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Convert Adjacency Matrix to Adjacency List Representation of Graph

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 09:24:17

1K+ Views

Adjacency lists show a vertex's neighbours. Transposing an adjacency matrix into a list creates a more compact and efficient graph representation. Switching from an adjacency matrix to a list improves memory use, traversal to surrounding nodes, and edge information. This transformation enables a wide range of graph processing operations and algorithms. Methods Used Iterative approach Recursive approach Iterative Approach The iterative method uses a nested loop to transform an adjacency matrix to a list. It adds the adjacency list edges to each matrix element. Simple and ideal for small to medium−sized graphs. O(V^2) is its temporal complexity. Algorithm ... Read More

Check Which Player Visits More Number of Nodes

Ayush Singh
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 23:42:01


To decide which player visits a more noteworthy number of hubs in a chart, we will use a chart traversal calculation such as depth−first look (DFS) or breadth−first look (BFS). Beginning from a given hub, we navigate the chart, keeping track of the number of hubs gone by by each player. By comparing the tallies at the conclusion of the traversal, we can decide which player has gone by more hubs. DFS investigates the chart by going as deep as conceivable, recently backtracking, while BFS investigates the graph level by level. The player with the next number of gone to ... Read More

Golang program to creates a unidirectional sending channel and passes it to a function that takes a pointer to a slice of integers

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 22:21:16


There are many cases while working on go language channels where you need to write a program that creates a unidirectional sending channel and passes it to a function that takes a pointer to a slice of integers for data streaming, asynchronous data sharing and more, in this go language article we will write such a program using the make() function as well as using channel types. Syntax ch := make(chan

Check Whether the Cost of Going from any Node to any Other Node Via all Possible Paths is Same

Ayush Singh
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 23:38:41


Testing if the cost of travelling from any node to any other node by all conceivable paths is the same is the issue of determining whether the sum of weights along numerous pathways connecting every pair of nodes in a graph is equal. This problem affects a variety of industries, including optimisation techniques, data transmission systems, and transportation networks. One approach is the Floyd−Warshall algorithm, which quickly determines all of the shortest paths between any two network nodes. This method continually evaluates intermediate nodes and updates route costs to see whether there is cost equality between pairs of nodes.Another choice ... Read More

Golang Program to Find Average Paid Employee

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 22:22:36


It is very important to know about the average salary paid to an employee in an organization for analysis, research and rewards. In this article we are going to find out the average employee salary in go language using iteration, reduce function as well as goroutines and channels. Algorithm CalculateAverage is a function that accepts a slice of float64 values salaries as input and returns a float64 value. Set the total to 0 and count the length of the salary slice. Using a ... Read More

Check if there Exists a Connected Graph that Satisfies the Given Conditions

Ayush Singh
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 23:36:19


To determine if an associated chart exists that fulfils the given conditions, we can utilise a basic approach. The conditions state that the chart must have at least one hub with an odd degree and all other hubs must have an indeed degree. We are able to make such a chart by beginning with a single hub and steadily including hubs and interfacing them in sets. For each unused hub included, we interface it to an existing hub, guaranteeing that the existing hub has an indeed degree and the modern hub has an odd degree. By proceeding with this preparation ... Read More

Check if given Path Between Two Nodes of a Graph Represents a Shortest Paths

Ayush Singh
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 23:34:08


To check if a given way between two hubs of a chart speaks to a most brief way, one can compare the entirety of edge weights along the given way with the shortest distance between the same combination of hubs by employing a solid most brief way calculation such as Dijkstra's calculation or the Floyd−Warshall calculation. On the off chance that the whole of the edge weights on the given way match the most limited remove, at that point it speaks to a most brief way. Something else: in the event that the entirety of the edge weights is more ... Read More

Check if Alternate Paths Exists from U toV with Smaller Individual Weight in a given Graph

Ayush Singh
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 19:20:33


In graph analysis, one common job is determining whether or not there is a path from node U to node V that has a lower total weight than the one currently being used. Checking for other paths between nodes that have a lower total weight than the current path is what this entails. The Floyd−Warshall and Bellman−Ford algorithms are two methods that are often utilised. The Floyd−Warshall technique calculates the cost of traversing any pair of nodes in order to compare various routes through a graph. However, by determining the shortest routes from a single source node to all other ... Read More

Check if a Cycle of Length 3 Exists or Not in a Graph that Satisfy a given Condition

Ayush Singh
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 19:15:33


To check in the event that a cycle of length 3 exists in a chart fulfilling a given condition, ready to repeat through each vertex and look at its neighbouring vertices. On the off chance that a vertex has two neighbours that are too associated, a cycle of length 3 exists. This condition guarantees that there's an edge between the two neighbours, creating a triangle. By filtering all vertices and their adjoining vertices, we will recognise whether such a cycle exists or not. In the event that we discover a vertex with two associated neighbours, we are able to conclude ... Read More

Add and Remove Vertex in Adjacency Matrix Representation of Graph

Ayush Singh
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 19:04:18


Including a vertex within the contagiousness network representation of a chart means expanding the measure of the network by one push and one column. The unused push and column speak to the associations of the recently included vertex with the existing vertices. Additionally, expelling a vertex requires evacuating its comparing push and column from the contagiousness lattice, subsequently altering the measure of the network in like manner. Including a vertex includes adding a push and column with beginning values of 0, whereas evacuating a vertex includes erasing the comparing push and column, viably decreasing the measure of the lattice. Methods ... Read More
