Found 34494 Articles for Programming

Create a Slider Component in MATLAB

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 06-Sep-2023 12:58:52


MATLAB is a high-level programming language that allows us to create GUI applications without need of proper programming knowledge. In a MATLAB application, we can create various kinds of GUI (Graphical User Interface) components such as buttons, slider, text and number fields, hyperlinks, and many more. This tutorial is meant for explaining the process of creating a slider component in a MATLAB application. A slider component in MATLAB application is a GUI component that allows users to chose a specific value from a range just by dragging a slider/wiper control along the range track. In MATLAB, we can create a slider ... Read More

Cosine Similarity Calculation Between Two Matrices in MATLAB

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 06-Sep-2023 12:22:34


In this tutorial, we will learn how to calculate cosine similarity between two matrices using MATLAB. So, let’s start with the basic definition of cosine similarity. What is Cosine Similarity? Cosine similarity is a standard of measurement in matrix algebra used to determine the measure of similarity between two non-zero matrices in an inner product space like Euclidean space. Cosine similarity measures the cosine of the angle between the two matrices and produces a value between -1 and 1. Here, the value 1 indicates that the two matrices are perfectly similar, and the value -1 indicates that the two matrices ... Read More

Bit and Byte Organized Memory

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 05-Sep-2023 17:23:18


In the field of computer, the terms “Bit”, “Byte”, and “Memory” are very commonly used. Memory is defined as a property of a device responsible for storing information. Bit and Bytes are two fundamental measurement units of memory capacity. A bit is used to represent a binary digit, either a 0 or a 1. While the term byte is used to specify a group of 8-bits. In computer systems, digital memory can be organized either in bits or bytes. In this article, we will discuss the various important concepts related to the topic “bit and byte organized memory”. Concept of ... Read More

Binarization of Digital Images Using Otsu Method in MATLAB

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 05-Sep-2023 17:21:17


In digital image processing, the process of transforming a color image or a grayscale image into a binary image is referred to as binarization of the image. In a binary image, the image pixels are represented using binary values i.e., 0 and 1, where 0 represents the black pixel and 1 represents the white pixel. Binarization is an efficient technique to simplify the image analysis and it also helps in extracting important characteristics of the image. Process of Binarization of Digital Images The process of binarization of a digital image is based on the use of a threshold value to ... Read More

Remove all duplicates and permutations in a nested list in Python

Updated on 04-Sep-2023 16:43:51


Removing duplicates and changes from a settled list in Python could be a common errand that makes a difference streamline information and maintain a strategic distance from excess or dreary components. In this article, we point to extricate an interesting set of sublists from the settled list, disposing of any duplicates or stages. By doing so, we will streamline further operations and guarantee information keenness. In this article, we are going investigate three diverse approaches to attain this objective. Each approach will go with step-by-step clarifications, Python code, and yield, empowering you to get it and execute the foremost reasonable ... Read More

Bar Charts Using Python Vincent

Updated on 04-Sep-2023 16:42:25


Bar charts are a popular visualization tool for displaying categorical information. They give a clear and brief way to compare different categories or bunches. Vincent is a Python library that gives an easy-to-use interface for making intelligent visualizations. It is built on top of the well-known plotting library, Matplotlib, and gives a more declarative syntax for creating visualizations. With Vincent, you'll be able to make bar charts, line plots, diffuse plots, and more.  In this article, we will investigate how to form bar charts utilizing the Python library Vincent. Python Vincent Python Vincent, moreover known as Vincent, is a ... Read More

Basic Gantt Chart Using Python Matplotlib

Updated on 04-Sep-2023 16:40:23

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Project management could be a complex endeavor that requires cautious arranging, organization, and following of errands and timelines. Gantt charts have long been a staple in extended administration, giving a visual representation of venture plans, errand lengths, and conditions. These charts empower venture directors and groups to successfully arrange, screen, and communicate extend advance. In this article, we'll set out on a travel to make essential basic fundamental essential Synonyms Gantt charts utilizing the effective Python library, Matplotlib. By leveraging Matplotlib's plotting capabilities, we will make energetic and instructive Gantt charts that upgrade and extend visualization and decision-making. Basic Gantt ... Read More

Relative Layout in Python Kivy

Updated on 04-Sep-2023 16:35:55


The Relative Layout in Python Kivy may be a powerful format supervisor that permits designers to form energetic and adaptable client interfacing. It empowers the situating and measuring of widgets based on their connections to other widgets or the format itself. By utilizing grapple focuses and relative situating, designers can plan to interface that adjusts to distinctive screen sizes and introductions. The Relative Format utilizes calculations for measuring gadget sizes, situating them precisely, and overhauling the format powerfully. With its flexibility and ease of usage, the Relative Format is a fundamental apparatus for making outwardly engaging and responsive client interfacing ... Read More

Random Password Generator using Python Tkinter

Updated on 04-Sep-2023 16:32:42


The tkinter module in Python gives a straightforward and proficient way to form graphical client interfaces (GUI). By utilizing tkinter, able to make an irregular secret word generator window. The interface ordinarily comprises a button that triggers the watchword era and a name to show the created secret word. Interior the secret word era work, characters are arbitrarily chosen from a characterized set, such as alphanumeric characters and uncommon images. The produced watchword is at that point shown within the name. With tkinter's user-friendly highlights and the adaptability of arbitrary secret word era, clients can effortlessly produce secure and one ... Read More

Real time currency converter using Python Tkinter

Updated on 04-Sep-2023 16:30:53


In today's globalized world, cash transformation plays an imperative part in different monetary exchanges and worldwide exchanges. Whether you're arranging a trip overseas, overseeing outside ventures, or running multinational commerce, having to get to real-time money change is basic. In this article, we are going investigate how to construct a real-time money converter utilizing Python Tkinter, a prevalent GUI toolkit. By leveraging the power of Python and Tkinter, ready to make an instinctive and user-friendly application that not as it were performs exact cash transformations but to gives an intuitive interface for clients to input their craved sums and select ... Read More
