Found 10784 Articles for Python

Which One is Better for Game Development—Python or JavaScript?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 08-May-2023 13:42:39

1K+ Views

Aspiring game developers often face the dilemma of choosing the right programming language for their projects. Two popular contenders in the game development realm are Python and JavaScript. In this article, we will delve into the strengths and weaknesses of each language, discuss their suitability for different types of games, and ultimately help you determine which language is the better choice for your game development journey. Python: The Versatile Giant Python has earned its reputation as a flexible, beginner-friendly language with a wealthy ecosystem of libraries and systems. Its rich syntax, lucidness, and ease of utilization have made it a ... Read More

Python Program to Remove All Occurrences of an Element in an Array/List

Nikhitha Chowdary Manne
Updated on 09-May-2023 00:55:55

3K+ Views

An array is a collection of elements of homogeneous datatypes stored in contiguous memory locations. Python does not provide support for the built-in arrays. If you need to work with arrays you need to import the "array" module or, use the arrays in numpy library.We can use lists instead of arrays in Python. However, we cannot restrict the elements of a list to be of the same data type. The given task is to remove all the occurrences of an element in an array/list. i, e. we to remove the specified element including the duplicate elements. Let us understand how this ... Read More

Which is Used More for DevOps: Ruby or Python?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 08-May-2023 13:41:09


The software development landscape has seen a huge change over a long time, with DevOps getting to be a fundamental portion of the cutting-edge computer program delivery handle. Pointing to streamline the method of computer program advancement and operations, DevOps cultivates a culture of collaboration, continuous integration, and nonstop delivery. The choice of programming language plays a noteworthy portion in the productive utilization of DevOps, and two well-known contenders in this space are Ruby and Python. Here, we'll look at the choice, popularity, and utilization cases of Ruby and Python within the setting of DevOps.We are going to investigate their ... Read More

Python program to print the Boundary elements of a Matrix

Nikhitha Chowdary Manne
Updated on 08-May-2023 15:26:17


Boundary Elements of a Matrix The elements that are not surrounded by any other elements that belong to the same matrix are known as Boundary elements. Using this phenomena, we can build a program. Let us consider an Input output scenario and then construct a program. Input Output Scenario Consider a matrix ( square matrix ) The Boundary elements are the elements except the middle elements of the matrix. The middle element(s) of the matrix is 5 and there are no other middle elements except 5. So, the Boundary elements are 9, 8, 7, 6, ... Read More

What is the Best Python Library for Hidden Markov Models?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 08-May-2023 13:40:18

1K+ Views

Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are powerful types of statistical models used for modeling sequential data. They have found purposes in numerous fields, such as speech recognition, natural language processing, finance, and bioinformatics. Python, being a versatile programming language, provides a range of libraries for enforcing HMMs. In this article, we will discover unique Python libraries for HMMs, and evaluate their features, performance, and ease of use, sooner or later revealing the great choice for your needs. A Primer on Hidden Markov Models Before diving into the libraries, let's briefly recap the concept of HMMs. An HMM is a probabilistic model ... Read More

What are the Resources for Learning Advanced Python Programming?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 08-May-2023 13:37:23


Python's demand as a programming language has driven it to a riches of assets for learning its different angles. Whereas beginners have various instructional exercises and guides to assist them get beginning, progressed learners regularly battle to discover assets that cater to their particular needs. In this article, we'll investigate the extent of assets pointed at taking your Python abilities to another level, covering points such as advanced language features, plan designs, execution optimization, and more. Advanced Python Language Features To get the most out of Python, it’s important to master its advanced language features. These features enable efficient, readable, ... Read More

What are Some Interesting Python Programs?

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 08-May-2023 13:36:07


Python is an adaptable programming language known for its straightforwardness and meaningfulness, making it a well-known choice for a wide run of applications. In this article, we’ll explore seven curiously Python programs that outline the language’s control and can propel you to create your claim one-of-a-kind wanders. These programs cover different ranges of counting machine learning, web development, data visualization, and more. DeepArt: Neural Style Transfer with Python DeepArt may be an interesting application that combines craftsmanship and innovation utilizing neural style exchange. This strategy permits you to apply the fashion of one picture (such as a portrayal) to the ... Read More

__file__ (A Special Variable) in Python

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 08-May-2023 13:35:18

3K+ Views

Python is known for its flexibility and adaptability, advertising a wide extent of highlights and tools that make coding both agreeable and productive. One such includes is the special variable __file__, which gives valuable data around a script's area inside the file system. In this article, we'll dig into the details of the __file__ variable, investigating its uses, benefits, and practical applications in real-world scenarios. Section 1: Understanding the File Special Variable The __file__ special variable is an attribute of a Python module that contains the path of the script or module from which it is accessed. It is naturally ... Read More

__exit__ in Python

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 08-May-2023 13:33:28

2K+ Views

Python is a flexible and capable programming language that gives a variety of highlights planned to streamline the coding process and upgrade code readability. One such highlight is the context manager, which rearranges the administration of assets such as file handles, sockets, and database connections. Context managers are made conceivable by the utilization of magic methods, including __exit__. In this article, we'll investigate the __exit__ magic method, dive into its part in context managers, and illustrate how to make your own context managers utilizing __exit__. Section 1: Understanding Context Managers and the __exit__ Method In Python, context managers are objects ... Read More

__closure__ magic function in Python

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 08-May-2023 13:32:18


Python is famous for its straightforwardness, readability, and a number of capable highlights that empower developers to type in clean and productive code. Among these highlights is the magic, which permits you to imitate built-in behavior or execute custom functionality. While Python does not have a __closure__ magic method, it does have a trait called __closure__ related to function objects. In this article, we are attending to explore the concept of closures in Python, examine the __closure__ property, and learn how to utilize it successfully in your code. Section 1: Understanding Closures in Python In Python, functions are first-class citizens, ... Read More
