Found 34494 Articles for Programming

Difference between Frameworks and Programming Languages

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 05-Jul-2024 11:15:36


Programming languages are used to write code to develop websites and applications. Framework is a platform on which different programming languages can work. Programming languages depend on syntax while frameworks deal with architecture. In this article, we will talk about the difference between Frameworks and Programming Languages. Programming Languages Software developers use different kinds of programming languages to develop an application. They have to use the syntax of a programming language to give instructions. These instructions let the computer know how to execute a code. The processor converts the code into machine language which is understood by computers. The output ... Read More

Difference between Frontend and Backend Languages

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 03-Jul-2024 11:51:18


Frontend and backend are the parts of web development. The processes done at the backend are not visible to the users. They only work on the frontend. There are many differences between the frontend and backend languages and development. In this article, we will look into the difference between frontend and backend languages. But before that, we should know in detail about frontend and backend. Frontend The frontend is the visual aspect of a website or a webpage which is also known as the client-side of an application. Users work on the frontend by working on different components like text ... Read More

Difference between Procedural and Functional Programming Languages

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 03-Jul-2024 11:35:24


Procedural programming is a type of programming in which different functions or routines are created which consists of a sequence of instructions. Functional programming is used to organize the functions. Each function has to be set in such a way that they can perform the required task. We will discuss the difference between procedural programming languages and functional programming languages. Procedural Programming Languages Procedural programming languages have functions which you have to define. These functions need to have a set of instructions which should be executed when the function is called. You have to think about each instruction that you ... Read More

Difference between Interpreted and Compiled Languages

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 03-Jul-2024 11:25:17


Programming languages can be interpreted or compiled. The compiled languages are not interpreted and there is no need to compile the interpreted languages. In this article, we will discuss the difference between compiled and interpreted languages. Compiled Programming Languages Compiled programming languages are the languages in which the code has to be compiled to convert it into machine language. This helps the processor execute the code and provide the result. C, C++, C#, Java, etc. are some of the languages which have to be compiled and then executed. What is Compile? Compile is a process which is used to convert ... Read More

How are Outliers Determined in Seaborn using Boxplot?

Vasireddy Bindu Hasitha
Updated on 23-Apr-2024 12:20:18


What are Outliers? Outliers are the data points or observations which are far from the other points in a dataset. Outliers are caused due to measurement error, data entry error or experimental error etc. Outliers can skew the dataset which effects in statistical analysis and can increase the standard deviation of the dataset further effecting model prediction. An outlier may be a valid data point or can be noise. For a better understanding let us look at an example scenario. Imagine you are collecting data of student's height (age between 9 to 12 years). Most of the students are around ... Read More

Playing a Beep Sound in Python: winsound Module

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 22-Feb-2024 16:10:55


The Python winsound module is a simple way to play audio files on a Windows machine using Python. It has a straightforward interface that allows you to play sound files and MIDI files, and control MIDI devices with just a few lines of code. The winsound module is part of the Python standard library, so you don't need to install it separately. While it has some limitations such as only supporting a limited number of audio file formats, it can be a useful tool for simple audio tasks in Python. In this tutorial, we'll explore the features and ... Read More

Choropleth maps using Plotly in Python

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 22-Feb-2024 16:14:08


A choropleth map is a map that displays data on geographic regions using different colors or shades to represent values. The data is usually represented as a color scale, with darker colors indicating higher values and lighter colors indicating lower values. Choropleth maps are useful for visualizing data on a map, such as demographic data, election results, or economic indicators. Plotly is a Python data visualization library that allows users to create interactive plots and charts. It offers a range of features for creating custom visualizations, including line charts, scatterplots, bar charts, and choropleth maps. Plotly is widely used ... Read More

Choose element(s) from List with different probability in Python

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 22-Feb-2024 16:15:44


An important aspect of creating accurate simulations is the ability to choose elements from a list with different probabilities. For example, in a simulation of a crowd, certain actions may be more likely to occur than others, or in a simulation of a physical system, particles may move with different probabilities in different directions Python provides several ways to choose elements from a list with different probabilities. In this tutorial, we'll explore the different techniques for doing so, using the built-in random module and the NumPy module. Choosing Elements from a List with Equal Probability Let's first discuss ... Read More

Chi-Square Test for Feature Selection in Machine Learning

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 22-Feb-2024 16:18:16


Feature selection is an important aspect of machine learning. It involves selecting a subset of features from a larger set of available features to improve the performance of the model. Feature selection is important because it can help reduce the complexity of the model, improve the accuracy of the model, and make the model more interpretable. A common approach to feature selection is the Chi-Square test. This tutorial will explain what the Chi-Square test is, how it is used for feature selection along with an example, and Python implementation of Chi-Square feature selection. What is the Chi-Square Test? The Chi-Square ... Read More

Chi-Square Distance in Python

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 22-Feb-2024 16:23:20


The Chi-square distance is a statistical measure that is used to compare the similarity or dissimilarity between two probability distributions. It is a popular distance measure in data analysis and machine learning and is often used in applications such as feature selection, clustering, and hypothesis testing. In Python, the SciPy library provides a convenient function to calculate the Chi-square distance, making it easy to use in various data analysis and machine learning projects. In this tutorial, we will discuss the Chi-square distance in Python and its implementation using the SciPy library. What is Chi-square Distance? The Chi-square distance is a ... Read More

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