Found 10784 Articles for Python

Handling duplicate values from datasets in python

Premansh Sharma
Updated on 10-Mar-2023 18:00:38

5K+ Views

Introduction The handling of duplicate values in datasets using Python is covered in this article. It defines duplicate values, shows how to spot them in a Pandas DataFrame, and offers many solutions for dealing with them, including removing duplicates, maintaining the first or last occurrence, and substituting alternative values for duplicates. The need of managing duplicate values is emphasized throughout the paper to support correct data analysis and machine learning models. In every project involving data analysis or machine learning, cleansing the data is a crucial step. The occurrence of duplicate values in datasets is one of the most prevalent ... Read More

Plotting stock charts in excel sheet using xlsxwriter module in python

Devesh Chauhan
Updated on 09-Mar-2023 10:40:20


Factors such as data analysis and growth rate monitoring are very important when it comes to plotting stock charts. For any business to flourish and expand, the right strategy is needed. These strategies are built on the back of a deep fundamental research. Python programming helps us to create and compare data which in turn can be used to study a business model. Python offers several methods and functions through which we can plot graphs, analyse growth and introspect the sudden changes. In this article we will be discussing about one such operation where we will plot a stock chart ... Read More

Pos tagging and lammetization using spacy in python

Devesh Chauhan
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 14:22:33


Python acts as an integral tool for understanding the concepts and application of machine learning and deep learning. It offers numerous libraries and modules that provides a magnificent platform for building useful techniques. In this article we will discuss about one such library known as “spaCy”. spaCy is an open-source library and is used to analyse and compare textual data. We will discuss about this library in detail but before we dive deep into the topic, let’s quickly go through the overview of this article and understand the itinerary. This article is divided into two sections − In ... Read More

Ways to create a dictionary of lists in python

Devesh Chauhan
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 14:18:09

2K+ Views

A dictionary in python is a collection of data stored in the form of key value pair. We can assign different datatypes as the value for a key. It helps the coder to store data and categories genres and build databases accordingly. List on the other hand also stores data but here elements are not associated with multiple values. Both dictionaries and lists are indexed. In list we store data in the form of sequences and these sequences can be traversed and manipulated. In this article we will merge the two formats together and create a dictionary of ... Read More

Ways to copy dictionary in python

Devesh Chauhan
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 14:17:07


Dictionary in python is a collection data type that stores information in the form of keys which have their corresponding values. It is unordered in nature and the stored data can be manipulated i.e.; it is changeable. We use dictionary to perform various operations, its application extends in the field of data base management, machine learning and web framework development. In this article we will perform a basic dictionary-based operation explaining the different ways in which we can copy a dictionary element from an already existing dictionary. Before we dive deep into the topic, let’s quickly go through the ... Read More

Different ways to initialize list with alphabets in python

Devesh Chauhan
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 14:14:54


When we are dealing with speech-based operations or creating a letter analysis table, we need a series of ordered alphabets. We can use python programming to perform such operations. Python offers numerous libraries and methods to create an ordered sequence of alphabets. We can contain these alphabetic sequences with the help of several collection datatypes such as lists, tuples dictionaries etc. In this article, we will be performing a similar operation to print a list of alphabets initialized in the correct order. The produced list will contain all the 26 English language alphabets. Before we dive deep into the discussion, ... Read More

Why has python considered a good language for ai and machine learning

Devesh Chauhan
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 13:54:15


Machine learning and artificial intelligence are the trendiest field of advancements. We create machines with a vision to produce next generation models. These models learn from the existing data and modify itself. There are multiple fields involved when it comes to the construction of such machines. Not just coding but mathematical equations, vectors and weights are also used. There are numerous programming languages that are used for creating the framework and models for a machine including python. In this article, we will discuss and try to find out why python is considered a good programming language for AI and ... Read More

Is python necessary to learn for machine learning

Devesh Chauhan
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 13:51:33


Python is a very powerful programming and it is heavily used in various fields. Python is considered to be the most popular programming language among developers at the moment and the reason for the rising popularity of python is the efficiency and simplicity it offers. In today’s modern digital era, data is everything and the management of this data is the biggest challenge for the tech powerhouses around the globe. When a machine is created to think and learn on the basis of past experiences, data complexity is inevitable. So, the smart move is to use a programming language ... Read More

Is python the best choice for machine learning?

Devesh Chauhan
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 13:50:17


“Which programming language is the best?” this is the most popular and debatable question in the programming world. The answer to this question is not linear or simple because technically every programming language has its own pros and cons. There is no “best” programming language because each language holds a slight advantage over other languages depending upon the problem. When we talk about machine learning, undoubtedly python is a highly preferred language but there are certain factors that should be considered We will talk about these factors in detail but before we dive deep into the discussion, let’s quickly understand ... Read More

Modelling the Carnot Cycle in Python

Dr Pankaj Dumka
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 11:44:47


Carnot cycle is the most fundamental gas power cycle. This is the cycle which acts as a benchmark for any engine cycle. Each and every engine cycle efficiency is checked against the Carnot Cycle. If an inventor develops a new engine cycle, then it has to be validated against the benchmark, i.e., the Carnot Cycle. All thermodynamic cycle has an upper limit established by the Carnot cycle. It comprises of two reversible adiabatic processes and two isothermal processes, in total four processes. Isothermal processes involve the addition and rejection of heat, whereas reversible adiabatic processes involve work interactions. A ... Read More
