularity for your application and a high degree of code reusing. Create a Function Example Let us create a basic function − # Define a function def sample(): print("Inside a Function") # Function call sample() Output Inside a Function Create a Parameterized Function Here, we are ... Read More

How can I pass optional or keyword parameters from one function to another in Python?

Updated on 19-Sep-2022 12:29:10


To pass optional or keyword parameters from one function to another, collect the arguments using the * and ** specifiers in the function’s parameter list But, at first, do know what are *args and **args in Python. Let us understand them − Variable-length/ Arbitrary arguments in Python (*args) Example When you don’t know in advance about the number of arguments to be passed, the arguments are variable-length. Include an asterisk i.e. * before the parameter name while defining the function. Let us see an example: def demo(*car): print("Car 1 = ", car[0]) print("Car 2 ... Read More

Why are default values shared between objects in Python?

Updated on 19-Sep-2022 12:24:28

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The default values concept in Python are based on using mutable or immutable objects. It is good programming practice to not use mutable objects as default values. Instead, use None as the default value to avoid issues. Immutable objects such as numbers, strings, tuples, and None, are safe from change. Changes to mutable objects such as dictionaries, lists, and class instances can lead to confusion. Let’s see the example of a Dictionary in a function and the issues with it and how to fix it. Problem We have a function. In that we have a Dictionary as a parameter with ... Read More

What are the “best practices” for using import in a Python module?

Updated on 19-Sep-2022 12:19:22

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The import statement, just like any other statement or keyword in Python should be used and added to the code properly following the best practices. Let’s see them one by on − Multiple Imports Multiple Imports should usually be on separate lines. For example − import numpy import pandas import matplotlib Always on the Top Imports are always put at the top of the file i.e. After any module comments and docstrings Before module globals and constants. For example − # import the numpy module import numpy Import Modules in an Order A good practice is ... Read More

How do I share global variables across modules in Python?

Updated on 19-Sep-2022 12:18:29

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To share global variable across module in Python, let us first understand what are global variables and its scope. Global Variable ExampleIf a variable is accessible from anywhere i.e. inside and even outside the function, it is called a Global Scope. Let’s see an example − # Variable i = 10 # Function def example(): print(i) print(i) # The same variable accessible outside the function # Calling the example() function example() # The same variable accessible outside print(i) Output 10 10 10 Share Information Across Modules Now, to share information across modules ... Read More

Why do Python lambdas defined in a loop with different values all return the same result?

Updated on 19-Sep-2022 12:17:36


Before understanding why Python lambdas defined in a loop with different values all return the same result, let us first learn about Lambda. Python Lambda The Lambda expressions allow defining anonymous functions. A lambda function is an anonymous function i.e. a function without a name. Let us see the syntax − lambda arguments: expressions The keyword lambda defines a lambda function. A lambda expression contains one or more arguments, but it can have only one expression. Example Let us see an example myStr = "Thisisit!" (lambda myStr : print(myStr))(myStr) Output Thisisit! Python lambdas defined in a loop ... Read More

What does the slash(/) in the parameter list of a function mean in Python?

Updated on 19-Sep-2022 12:03:45

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A slash in the argument list of a function denotes that the parameters prior to it are positional-only. Let us first see a function in Python with a parameter − Function in Python Example Here, we are creating a basic function in Python with a parameter myStr − # Creating a Function def demo(myStr): print("Car =: ", myStr) # function call demo("BMW") demo("Tesla") Output Car =: BMW Car =: Tesla Slash in the parameter list of a function As said above, a slash in the argument list of a function denotes that the parameters ... Read More
