Found 10784 Articles for Python

Plotting A Square Wave Using Matplotlib, Numpy And Scipy

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 21-Jul-2023 18:45:53


A square wave is a type of non-sinusoidal waveform that is widely used in electric and digital circuits to show signals. Basically, these circuits use a square wave to represent input and output or on and off. Python provides several ways to plot square waves including Matplotlib, NumPy and Scipy libraries. These libraries offer various built-in methods for data visualization, making it easy to create and customize square wave plots. Python Program for plotting a Square Wave Before discussing the example programs, it is necessary to familiarize ourselves with the basics of Matplotlib, NumPy and Scipy libraries. ... Read More

Plot Line Graph from NumPy Array

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 25-Jul-2023 10:43:34

2K+ Views

A line graph is a common way to display the relationship between two dependent datasets. Its general purpose is to show change over time. To plot a line graph from the numpy array, we can use matplotlib which is the oldest and most widely used Python library for plotting. Also, it can be easily integrated with numpy which makes it easy to create line graphs to represent trends and patterns in the given datasets. Python Program to Plot line graph from NumPy array Here are the example programs that demonstrate how to plot line graphs from numpy ... Read More

Print Full Numpy Array without Truncation

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 21-Jul-2023 18:31:39

5K+ Views

Numpy is a powerful Python library that serves to handle large, multi-dimensional arrays. However, when printing large numpy arrays, the interpreter often truncates the output to save space and shows only a few elements of that array. In this article, we will show how to print a full Numpy array without truncation. To understand the problem statement properly, consider the below example: Input aray = np.arange(1100) Output [ 0 1 2 ... 1097 1098 1099] In the above example, we have created an array with 1100 elements. When ... Read More

Plot the Size of each Group in a Groupby object in Pandas

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 21-Jul-2023 19:14:37


Pandas is a powerful Python library mainly used for data analysis. Since it contains large and complicated numeric datasets that are difficult to understand, we need to plot these datasets which makes it easy to visualize relationships within the given dataset. Python provides several libraries such as Matplotlib, Plotly and Seaborn to create informative plots from the given data with ease. In this article, we will show how to plot the size of each group in a Groupby object in Pandas. Python Program to Plot the Size of each Group in a Groupby Object To plot the ... Read More

Percentile Rank of a Column in a Pandas DataFrame

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 25-Jul-2023 12:19:36

2K+ Views

Finding the percentile rank is a common operation that is used for comparison between data of a single dataset. The end result of this operation shows a certain percentage is greater than or equal to the specified percentile. For instance, suppose a student obtains a score greater than or equal to 80% of all other scores. Then, the percentile rank of that student is 80th. To find the percentile rank of a column in a Pandas DataFrame, we can use the built-in methods named 'rank()' and 'percentile()' provided by Python. Python Program to find Percentile Rank of ... Read More

Highlight Pandas DataFrame's specific columns using applymap()

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 21-Jul-2023 18:02:58


While presenting or explaining some facts and figures using Pandas DataFrame, we might need to highlight important rows and columns of the given data that help in making them more appealing, easier to understand and visually stunning. One way of highlighting the Pandas DataFrame's specific columns is by using the built-in method applymap(). Python Program to Highlight Pandas DataFrame using applymap() To understand the code properly, we need to discuss the basics of Pandas and applymap(): Pandas It is an open-source Python library that is mainly used for data analysis and manipulation. It can handle ... Read More

Highlight Pandas DataFrame's Specific Columns using Apply()

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 21-Jul-2023 18:19:33

1K+ Views

While presenting or explaining some facts using Pandas DataFrame, we might need to highlight important rows and columns of the given data that help in making them more appealing, explainable and visually stunning. One way of highlighting the Pandas DataFrame's specific columns is by using the built-in method apply(). Python Program to Highlight Pandas DataFrame using apply() Before jumping to the example program directly, it is necessary to discuss the basics of Pandas and apply(). Pandas It is an open-source Python library that is mainly used for data analysis and manipulation. It can handle both relational ... Read More

Hierarchical Data in Pandas

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 25-Jul-2023 12:21:50

2K+ Views

Hierarchical data is often used to represent multiple levels of nested groups or categories. For example, a company may have a hierarchy of employees, departments, and locations. A product may have a hierarchy of categories and subcategories. One of the challenges of working with hierarchical data is how to represent it in a tabular format which can make it easy to manipulate and analyze. In this article, we are going to present hierarchical data using Pandas' built-in methods like 'set_index()' and 'groupby()'. Python Program to Represent Hierarchical Data using Pandas First, let's briefly discuss Pandas and its ... Read More

Plot Multiple lines in Matplotlib

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 21-Jul-2023 17:51:34

6K+ Views

Python provides a powerful library named Matplotlib that creates visual representations in the form of plots and graphs. One of the many features of this library is the ability to plot multiple lines in a single graph that are useful in comparing data sets or visualizing trends over time. We are going to explore the built-in method named 'plot()' that is used for plotting multiple lines in Python Matplotlib. Python Program to Plot Multiple lines in Matplotlib Before jumping to the program directly, let's familiarize ourselves with some basic concepts of Python that will help us ... Read More

Plot Multiple Plots in Matplotlib

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 21-Jul-2023 17:49:45

3K+ Views

Python provides a powerful library named Matplotlib that creates visual representations in the form of plots and graphs. One of the many features of this library is the ability to plot multiple plots within a single figure that are useful when comparing different datasets or visualizing relationships between multiple variables. We are going to explore the built-in method named 'subplots()' of Matplotlib that is used to plot multiple plots. Python program to plot multiple plots in Matplotlib Before jumping to the program directly let's familiarize ourselves with subplots() method of Matplotlib. subplots() method With a single ... Read More
