Found 177 Articles for Programming Languages

What are the differences between BigDL and Caffe?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 23-Mar-2022 10:30:15


Let us understand the concepts of BigDL and Caffe before learning the differences between them.BigDLIt is a distributed deep learning framework for Apache Spark, launched by Jason Dai in the year 2016 at Intel. By using BigDL, users write deep learning applications as standard Spark programs that can directly run on top of existing Spark or Hadoop clusters.FeaturesThe features of BigDL are as follows −Rich deep learning supportEfficiently scale-outExtremely high performanceprovides plenty of deep learning modulesLayersOptimizationAdvantagesThe advantages of BigDL are as follows −SpeedEase of useDynamic natureMultilingualAdvanced analyticsDemand for spark developers.DisadvantagesThe disadvantages of BigDL are as follows −No automatic optimization processFile ... Read More

Differentiate between Component and Object.

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 21-Mar-2022 11:12:31

2K+ Views

Let us learn the concept of object and component.ObjectIt is defined as a concept, thing or abstract with meaning.FeaturesThe features associated with object are as follows −StateOperationAttributesRepresent something realProvides an abstractionSelf-containedClearly defined.ComponentIt can be defined as a collection of objects which provides a set of services to other systems.For example − components include code which provides graphic facilities, network services, and a search set of tables in the database.A component is a self-contained entity which provides functionality to its environment and also imports functionality from its environment using well defined and open interfaces.The components that differ from objects are as ... Read More

Convert the following LEX program into Lexical Analyzer.AUXILIARY DEFINITIONS − − −TRANSLATION RULES a{ } abb{ } a*b+

Updated on 08-Nov-2021 13:17:06

1K+ Views

SolutionConvert the pattern into NFA’sMake a Combined NFAConvert NFA to DFAA = ε − closure (0) = {0, 1, 3, 7}The transition on symbols a, b from state AFor State Aε − closure (Ta)                              ε − closure (Tb)= ε − closure ({2, 4, 7})                  = ε − closure ({8})= {2, 4, 7} = B                                = {8} = CFor State Bε − closure (7) ... Read More

What is syntax-directed translation schemes in compiler design?

Updated on 08-Nov-2021 11:25:31

5K+ Views

It is a kind of notation in which each production of Context-Free Grammar is related with a set of semantic rules or actions, and each grammar symbol is related to a set of Attributes. Thus, the grammar and the group of semantic Actions combine to make syntax-directed definitions.The translation may be the generation of intermediate code, object code, or adding the information in symbol table about constructs type. The modern compiler uses the syntax-directed translation that makes the user’s life easy by hiding many implementation details and free the user from having to specify explicitly the order in which semantic ... Read More

What is Implementation of Block Structured Language in compiler design?

Updated on 08-Nov-2021 11:31:20

7K+ Views

A block is a statement containing its own local data declaration. The concept of a block is originated with ALGOL. The block-structured language permits an array with adjustable length. The main feature of blocks is their bracketing structure (begin and end used in ALGOL) in which they can define their data.Activation Record for Block Structured LanguagesBlock structured language like ALGOL, and PL/I permit adjustable arrays, i.e., of varying length. Therefore, we cannot store irregular size arrays in between activation records. It can allocate the flexible or variable arrays at one corner of the activation record or above the fixed-size data. ... Read More

What is Block Structure?

Updated on 08-Nov-2021 11:21:51

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A block is a statement containing its own local data declaration. The concept of a block is originated with ALGOL. The block-structured language permits an array with adjustable length. The main feature of blocks is their bracketing structure (begin and end used in ALGOL) in which they can define their data. In 'C' language, the syntax of the block is −{    declaration statements; }where the braces limit the block. The characteristic of a block is its nesting structure. Delimiters mark the starting and end of the block. In 'C' language, the braces { } act as delimiters, while ALGOL ... Read More

What is Stack Allocation of Procedure Calls?

Updated on 08-Nov-2021 11:10:08

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In stack allocation, it can analyze how the memory is allocated at runtime when a procedure is called & when the value from the procedure is returned.Passing Parameter to Procedure (param x)− When actual parameter x is passed to the procedure, it will be pushed into the stack, i.e., push (x).∴ param(x) refers to push (x) which refers to decrementing of the top pointer from N + 1 to N and x will be pushed onto the stack.∴ The following statements will be = top – 1*top = x or 0[top] = xHere 0[top] means 0 offsets from the ... Read More

What is Implementation of Simple Stack Allocation Scheme

Updated on 08-Nov-2021 11:07:02

4K+ Views

Stack Allocation scheme is the simplest Run-Time Storage Management Technique. The storage is allocated sequentially in the stack beginning at one end. Storage should be freed in the reverse order of allocation so that a block of storage being released is always at the top of the stack.A program consists of data and procedures. On execution of each procedure, some amount of memory is occupied, which has information regarding the procedure, i.e., its actual parameters, number of arguments, return address, return values & local data, etc. That part of memory is the Activation Record of that procedure.Activation RecordAn Activation Record ... Read More

What is Heap Allocation?

Updated on 08-Nov-2021 11:02:15

13K+ Views

Heap allocation is the most flexible allocation scheme. Allocation and deallocation of memory can be done at any time and any place depending upon the user's requirement. Heap allocation is used to allocate memory to the variables dynamically and when the variables are no more used then claim it back.Heap management is specialized in data structure theory. There is generally some time and space overhead associated with heap manager. For efficiency reasons, it may be useful to handle small activation records of a particular size as a special case, as follows −For each size of interest, keep the linked list ... Read More

What is Stack Allocation?

Updated on 08-Nov-2021 10:59:34

16K+ Views

The stack allocation is a runtime storage management technique. The activation records are pushed and popped as activations begin and end respectively.Storage for the locals in each call of the procedure is contained in the activation record for that call. Thus, locals are bound to fresh storage in each activation, because a new activation record is pushed onto the stack when the call is made.It can be determined the size of the variables at a run time & hence local variables can have different storage locations & different values during various activations. Suppose that the registered top marks the top ... Read More
