Found 34484 Articles for Programming

How to Hash Passwords in Python?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 12:04:44

4K+ Views

Securing user passwords is a critical aspect of application development. One of the best ways of safeguarding passwords is by utilizing hashing calculations. Hashing is a course of changing over plain text passwords into a fixed-length series of characters that can't be switched. In this article, we will investigate how to hash passwords in Python, talking about the language structure and calculations included. We will also provide two real executable code examples to demonstrate different approaches to password hashing. Syntax To hash passwords in Python, we will utilize the hashlib module, which gives different hashing algorithms. The fundamental sentence structure ... Read More

How to Handle Missing Values of Categorical Variables in Python?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 12:03:52

3K+ Views

Missing qualities are a typical event in genuine world datasets, and taking care of them fittingly is critical for exact information examination and demonstrating. While managing all out factors in Python, there are a few ways to deal with address missing qualities. In this article, we will investigate two viable techniques for dealing with missing upsides of unmitigated factors, giving a bit by bit calculation for each methodology. Moreover, we will introduce genuine and executable Python code guides to show the execution of these strategies. Syntax let's familiarize ourselves with the syntax of the method we will be using − ... Read More

How to GroupBy and Sum SQL Columns using SQLAlchemy in Python?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 11:47:59

2K+ Views

As we journey into the realm of Python and its powerful library SQLAlchemy, a wellspring of versatile operations is unveiled. One such capability is the GroupBy and Sum operation on SQL columns - an operation of paramount importance when it comes to database manipulation. SQLAlchemy, a SQL toolkit, and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system for Python, offers a wealth of features, facilitating SQL operations in a seamless and Pythonic way. Let's delve into how we can harness SQLAlchemy to GroupBy and Sum SQL columns. Syntax In this article, we will explore how to use SQLAlchemy, a popular Python SQL toolkit, to ... Read More

How to Group Pandas DataFrame By Date and Time?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 11:46:01

2K+ Views

In data analysis and manipulation, it is common to work with data that includes date and time information. One useful operation is grouping data based on dates and times to perform aggregations or extract specific information. In this article, we will investigate how to bunch a Pandas DataFrame by date and time involving the strong capacities of the Pandas library in Python. Syntax Prior to plunging into the subtleties, how about we start with the punctuation of the technique we will use in the accompanying code models − dataframe.groupby(pd.Grouper(key='column_name', freq='frequency')).operation() Here, dataframe refersto the Pandas DataFrame object, column_name addresses ... Read More

How to Implement Chat Functionality in Social Media Android App?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 09:01:43


Including a chat function in a social media Android app is essential for boosting user interaction and communication. A chat feature seamlessly allows users to send messages, share content, and stay connected with frie­nds all within the app itself. Implementing chat functionality in a social media Android app is crucial to enhance user engagement and communication. By integrating a chat feature, users can connect with friends, share messages, and exchange media content seamlessly within the app. Social Media Social media platforms are online websites allowing users to generate and exchange content, communicate with others, and participate in ... Read More

How to Implement Bottom Navigation With Activities in Android?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 08:59:34

1K+ Views

Bottom navigation in Android apps is a commonly required feature for designing navigable and user-friendly interfaces. It usually involves positioning a navigation bar at the bottom of the screen to allow fast access to different sections of the app. This tutorial explores how to implement bottom navigation with activities in Android. It involve­s creating multiple activities, each representing a distinct screen or section of the app, and utilizing the bottom navigation view to switch between them. By the end of this tutorial, readers will gain a solid understanding of building an app with a bottom navigation bar using activities ... Read More

How to Implement Android SearchView with Example

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 08:57:02


The Android SearchView widget is a versatile tool that enables effortless information search within an app, boosting user experience and efficient data retrieval. Its intuitive and user-friendly interface simplifies content discovery, allowing users to input their queries and receive quick results. With the integration of SearchView, overall app usability improves significantly. The power of SearchView's search capabilities can be harnessed to smoothly integrate potent search functionality into any Android app. This article provides a practical example that explores how to implement SearchView seamlessly into your own application. Once implemented, your users will be able to locate the desired ... Read More

How to implement a TabLayout in Android using ViewPager and Fragments

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 08:54:11

1K+ Views

By employing a TabLayout in Android, utilizing ViewPager and Fragments, developers can design intuitive and well-planned user interfaces. With the help of TabLayout, users can effortlessly navigate through multiple sections or categories within an application, making it more user friendly. ViewPager enables smooth swiping between fragments, ensuring a seamless user experience. By combining these components, developers can create a tabbed layout where each tab corresponds to a specific fragment, displaying its unique content. The process of managing multiple fragments and enhancing app usability can be simplified by implementing a TabLayout in Android using ViewPager and Fragments. This guide ... Read More

How to Integrate Google Admob Rewarded Video Ads in Android?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 08:51:20


Integrating Google AdMob Rewarded Video Ads in Android provides developers with a powerful monetization strategy for their mobile applications. By implementing this feature, developers can offer users an engaging experience while earning revenue through video advertisements. AdMob Rewarded Video Ads allow users to voluntarily watch videos in exchange for in-app rewards, providing a win-win scenario for both users and developers. This integration enables developers to leverage Google's extensive ad network, targeting a wide range of users and maximizing their app's earning potential. By following the necessary steps, developers can seamlessly incorporate AdMob Rewarded Video Ads into their Android applications and ... Read More

How to Integrate Facebook Audience Network (FAN) Banner Ads in Android?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 08:49:25


Integrating Facebook Audience Network (FAN) banner ads in Android allows developers to monetize their mobile applications by displaying targeted advertisements to users. FAN provides a seamless way to incorporate banner ads into Android apps, leveraging Facebook's vast user data and ad inventory. By integrating FAN, developers can generate revenue through ad impressions and clicks, enhancing their app's profitability. This integration process involves incorporating the FAN SDK into the Android project and implementing the necessary code to request and display banner ads within the app's user interface. By following the integration guidelines provided by Facebook, developers can ... Read More
