Found 34473 Articles for Programming

Number of Pairs Such that Path Between Pairs has the two Vertices A and B

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 10:33:09


The article codes points to the number of sets in a chart such that the way between each combine contains two indicated vertices, A and B. It employs a Profundity To begin with, use the Look (DFS) approach to analyse the network of the chart and tally the required pairs. The calculation works by performing two isolated DFS traversals. Within the first traversal, it evacuates vertex B and calculates the number of vertices that can still be reached from vertex A. So also, within the moment traversal, it evacuates vertex A and tallies the number of vertices reachable from vertex ... Read More

Print Nodes have Maximum and Minimum Degrees

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 10:31:20


The diploma of a node withinside the idea of graphs is the full variety of edges that join it. Finding the nodes in a graph with the very best and lowest diploma may monitor critical information about the hyperlinks and shape of the network.We will examine three approaches to resolving this issue utilising CPP algorithms in this article. We will go over the algorithm for each method, offer related code execution, and show off each approach's unique results. Methods Used Brute Force Approach Priority Queue Adjacency List Brute Force The brute force method entails counting the degrees of ... Read More

Program to Print all the Non-Reachable Nodes | Using BFS

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 10:26:38


Non−reachable nodes are nodes in a chart that cannot be reached from a particular source hub. They are hubs that don't have any way of interfacing with the source hub inside the given chart. The recognisable proof of non−reachable hubs makes a difference in determining the detached or disconnected substances inside the chart. Calculations like breadth−first look (BFS) or depth−first look (DFS) can be utilised to navigate the chart and effectively stamp the gone−by hubs, subsequently encouraging the distinguishing proof of non−reachable hubs. Analysing and understanding non−reachable hubs is important in evaluating organised networks, recognising crevices in data or networks, ... Read More

Product of Minimum Edge Weight Between all Pairs of a Tree

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 10:24:01


The product of the least edge weight between all sets of a tree is gotten by finding the least weight edge for each conceivable match of vertices within the tree and, after that, increasing all these least weights together. This esteem speaks to the smallest conceivable toll or weight required to navigate the tree from any vertex to any other vertex. By considering the least weight of each edge, we guarantee that we find the most proficient way between any two vertices within the tree. The item of these least edge weights gives a compact degree of the general network ... Read More

Print the Path Between any Two Nodes of a Tree | DFS

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 10:21:59


To print the way between any two hubs of a tree utilising Depth−First Look (DFS), we will navigate the tree and keep track of the way from the source hub to the target hub. DFS investigates the tree by going as deep as conceivable and recently backtracking. We begin DFS at the source hub and recursively visit its children. During navigation, we keep a way variable that stores the current way from the source to the current hub. In the event that we encounter the target hub amid the traversal, we print the way. This approach permits us to find ... Read More

Why Prim’s and Kruskal’s MST algorithm fails for Directed Graph?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 10:18:50


Prim's method and Kruskal's algorithm are two common approaches for locating MSTs in undirected graphs. However, these techniques cannot generate correct MSTs for directed graphs. This is due to the fact that directed graphs are not well−suited to the underlying assumptions and methods used by Prim's and Kruskal's algorithms. Prim’s Algorithm First, there's Prim's Algorithm, which involves adding edges to an expanding MST in a greedy fashion until all vertices are covered. A vertex inside the MST is linked to a vertex outside the MST through the edge with the lowest weight. Since all edges in an undirected graph can ... Read More

Welsh Powell Graph Colouring Algorithm

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 10:14:39


A key concern in information technology, graph colouring has numerous applications in fields including scheduling, register assignment, and map colouring. An effective method for colouring graphs that makes sure nearby vertices have various shades while using fewer colours is the Welsh Powell algorithm. In this post, we'll examine 2 ways to use C++ algorithms to create the Welsh Powell algorithm. Methods Used Sequential Vertex Ordering Largest First Vertex Ordering Sequential Vertex Ordering In the first technique, colours are successively assigned to the vertices after they are arranged in decreasing order according to their degrees. This technique makes sure ... Read More

Travelling Salesman Problem using Genetic Algorithm

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 10:02:20

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The Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) finds the shortest path between a collection of cities and the starting point. Due of its combinatorial nature and exponentially increasing number of routes as cities rise, it is a difficult task.The Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a genetically inspired heuristic. Emulating natural selection solves the TSP. The GA uses routes to illustrate prospective city tours.Selection, crossover, and mutation develop the population in the GA. Selection favours pathways with higher fitness, indicating quality or near to the ideal solution. Mutation introduces random modifications to explore new solution spaces, whereas crossover mixes genetic information from parent routes ... Read More

Golang Program to Create an Interface Named Mailer that Defines a Send Method

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 23:11:45


In this article we are going to create an interface named mailer that defines a send method using interfaces embedding as well as Function as parameter. Interface in go language is a collection of methods that define a set of behavior. Algorithm Create a Mailer interface with a Send function that accepts two parameters: the recipient's email address and the email body. If an error occurs during the sending procedure, the Send method should return an error. Example 1 Make structs that represent various mailer implementations, such as SmtpMailer, SendGridMailer, and so on. ... Read More

Golang Program to Create an Interface Named Writer that Defines a Write Method

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 23:07:58


In this Golang article we will learn to create an interface named writer that defines a write method write method for file type as well as writer interface and filet type. Syntax data := []byte("Hello, World!") It is used to declare a byte slice in go language. data : it is a variable declaration for a var named data. []byte: the type of variable “data” as a byte slice. ... Read More
