Found 34484 Articles for Programming

How to Remove NaN Values from a Matrix using MATLAB

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 26-Jul-2023 18:17:56

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In MATLAB, for removing NaN value from a matrix, the following two functions are most widely used. remmissing () isnan () Now let us understand the removal of NaN value from a matrix in MATLAB using these two functions with the help of example programs. Removing NaN Values Using the isnan () Function In MATLAB, we can use the "isnan()" function to find the NaN values in a matrix and then can be used to remove them using logical indexing. The "isnan ()" function returns a value TRUE (logic 1) for NaN elements and FALSE (logic 0) for ... Read More

Find the Exact String in a Cell Array in MATLAB

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 26-Jul-2023 18:12:17


MATLAB is a programming environment developed for scientists and engineers to design and analyze system, perform data analysis, create visualizations, and more. MATLAB stands for Matrix Laboratory, it is a programming and interactive platform developed by MathWorks to provide a variety of tools for programming mathematical functions and operations, data analysis, etc. MATLAB is extensively used in different field of science, engineering, finance, economics, and more. Read this article to understand the process of finding the exact string in a cell array in MATLAB. What is a Cell Array in MATLAB? In MATLAB, a cell array is a data structure ... Read More

Find the Closest Value in an Array in MATLAB

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 26-Jul-2023 18:05:23

1K+ Views

MATLAB is a programming environment developed for scientists and engineers to design and analyze system, perform data analysis, create visualizations, and more. MATLAB stands for Matrix Laboratory, it is a programming and interactive platform developed by MathWorks to provide a variety of tools for programming mathematical functions and operations, data analysis, etc. MATLAB is extensively used in different field of science, engineering, finance, economics, and more. Read this tutorial to learn the different methods of finding the closest value in an array in MATLAB. But before that let's get an idea about Array in MATLAB. What is an Array in ... Read More

App Building Components in MATLAB

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 26-Jul-2023 17:06:40


MATLAB is the acronym for Matrix Laboratory. MATLAB is a programming environment developed for scientists and engineers to design and analyze systems. MATLAB platform uses its MATLAB programming language which is a matrix-based language. MATLAB language allows users to write expression of computational mathematics in natural way. With the help of MATLAB, a user can analyze data, develop algorithms, design system models and applications, and more. Therefore, MATLAB is one of the most popular design and analysis tools used by engineers and scientists globally. It finds applications in several different fields of science and technology, including deep learning, machine learning, ... Read More

Move cmd command

Diksha Patro
Updated on 26-Jul-2023 12:33:54

1K+ Views

Introduction The "move" control in Microsoft Windows the Command Prompt can be helpful for moving archives or files from a single spot to a different one. This serves as a simple yet strong control that is able to be utilized to organize and handle your documents and folders as well. The basic syntax associated with the "move" control is the command itself accompanied by the location of the source record or database as well as the location of the new record or directory. The point of origin is the document or database you desire to relocate, as well as the ... Read More

How to Get the Build Version Number of an Android Application?

Updated on 25-Jul-2023 17:09:32

5K+ Views

Obtaining the build version number of an Android application is simple. To do so, the user should first launch the app on their Android device or emulator and then navigate to its settings or options menu. Next, they should look for either an "About" or an "Info" section since this is where the build version number usually exists. Once located, tapping on it will reveal the necessary details including a combination of numbers and/or letters such as "1.2.3" or "v1.0.0". As both developers and users require this information to identify different releases and updates, obtaining the build version ... Read More

How to Implement AOP in Spring Boot Application?

Updated on 25-Jul-2023 17:04:36

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AOP is a powerful technique utilized in software development for modularizing and handling cross-cutting concerns. In a Spring Boot application, AOP allows for the separation of application logic from tasks such as security, caching, transaction management, and logging. Applying AOP to your project involves configuration of dependencies initially followed by the definition of aspects through annotations or XML configuration. These aspects encompass various functionalities that apply under specific conditions. Additionally, pointcuts can be configured to determine where the aspects should be applied within the codebase of a Spring Boot application using AOP. This approach promotes code modularity, reusability, ... Read More

How to Implement a Strategy Pattern using Enum in Java?

Updated on 25-Jul-2023 16:55:01


The Strategy pattern is a design pattern that belongs to the Behavioral group. It enables developers to define a set of algorithms by creating separate classes for each one, and at runtime, change them as needed. Java provides several approaches to implement the Strategy pattern; Enumerations are a popular method used in our case. An Enumeration is useful when you need to create a fixed list of constants that represent different strategies in your program's logic. To easily switch between different strategies in Java using the Strategy pattern, defining an Enum that represents these strategies is a clean and ... Read More

How to Ignore Unknown Properties While Parsing JSON in Java?

Updated on 25-Jul-2023 16:53:25

2K+ Views

When working with JSON data in Java, developers may encounter unknown properties or fields that are not defined in the corresponding Java class. These unidentified elements can create problems during the parsing process, resulting in exceptions or lost data. To tackle this issue, programmers can incorporate a mechanism to ignore such unknown properties while parsing JSON. Configuring the JSON parser appropriately can prevent unexpected properties from disrupting an application's functionality. By skipping unrecognized properties and only parsing the ones that match the defined structure, JSON data can be parsed in a more robust and flexible manner. This ensures that ... Read More

How to Handle the SSL(HTTPs) Certification Path Exception in Android Applications?

Updated on 25-Jul-2023 16:49:22


In Android applications, SSL (HTTPs) certification path exceptions can occur when the server's certificate is not recognized or trusted by the device. These exceptions may lead to potential security vulnerabilities and disrupt the communication between the app and the server. To handle such exceptions, it is essential to address the certification path issue and ensure secure communication. By implementing proper error handling and certificate verification mechanisms, developers can mitigate the SSL certification path exceptions. This involves identifying the root cause of the exception, evaluating the certificate's validity and authenticity, and establishing a trusted connection between the app and the server. ... Read More
