Found 10784 Articles for Python

Python Program To Write Your Own atoi()

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 11-Jul-2023 17:08:47


We are given a string that may represent a number and if it is a valid number then we have to convert it into an integer using the Python programming language. atoi() function is used in C programming language and used to convert the string which is passed as the parameter to it into an integer value if the string is a valid integer otherwise it shows the undefined behavior. Sample Examples Input 1 string S = "9834" Output 9834 Explanation We are given a string that represents a number so we have just got the same output. ... Read More

Python Program for Converting Roman Numerals to Decimal Lying Between 1 to 3999

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 11-Jul-2023 21:34:23


Roman numerals are known as the characters used in an arrangement of number notation based on the pre-Roman Roman system. All major symbols are covered in the section below. In this problem, we are given a string of Roman numerals and our task is to convert Roman numerals to decimals in the range of 1 to 3999 Here are some examples and explanations to help you better understand the problem. Input str = “MXCIX” Output 1099 Explanation M is the Roman representation of 1000, XC is the Roman representation of 90, IX is the Roman representation of 9. Input str ... Read More

Multilabel Ranking Metrics-Label Ranking Average Precision in Machine Learning

Priya Mishra
Updated on 11-Jul-2023 12:57:58


In the field of machine learning, multilabel classification is an important task that involves assigning multiple labels to instances. Assessing the effectiveness of multilabel classification models requires specific metrics that take into account the order in which the predicted labels are ranked. This article focuses on one such metric, Label Ranking Average Precision (LRAP). LRAP measures the average precision of correctly ranked labels and provides a comprehensive assessment of multilabel classification models. Understanding LRAP and its significance can enhance the evaluation and comparison of machine learning algorithms for multilabel tasks. What is Label Ranking Average Precision? Multilabel Ranking Metrics, specifically ... Read More

MultiLabel Ranking Metrics - Ranking Loss in Machine Learning

Priya Mishra
Updated on 11-Jul-2023 12:55:41


In machine learning, accurately ranking multiple labels is crucial for many applications, multiLabel Ranking Metrics, such as Ranking Loss, provide a quantitative measure of the ranking performance. Ranking Loss evaluates the disparity between predicted and true label rankings, allowing for fine-grained evaluation of models. This article explores the concept of Ranking Loss in the context of multi-label classification, its significance in machine learning, and provides practical examples for implementation. Gain insights into evaluating and improving ranking performance with this essential metric. Ranking Loss, a MultiLabel Ranking Metrics MultiLabel Ranking Metrics - Ranking Loss in Machine Learning serves as an ... Read More

Python3 Program to Minimize Characters to be Changed to Make the Left and Right Rotation of a String the Same

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 11-Jul-2023 15:05:05


Rotation means we have to shift each character either in a forward direction or backward direction. Forward direction means right rotation (Or anticlockwise) and backward direction means left rotation (Or clockwise). In this problem, we have given a string of size n. Our task is to find the minimum number of the character to be changed to check whether it is possible to the make left rotation and right rotation of a string the same. Let's see examples with explanations below to understand the problem in a better way. Input 1 str = "wxyz" Output 1 2 Explanation The ... Read More

MultiLabel Ranking Metrics - Coverage Error in Machine Learning

Priya Mishra
Updated on 11-Jul-2023 13:10:23


Evaluating the quality of MultiLabel models necessitates the use of MultiLabel Ranking metrics, one such metric is Coverage Error, which quantifies a ranking model's ability to cover all relevant labels for a particular instance. Multi-label ranking tasks involve the assignment of multiple relevant labels to a given instance, such as tagging images or categorizing documents. In this article, we delve into the concept of Coverage Error and explore its significance in assessing the effectiveness of multi-label ranking models. What is a Coverage Error? Coverage Error is a metric used in machine learning to evaluate multi-label ranking models. It measures ... Read More

Making a Captcha Alternative for the Visually Impaired with Machine Learning

Priya Mishra
Updated on 11-Jul-2023 12:30:22


Visually impaired individuals face significant accessibility challenges when encountering visual-based CAPTCHAs, here machine learning can be ustilized to create a captcha alternative for visually impaireds. This article explores an alternative solution for captcha that harness the power of machine learning. By making use of the machine leraning algorithms and adaptive technologies, we aim to bridge the gap, and ensuring equal access and user experience for the visually impaireds. Prerequisites Python − Make sure that Python is installed on the system. The program is compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3. Required Libraries − The program uses the following libraries, which need to ... Read More

Hyperparameter tuning using GridSearchCV and KerasClassifier

Priya Mishra
Updated on 11-Jul-2023 12:03:07

1K+ Views

In the field of machine learning, hyperparameter tuning plays a crucial role in optimizing the performance of models and one of the popular techniques for hyperparameter tuning is using GridSearchCV in combination with KerasClassifier. This powerful combination allows data scientists and machine learning practitioners to efficiently explore and identify the best set of hyperparameters for their deep learning models. In this article, we will dive into the concept of hyperparameter tuning, understand the GridSearchCV algorithm, and explore how to use it with KerasClassifier. Understanding Hyperparameters Hyperparameters are parameters in machine learning models that are set by data scientists or machine ... Read More

How to expand contractions in text processing in NLP?

Priya Mishra
Updated on 11-Jul-2023 11:55:49


Contractions play a significant role in informal writing and speech, in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), it is often necessary to expand contractions to improve text understanding and processing. contractions are shortened versions of words or phrases that combine two words into one. For example, "can't" is a contraction of "cannot, " and "it's" is a contraction of "it is." While contractions are commonly used in everyday communication, they can pose challenges for NLP systems due to their ambiguity and potential loss of context. In this article, we will explore the techniques and challenges associated with expanding contractions ... Read More

How to deploy model in Python using TensorFlow Serving?

Priya Mishra
Updated on 11-Jul-2023 11:50:35


Deploying machine learning models plays a vital role in making AI applications functional, to serve models effectively in a production environment, TensorFlow Serving offers a reliable solution. When a model is trained and prepared for deployment, it's crucial to serve it efficiently to handle real-time requests. TensorFlow Serving is a strong tool that facilitates the smooth deployment of machine learning models in a production setting. In this article, we will delve into the steps involved in deploying a model in Python using TensorFlow Serving. What is Model Deployment? Model deployment involves making a trained machine-learning model usable for real-time ... Read More
