Found 34477 Articles for Programming

Swift Program to Implement the queue data structure

Ankita Saini
Updated on 14-Jun-2023 11:18:50


A queue is a data structure which worked upon FIFO(first in first out) principle. In a queue, both ends are open, so that we can add a new element from one end called the rear or tail, this operation is known as enqueue and remove element from another end called the front or head, this operation is known as dequeue. Although Swift does not support any in-built queue data structure, still we can implement queue using various ways like link-list, structure, class, array, etc. You can use any of the methods to implement the queue data structure according to ... Read More

Swift Program to Implement switch statement on Strings

Ankita Saini
Updated on 14-Jun-2023 10:51:25


A switch statement is a control flow statement in which it only executes the block of code as soon as the expression given in the switch statement matches a case among the given multiple cases. If no case satisfies the given expression, then the switch statement executes the default case. In Swift, we are allowed to implement a switch statement on strings. Syntax switch (expression) { case 1: // Block of code case 2: // Block of code . . . default: // Block of code } Here, the switch statement evaluates the expression and executes only the ... Read More

Swift Program to Implement LinkedList

Ankita Saini
Updated on 13-Jun-2023 17:47:04


A Linked list is a data structure which is used to store and manage data. It is a sequence of nodes where each not contains two things: data and the reference to the next node in the given sequence. Using a linked list we can easily insert or remove elements from any position inside the list. Linked lists are of two types − Singly-linked list− It moves in only one direction because each node has a reference to the next node. But the next pointer of the last node points to NULL. Doubly linked list− It moves in ... Read More

Swift Program to Get a Character From the Given String

Ankita Saini
Updated on 13-Jun-2023 17:42:46


In Swift, we can easily get a character from the given string with the help of their respective index value. So to get the index of the specified character Swift provides an inbuilt function named index(). This function will return an index which is the specified distance from the specified index. Example Input: String = "Ram got first place" index = 5 Output: "o" Here, the given index value is 5 so the resultant character is “o”. Syntax func index(x:String.index, offsetBy: Int) Here, x is the valid index of the sequence and offsetBy is the ... Read More

Swift Program to Find the Duplicate Characters in a String

Ankita Saini
Updated on 13-Jun-2023 17:25:02

1K+ Views

In Swift, a string is a collection of characters so it can contain duplicate as well as unique characters. So to find the duplicate characters in a string we create a dictionary/array to store the count of each character and then add those characters in the array whose count is greater than 1. Example Input: “sky is pink” Output: Duplicate char: [“s”, “i”, “k”] Here, the input string contains three duplicate characters that are “s”, “i”, and “k”. To find the duplicate characters in a string we are going to use the following methods − User-defined function ... Read More

Swift Program to demonstrate the string interpolation

Ankita Saini
Updated on 13-Jun-2023 17:13:31


In Swift, String interpolation is a great feature to create a new string by embedding the value of a variable, constant, function and literal directly in the given string literal. Or we can say that using string interpolation we can create a string by combining static text and dynamic values. Syntax var myString = “hello! \(x). How are you?” We can perform string interpolation by wrapping a string literal or constant or variable in a pair of parentheses that is prefixed by a backslash(\) for example, \(x). Example 1 In the following Swift program, we will demonstrate how ... Read More

Swift Program to demonstrate the example to write double-quotes in a string

Ankita Saini
Updated on 14-Jun-2023 14:43:16


In Swift, a string is a sequence of characters that represent in between double quotes, for example: ”Learn Swift”, “tutorialspoint”, etc. But when you print the string double quotes were removed by the compiler and you will get Learn Swift, tutorialspoint in the output. So if you want to print double quotes in the output, then you have to place the backslash character or escape character(\) before the double quotes you want to print inside the given string. It tells the compiler that the character should be treated as a literal character, it is not part of string syntax. ... Read More

Swift Program to demonstrate the escape sequence characters

Ankita Saini
Updated on 14-Jun-2023 14:38:06


In Swift, escape sequence characters are those characters who do not represent themselves when they are used inside a string. Instead, they tell the compiler to perform the specified task. They are non-printable characters. Swift supports the following escape sequence characters in the string − Escape Sequence Characters Description It is a newline character. It tells the compiler to move to the new line. \t It is known as the horizontal tab. It tells the compiler to leave the tab. \r It is known as carriage return. It tells ... Read More

Swift Program to Create random strings

Ankita Saini
Updated on 13-Jun-2023 16:40:57


In Swift, a random string is a sequence of characters. It is generated by randomly selecting characters from a set of available characters, for example: “fbbKDvf”, “dvsWFVsvdv”, etc. So to create random strings Swift provides the following methods − Using randomElement() method Using UUID Method 1: Using randomElement() method Swift provides an inbuilt function named as randomElement() method. This function returns a random element from the given sequence or collection. Syntax func randomElement() It returns random elements. If the given collection is empty, then it will return nil. Algorithm Step 1 − Create a ... Read More

Swift Program to check a string contains a specified substring or not

Ankita Saini
Updated on 14-Jun-2023 14:28:31


In Swift, a substring is a small sequence of characters present in the large string, for example, “Car color is blue”, then “Car”, “color”, “is”, and “blue” are the substrings of the given string. Swift provides the following methods to check if the string contains the specified substring or not − Using range(of:) method Using contains() method Using Regex Method 1: Using range(of:) method The range(of:) method is used to find the range of the first occurrence of the given substring in the string. So using this method we can check if the given substring is present in ... Read More
