Found 10784 Articles for Python

How to get the current open file line in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 20-Jul-2023 12:59:02

2K+ Views

If a file is open in Python and you want to find the current line number of the open file; we explore different ways, in this article, how you can perform this task using certain modules, functions and methods. Along the way, we discuss some code examples with detailed explanations to elucidate the concepts and strategies involved in the task. Making Use of the Tell() Method You can begin by opening the file in read mode by using of the open() function and assigning it to a variable ‘file’. Then using the read() method you load the contents ... Read More

How to use seek() method to reset a file read/write position in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 16:19:23

9K+ Views

In Python file handling, there are several functions and methods that have different functionalities and are used to achieve specific purposes and tasks. Among such kind as above, the seek() method makes it possible for you to reset the read/write position within a file. This functionality of the method is very helpful when you need to move the cursor to a specific or particular location in the file to carry out subsequent read or write operations. In this article, we will examine several ways how you can make use of the seek() method to reset the read/write position in Python. ... Read More

How to set read and write position in a file in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 16:34:14

2K+ Views

As a part of file handling operations, in Python, you can carry out the operation of setting the read and write positions within a file to access or modify specific parts of its content. This functionality permits you to navigate and explore through the file performing various operations at desired locations. Through the medium of this article, we will learn to master the operation of setting the read and write positions in a file using Python. You can always follow the descriptive and detailed explanations and code examples given below to understand and gain the skill of positioning within a ... Read More

How to read only the first line of a file with Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 16:41:02

11K+ Views

In Python, file handling is a big topic spanning several scores of operations; one such operation is one of reading the first line of a file and this allows you to quickly access and retrieve specific information without reading the entire file. In this present article, we will examine several ways of executing the process of reading only the first line of a file using Python. You can follow the lucid and descriptive explanations and code examples below to understand and master the process of reading the first line of a file. Using the readline() Method To be ... Read More

How to open a file just to read in python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 15:55:50


In Python, file handling involves many operations; among them, one such task is opening a file for reading and this makes it possible for you to access and retrieve data from the file. In this article, we will discuss and learn how to open a file in read mode using Python; we will use some code examples with self-explanatory descriptions to help you understand and master the process of reading files in Python. Opening a File for Reading and Printing its Content For a file to be opened for reading and printing its content, you can follow these steps: ... Read More

How to open a file to write in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 16:10:48

1K+ Views

In Python, in the domain of file handling, we come across several different types of operations; one such operation is that of opening a file for writing; this operation allows you to either create a new file or overwrite the existing content with fresh data. In this article, here, we will go through several ways on how to open a file in write mode using Python. To make it easy to understand and learn we provide for several code examples below with stepwise explanations to help master the process of writing files in Python. Opening a File in Write Mode ... Read More

How do you append to a file with Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 15:15:25

10K+ Views

The task of appending content to a file is a common and routine task in Python programming. If you need to log data, store user inputs, or update a configuration file, appending makes it possible for you to add new data or information to a file without overwriting existing content. Here, in this article, we will explore various ways of how to append to a file using Python; we also demonstrate through some code examples with explanations to guide you through the process. You will get to know how to append content to a file using Python in many different ... Read More

How to open a file in append mode with Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 15:43:42

11K+ Views

File handling in Python, among others, involves the task of opening a file in append mode which has its own importance in that scheme of things. Append mode makes it possible for you to add new content to a file without deleting or overwriting the existing data. Here, in this article, we will explore several different ways how you can open a file in append mode using Python; we make provision for some code examples with easy-to-follow detailed stepwise explanations. Opening a File in Append Mode for Text Writing In order to open a file in append mode for writing ... Read More

What are the key differences between Python 2.7.x and Python 3.x?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Python 3.0 was released in Dec. 2008. It was designed to rectify certain flaws in earlier version. The guiding principle of Python 3 was: "reduce feature duplication by removing old ways of doing things". Python 3.0 doesn’t provide backward compatibility. That means a Python program written using version 2.x syntax doesn’t execute under python 3.x interpreter. Ver 2.7 is the final major release in Python 2.x series. Although there are quite a few differences in usages of these two versions, the most obvious ones are mentioned below − print is a keyword in Python 2.7 but has been included as ... Read More

How to open a binary file in read and write mode with Python?

Updated on 01-Oct-2019 11:38:47

2K+ Views

To open binary files in binary read/write mode, specify 'w+b' as the mode(w=write, b=binary). For example,f = open('my_file.mp3', 'w+b') file_content = f.write(b'Hello') f.close()Above code opens my_file.mp3 in binary read/write mode, stores the file content in file_content variable and rewrites the file to contain "Hello" in binary. You can also use r+mode as it doesn't truncate the file. 
