Found 10784 Articles for Python

Find the profit and loss percent in the given Excel sheet using Pandas

Atharva Shah
Updated on 09-May-2023 14:57:03


Profit and loss percent is an important financial metric that helps in analyzing the profitability of a business. It is calculated by finding the difference between the total revenue and total cost, and then dividing that value by the total cost. In this technical blog, we will learn how to find the profit and loss percent in a given Excel sheet using Pandas. We will be using the same Excel sheet that we used in our previous blog post on finding profit and loss. Algorithm Import the Pandas library and read the Excel sheet using the read_excel() function. Apply ... Read More

Find the profit and loss in the given Excel sheet using Pandas

Atharva Shah
Updated on 09-May-2023 14:53:19


Pandas is a popular data manipulation and analysis library in Python that is widely used by data scientists and analysts. It provides several functions for working with data in Excel sheets. One of the most common tasks in analyzing financial data is finding the profit and loss in a given Excel sheet. Setup To handle excel files in Python using Python, you need to install the openpyxl dependency. To do this, open your terminal and type the command − pip install openpyxl After successful installation you can proceed with experimenting with Excel files and spreadsheets. To download the Excel ... Read More

Find the position of number that is multiple of certain number

Atharva Shah
Updated on 09-May-2023 12:37:57


Programmers frequently need to locate a number that is a multiple of another number. We have a number of methods available to us in Python to complete this task. This article will examine various approaches to locating a number that is a multiple of a given integer. The use of a for loop, list comprehension, and the filter function are a few of the methods we'll go through and these techniques can be used in a variety of situations when locating the position of a multiple is required. Algorithm Define a list of numbers Iterate through the list and ... Read More

HandCalcs Module Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 09-May-2023 12:36:30


HandCalcs is a Python module for automatic Latex report generation from Python code with minimal coding effort. HandCalcs uses Python's symbolic math library to track calculation history and translate it into LaTeX code. It can be used to automatically generate mathematical equations in LaTeX format. This module is a must-have tool for any Python developer who frequently uses LaTeX for technical documentation. Syntax To install HandCalcs, use the following command in the terminal or command prompt − !pip install handcalcs To use HandCalcs in your Python code, first import the handcalcs.render function. This function is used to create a ... Read More

{{ form.as_p }} – Render Django Forms as Paragraph

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 09-May-2023 15:49:41

2K+ Views

Django, a broadly used and effective web framework for Python, has made it less difficult for developers to create dynamic, information-driven web applications. One of the essential components of web packages is the capability to create and manage forms. Django affords a robust shape device that allows developers to fast create, validate, and process forms. In this post, we will explore a lesser-acknowledged feature of Django's form system - the {{ form.as_p }} method which makes it smooth to render forms as paragraphs. Django Forms Before diving into {{ form.as_p }}, let's briefly review how Django forms work. Django ... Read More

HDF5 Files in Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 09-May-2023 12:34:00

2K+ Views

The file type HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format 5) is frequently used for storing and handling huge and intricate data sets. It is the perfect option for scientific and industrial uses because it is made to be versatile, scalable, and effective. Python is one of the many programming languages that can be used to generate, read, and modify HDF5 files. We will look at working with HDF5 files in Python in this tutorial. Installation and Setup We need to install the "h5py" package. We can install it using pip, the package installer for Python. pip install h5py Syntax To create ... Read More

__subclasscheck__ and __subclasshook__ in Python

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 09-May-2023 15:48:36


Python, a generally adaptable and effective programming language, has picked up significant popularity over a long time. The item-oriented nature of Python lets within the execution of a few high-quality capacities, such as inheritance and polymorphism. In this post, we will delve into two lesser-recognized, yet charming techniques that allow for custom-designed inheritance checks in Python: subclasscheck and subclasshook. What are Subclasscheck and Subclasshook? In Python, it is not unusual to determine if a class is a subclass of some other class by utilizing the built-in issubclass() function. By default, this function checks the inheritance tree to decide the connection ... Read More

__new__ in Python

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 09-May-2023 15:47:19


Python, a versatile and broadly used programming language, is thought for its simplicity and widespread feature set. One of its lesser-regarded but powerful capabilities is the brand-new technique, which offers builders a unique way of customizing item introduction. This article presents a complete and engaging review of the new approach in Python, discussing its purpose, use instances and quality practices. Section 1: The Essence of New 1.1: Understanding New In Python, new is a special method that belongs to elegance rather than the example of a category. It is chargeable for creating and returning new times of the class. The ... Read More

__init_subclass__ in Python

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 09-May-2023 15:46:34

2K+ Views

Python, a famous and flexible programming language, boasts an array of effective functions that cater to developers' varying wishes. One such function, the lesser-recognized yet extraordinarily beneficial init_subclass, enables builders to exercise greater manipulation over the subclass advent procedure. This article delves deep into the complexity of the init_subclass technique, discussing its reason, use of instances, and high-quality practices. Section 1: The Fundamentals of Init_subclass 1.1: Defining Init_subclass Introduced in Python 3.6, init_subclass is a category method that permits customization of subclass advent. It serves as a hook that triggers at some stage in the introduction of a new subclass, ... Read More

__init__ in Python

Tushar Sharma
Updated on 09-May-2023 15:45:34


As we journey through the arena of Python, we regularly come across factors of the language that permits us to express our thoughts and intentions extra intuitively. One such detail is the init approach, a powerful constructor method that brings our custom training to existence. In this post, we'll explore the inner workings of Python's init method, illuminating its key position in initializing our custom instructions and respiratory lifestyles into our code. The Birth of Objects: The Init Method When we create a new instance of a custom class, Python invokes a unique method known as init to initialize the ... Read More
