Found 176 Articles for Programming Languages

Java Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 26-Jul-2023 13:52:29


What is Java? Java is a programming language which is used for developing web-based applications. The language is being used by the developers for the past two decades. Currently, millions of Java applications can be found that are being used by many users for different purposes. Java is an object-oriented language which is fast secure, and reliable. You can develop mobile as well as enterprise applications using the language. Why Java Alternatives? There are many disadvantages with Java language and some of them have been listed here − The performance of Java language is slow GUI developed is ... Read More

Using _ (underscore) as Variable Name in Java

Siva Sai
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 18:10:00


In the vast landscape of Java programming, one of the most intriguing aspects is its choice of variable naming. Among these, the use of the underscore (_) is a topic that has sparked much discussion and debate. This article will delve into the usage of underscore as a variable name in Java, exploring its evolution across different Java versions and its current status in the Java programming world. The Saga of the Underscore in Java A unique aspect of Java programming lies in its allowance for naming variables. Underscore, or "_", is a valid character that can be used in ... Read More

Requirements of memory management system

Updated on 17-Jul-2023 18:30:42

2K+ Views

Memory is considered a major part of the operating system to store and access the data. Memory management is a complex task that is performed by the OS when the main memory has limited space and requires more switching operations during multiuser environments. It functions to manage the status of the processes which are in ready, waiting, or execution states and allocates or frees the memory location based on the completion of each process. Each process is allocated to a specific memory location and its status of it is monitored and updated in the memory management system. During a multiprogramming ... Read More

What is tokenization and lemmatization in NLP?

Sohail Tabrez
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 12:23:54


Introduction A subfield of artificial intelligence known as "natural language processing" (NLP) focuses on making computers capable of comprehending, interpreting, and producing human language. NLP assumes an essential part in different applications, including message examination, feeling examination, machine interpretation, question responding to frameworks, and that's just the beginning. In the domain of NLP, two basic strategies, to be specific tokenization and lemmatization, assume a crucial part in changing crude message into significant portrayals that can be additionally handled and dissected. We will go over these methods in detail, their significance, and how they help improve text analysis and comprehension in ... Read More

Java Program for Converting Roman Numerals to Decimal Lying Between 1 to 3999

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 11-Jul-2023 14:05:25


The characters used in an arrangement of number notation based on the pre-Roman Roman system is called Roman numerals. The letters M, D, C, L, X, V, and I stand for 1000, 500, 1000, 50, 10, 5, and 1, respectively, and will discuss all main symbols in the below section. In this problem, we are given a string of Roman numerals and our task is to convert Roman numerals to decimals in the range of 1 to 3999. Let’s see examples with explanations below to understand the problem in a better way. Input 1 str = "MCMIX" Output 1 1909 ... Read More

Programming language with best Machine Learning libraries

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 09-Jun-2023 17:08:58


Machine learning is a popular and fast-growing area of computer science. It involves creating smart systems that can learn from data, find patterns, and make predictions. Over the past few years, there has been a big rise in the number of programming languages and libraries that are available for machine learning. In this article, we will explore Programming languages with the best machine-learning libraries. Python Python is a widely used programming language for machine learning because it has a straightforward way of writing code, it's easy to understand, and it has strong machine-learning libraries. These libraries, including TensorFlow, Keras, and ... Read More

Top 10 Cloud Programming Languages Every Developer Should Know in 2023

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 11:05:45


In the present era, cloud programming has acquired critical value across ventures. Cloud programming languages are the best-growing choice for firms hoping to benefit from a safe, profoundly versatile cloud environment. It changes how you manage information. So, there are quite a few languages every developer should know. Realising which top cloud programming languages an engineer ought to know is essential because of how important a resource it has become in the modern world. In this composition, we will learn about the top 10 cloud programming developers should know in 2023. What Are Cloud Programming Languages? A cloud coding language ... Read More

Difference between Assembly Language and High-level Language

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 11-Aug-2023 14:42:05

7K+ Views

A computer is simply a machine and hence it cannot perform any task itself. Therefore, to make a computer functional different coding languages are developed, which are known as programming languages. A computer programming language is a language in which the codes are written to instruct the computer to perform tasks. Computer programming languages are broadly classified into the following three main categories − Machine Language Assembly Language High-level Language Read this article to get an overview of assembly language and high-level languages, and how they are different from each other. What is Assembly Language? Assembly language is ... Read More

Difference Between Great Plains and SAP

Md. Sajid
Updated on 13-Feb-2023 11:43:20


The business software industry is brimming with possibilities, each with its features and benefits. Great Plains and SAP are two of the most popular software packages. While both have a wide variety of capabilities, there are several major distinctions. Both Great Plains and SAP are enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Microsoft created Great Plains, while a German corporation called SAP created SAP. Great Plains is for small to medium-sized organizations, whereas SAP is for large corporations. Great Plains is less expensive than SAP and can be installed more quickly, although it lacks several of SAP's sophisticated capabilities. Both ... Read More

How to check whether a number is Positive or Negative in Golang?

Aman Sharma
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 17:29:03

1K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will learn how to check whether the number is positive or negative. This tutorial includes two ways to achieve this by using the built-in function Signbit() present in the math library. Another way is to use the relation operators using which we can compare a number with zero and predict whether the number is positive or not. Method 1: Using Signbit() function In this example, we are going to use the built-in function Signbit() present in the math library to check whether the number is positive or negative. Syntax Signbit() is a function in math library ... Read More
