Found 34494 Articles for Programming

What do the python file extensions, .pyc .pyd .pyo stand for?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 02-May-2023 13:52:24

6K+ Views

The .py, .pyc, .pyo and .pyd files have their own significance when it comes to executing python programs. They are used for − .py: The input source code that you've written. .pyc: The compiled bytecode. If you import a module, python will build a *.pyc file that contains the bytecode to make importing it again later easier (and faster). .pyo: A *.pyc file that was created while optimizations (-O) was on. .pyd: A windows dll file for Python. In Python, there are several file extensions that are used to indicate different types of files. Here are some of the most ... Read More

What are .pyc files in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 27-Aug-2023 12:13:53

31K+ Views

In Python, .pyc files are compiled bytecode files that are generated by the Python interpreter when a Python script is imported or executed. The .pyc files contain compiled bytecode that can be executed directly by the interpreter, without the need to recompile the source code every time the script is run. This can result in faster script execution times, especially for large scripts or modules. .pyc files are created by the Python interpreter when a .py file is imported. They contain the "compiled bytecode" of the imported module/program so that the "translation" from source code to bytecode (which only needs ... Read More

How to import other Python files?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 31-May-2024 12:20:05

80K+ Views

The task or process of importing other files in Python allows you to use functions, classes, or variables defined in those files within your current Python script. In this article, we will explore different ways to import other Python files, including built-in modules, user-defined modules, and importing specific functions or variables. By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of how to import and use code from other Python files in your current projects. Along the way, we will use code examples followed by lucid explanations to help you understand the above task. Importing a User-Defined ... Read More

Why the main method has to be in a java class?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Main method is the entry point of the execution in Java. When we execute a class JVM searches for the main method and execute the contents of it line by line. If you observe the following example you can compile a this program but if you try to execute it you will get an error saying “Main method not found”. Example abstract class SuperTest { public abstract void sample(); public abstract void demo(); } public class Example extends SuperTest{ public void sample(){ System.out.println("sample method ... Read More

Can a method return multiple values in Java?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20

9K+ Views

You can return only one value in Java. If needed you can return multiple values using array or an object. Example In the example given below the calculate() method accepts two integer variables performs the addition subtraction, multiplication and, division operations on them stores the results in an array and returns the array. public class ReturningMultipleValues { static int[] calculate(int a, int b){ int[] result = new int[4]; result[0] = a + b; result[1] = a - b; ... Read More

Can you have a method in Java with varying number of arguments?

Updated on 16-Jun-2020 09:34:09

1K+ Views

Yes, we can write a method using variable arguments once you use variable arguments as a parameter method while calling you can pass as many numbers of arguments to this method (variable number of arguments) or, you can simply call this method without passing any arguments.ExampleLive Demopublic class Sample{    void demoMethod(String... args) {       for (String arg : args) {          System.out.println(arg);       }    }    public static void main(String args[] ){       new Sample().demoMethod("ram", "rahim", "robert");       new Sample().demoMethod("krishna", "kasyap");       new Sample().demoMethod();    } }Outputram rahim robert krishna kasyap

How to write binary data to a file using Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 25-Jul-2023 09:59:05

27K+ Views

It is a common and routine task in Python; the act of writing binary data to a file when you need to save non-textual data such as images, audio files, or serialized objects. In this article, we will explore various ways how you can write binary data to a file using Python and provide you with code examples followed by comprehensive explanations to help you grasp the concept. To write binary data to a file in Python, you can follow these steps: Open the File in Binary Mode First, you should proceed to open the file in ... Read More

Are there inline functions in Java?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20

3K+ Views

If a function is inline, the compiler places a copy of the code of that function at each point where the function is called at compile time. Any change to an inline function could require all clients of the function to be recompiled because compiler would need to replace all the code once again otherwise it will continue with old functionality. No, Java does not provide inline functions it is typically done by the JVM at execution time.

What is the difference between non-static methods and abstract methods in Java?

Updated on 19-Dec-2019 06:36:11

1K+ Views

Following are the notable differences between non-static methods and abstract methods.Non-static (normal) methodsAbstract methodsThese methods contain a body.Abstract methods don’t have body these are ended with a semicolonYou can use normal method directly.You cannot use abstract methods directly, to use them you need to inherit them and provide body to these methods and use them.Example:public void display() {    System.out.println("Hi"); }Example:public void display();

How to set creation and modification date/time of a file using Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 25-Jul-2023 09:41:43

7K+ Views

The creation and modification datetime of a file in Python are defined as the timestamps associated with the events of when the file was created and when it was last modified. Creation datetime: It is defined as the timestamp when a file was initially created or added to the file system. Modification datetime: It is defined as the timestamp when the file's content was last modified or updated. These datetimes can provide a lot of information such as the file's age, recent changes, or when it was first introduced. In Python, you can fetch the ... Read More
