Found 10784 Articles for Python

How to get rows/index names in Pandas dataframe?

Updated on 24-Jul-2023 12:06:47

6K+ Views

Pandas is an extremely widely used Python library for data manipulation and analysis. It offers an efficient set of tools for handling structured data, including support with data wrangling, cleaning, visualization, and other functions. Working with tabular data, which is data organized into rows and columns, is one of Pandas' main features. Each row and column in a Pandas DataFrame has a label or name assigned to it, making it simple to refer to certain rows and columns. The term "index" is commonly used to describe the row labels or names in this context, whereas "column names" is used to ... Read More

How to get the Daily News using Python?

Updated on 24-Jul-2023 12:02:09


Daily News is a word used to describe news that is released every day and focuses on global events and topics. The Daily News's mission is to keep readers informed and up to date with events across the world. Politics, sports, entertainment, science, and technology are just a few of the many areas that the Daily News covers. The fields of data analysis and web development both make extensive use of the programming language Python. It can be used to make a programme that gathers news articles from several sources and compiles them into a daily news summary. Python packages ... Read More

How to get the first and last elements of Deque in Python?

Updated on 24-Jul-2023 11:47:36

1K+ Views

A deque is a double ended queue in which insertion and deletion can be performed at both the ends of the queue. It is present in the collections module of Python and has a major use in real life applications. However, since it can perform insertion and deletion from both the ends therefore, it does follow the FIFO (First In First Out) rule. In this article, we will be discussing how we could get the first and the last element of the deque in Python. Approaches Approach 1 − In this approach, we will be using the functions ... Read More

How to get the duration of audio in Python?

Updated on 24-Jul-2023 11:44:33

4K+ Views

The field of audio processing has witnessed substantial expansion within recent years, and Python has become a prevalent choice of language for tasks revolving around audio manipulation. A common undertaking when it comes to processing audio entails determining the length of an audio file, which can prove useful in a wide array of applications. Such as the creation of playlists, audio data analysis, or the development of audio editing tools. Throughout this article, you will be guided through a variety of techniques, ranging from the basic to the advanced, in order to obtain the duration of audio using Python. ... Read More

How to get the current username in Python?

Updated on 24-Jul-2023 11:27:21

5K+ Views

As a versatile programming language, Python provides programmers with a variety of methods to accomplish a wide range of tasks. One such task is the retrieval of the current username associated with the user running a script or application. This information can be particularly useful for creating personalized messages, logging user activity, or managing access permissions in multi-user environments. In this article, we will explore the different methods and approaches to obtain the current username in Python. We will discuss the syntax, algorithms, and provide real code examples with their respective outputs. By the end of this article, you ... Read More

Plot Live Graphs using Python Dash and Plotly

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 21:52:13

2K+ Views

Python provides powerful tools like Dash and Plotly for creating interactive and dynamic visualizations using which we can create live graphs so that we can visualize data in real-time which is essential for gaining valuable insights. This article explores how to plot live graphs using Python Dash and Plotly. We'll learn how to set up a Dash application, define the layout, and update the graph dynamically using callbacks. By leveraging Plotly's rich visualization capabilities and Dash's flexibility, we can create real-time graphs that respond to changing data. Whether it's monitoring sensor data, tracking financial trends, or visualizing live analytics, ... Read More

Plot candlestick chart using mplfinance module in python

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 21:50:34


In the world of financial analysis, candlestick charts are an essential tool for visualizing stock price data which can be plotted using mplfinance module in python. They provide valuable insights into market trends and patterns. By harnessing the capabilities of mplfinance, developers can generate visually compelling candlestick charts with ease. In this article, we will explore how to leverage the mplfinance module to create stunning and insightful candlestick charts effortlessly. mplfinance module The mplfinance is a Python module specifically designed for visualizing financial market data using candlestick charts. It provides an intuitive and flexible interface for creating highly customizable ... Read More

Playing Youtube Video using Python

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 21:47:53

4K+ Views

Playing YouTube videos using Python is a powerful way to enhance your multimedia projects. Python's flexibility and extensive libraries provide developers with the tools to interact with YouTube's vast video collection programmatically. By leveraging the pytube library, developers can easily download YouTube videos and play them directly within their Python applications. In this article, we will guide you through the process of playing YouTube videos using Python step by step. Whether you're looking to integrate videos into your software or simply explore the possibilities of YouTube data manipulation. What is a pytube module? The pytube module is a useful ... Read More

How to get the address for an element in Python array?

Updated on 21-Jul-2023 19:06:52


Python is a versatile and widespread programming language that offers its users an array of potent tools for working with various data structures. One such data structure is the array, which is a collection of elements stored in adjacent memory regions. This article aims to guide you through the process of discovering the location of an element in a Python array, which is a valuable skill for various programming applications. We will define the concept of an "address, " explain the syntax for obtaining it, and present several techniques with accompanying algorithms and actual code samples. By the end of ... Read More

Dice Rolling Simulator Using Python-Random

Updated on 21-Jul-2023 18:49:54

1K+ Views

Dice Rolling Simulator is a basic cube that creates a random number when a user rolls it. These programs are frequently employed in a wide range of simulations, games, and even statistical analysis. Python is one of the most often utilized programming languages for making dice simulators. This essay will go over the history, conception, and execution of a Python-Random-based dice rolling simulator. Design and Implementation Designing and building a dice simulator with Python-Random is not too difficult. The programme will produce a random number between 1 and 6, which will be used to mimic the roll of a die. ... Read More
