Found 10784 Articles for Python

Access Index of Last Element in pandas DataFrame in Python

Naveen Singh
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 11:26:49

10K+ Views

To access the index of the last element in the pandas dataframe we can use the index attribute or the tail() method. Pandas is a Python library used for data manipulation and analysis. Data frame is a data structure provided by pandas which is used to work with large datasets effectively. In this article we will understand how we can access the index of the last element in pandas data frame. What is a Data Frame? Data frame is a two-dimensional, tabular data structure which has rows and columns just like a matrix or spreadsheet or a ... Read More

Access files of a devices in the same network using Python

Naveen Singh
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 09:37:17

2K+ Views

If multiple devices are connected over the same network i.e LAN or wifi then Python provides a way to access the files of the devices sharing the same network. Python built-in http.server module allows us to easily access the files of the devices connected over the same network. Http.server is a simple server that serves devices from the current directory or the chosen directory of the device when a request on the server is done. In this article, we will discuss the steps involved in accessing the files of a device in the same network using Python. Step 1 : ... Read More

Access environment variable values in Python

Naveen Singh
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 09:33:06

8K+ Views

Environment variables in Python are configuration values stored outside the code and are used at runtime by the application. These variables are present in the form of key-value pairs just like dictionaries in Python. These variables can be set, updated, or removed from the configuration file without changing the application code. Python gives many operating systems functions to access environment variables without affecting the code of the application. In this article, we will learn the ways in which we can access environment variables in Python. Using the OS Module In order to interact with the operating system python has an ... Read More

A simple News app with Tkinter and Newsapi

Naveen Singh
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 09:30:27


Tkinter is a Python library that is used to make desktop applications for Windows and UNIX-based Operating systems. Tkinter gives many choices to make a widget for the application. The same widget can be made in different ways using Tkinter. Today there are vast sources of information available on the internet. News is constantly coming from global sources to local sources. Keeping track of the latest news is a daunting task. In this article, we will build a simple News app with Tkinter and Newsapi. What is Newsapi? News API is an (Application programming interface) that provides access to news ... Read More

8-bit game using pygame

Naveen Singh
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 09:27:06


Pygame is an open-source Python library used for making games. Pygame library provides various functions and tools for creating games, sound processing, and graphics.pygame library can be used to create games on any operating system like Windows, Linux, and macOS as pygame is a cross-platform library. What is an 8-bit Game? The 8-bit game was very popular in the 1980s. The 8-bit video games included graphics and sound that were created using 8-bit technology i.e a limited color palette and sound range that fall within the 8-bit range were used to create such video games. In this article, we will ... Read More

8 Tips For Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Naveen Singh
Updated on 17-Apr-2023 09:22:44


Object-oriented programming language is a programming paradigm that is widely used in software design as it makes the code reusable and reduces code redundancy. It uses classes and objects to implement real-world objects in programming. Python and other languages like C++, java, javascript, etc support object-oriented programming. In this article, we will understand the characteristics of object-oriented programming and some tips to use object-oriented programming in Python. In object-oriented programming, objects are created from their class blueprint. These objects represent real-world objects as they have some properties called attributes and methods just like real-world objects have their own properties and ... Read More

7 Useful String Function in Python

Naveen Singh
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 10:46:32


String is a data type in python which is widely used for data manipulation and analysis in machine learning and data analytics. Python is used in almost every technological development like web development, app development, desktop app development, game development, machine learning, artificial intelligence and data analysis etc. Python provides various inbuilt string functions that can be used to manipulate and process string data. In this article we will discuss 7 useful string functions in Python. len() len() function is used to find the length of the string. It returns a number which specifies the number of characters in the ... Read More

7 Reasons Why You Should Learn Python in 2023

Naveen Singh
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 10:40:41


Python programming language was developed in 1991 and is a open source programming language. In the recent years python has gained immense popularity and has a huge developer support ecosystem which makes it easy to use and a versatile programming language. With its easy to understand syntax it is one of the best beginner programming languages to start with. It is widely used in different technological fields like web development, Game development, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence and Data Analytics by businesses. In this article we will see why you should learn the Python programming language in 2023. Reasons Why ... Read More

Error detection at its best: Implementing Checksum using Python

sudhir sharma
Updated on 12-Apr-2023 14:47:00

3K+ Views

Introduction In today's world of digital communication, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of data during transmission is vital. One powerful technique to detect errors in transmitted data is called checksum, and Python makes it a breeze to implement. In this article, we'll explore the concept of checksum and its significance in error detection, then dive into how you can easily use Python to perform these critical tasks for your own projects. So grab a cup of coffee, put on your programmer hat, let's embark on this journey towards seamless and secure data transmission Understanding Checksum and its importance for accurate ... Read More

Best Open-source Python Libraries for Machine Learning

Naveen Singh
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 12:35:41


Machine Learning is a very fast and efficient growing technology in the current world. In our society, human beings are considered the most intelligent brains among all living beings to perform any task smartly. Machine learning is the subset of AI (Artificial Intelligence), which is used to develop algorithms that can be used in a computer to learn from previous data and history and make some meaningful decisions. The popularity of machine learning is increasing with time because machine learning can perform tasks that are complex for a human being. A few years ago, the training and coding of a ... Read More
