Found 203 Articles for Power Systems

What is Infrared Heating or Radiant Heating?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 23-Feb-2022 10:37:54

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In the infrared or radiant heating, the heating elements are of tungsten filament lamps operating at about 2400 °C. As at this high temperature a greater portion of infrared radiation is given to the object for heating. In this method of heating, the heating effect on the object is greater because the temperature of the heating element is greater.With the help of suitable reflectors, which are plated with rhodium, these infrared radiations are focused on the surface to be heated. The lamps used for the heating purposes in this method have ratings varying from 250 to 1000 watts operating at ... Read More

Electric Heating: Advantages and Applications

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 23-Feb-2022 10:34:30

10K+ Views

What is Electric Heating?The process in which electrical energy is converted into heat by resisting the free flow of electric current is known as electric heating.Whenever an electric current is made to pass through any circuit having a resistance of R ohms, then power dissipated in the circuit is equal to $\mathit{I^{\mathrm{2}}R}$ Watts. If the current flows for t seconds, then the electric energy consumed in the circuit is equal to $\mathit{I^{\mathrm{2}}Rt}$ Joules. This energy is converted into heat and worked out as $\mathit{I^{\mathrm{2}}Rt}/4.2$ Calories, where 4.2 is a constant called mechanical equivalent of heat.The use of heat produced by electricity ... Read More

What is Electric Arc and what are its electrical characteristics?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 23-Feb-2022 10:23:13

2K+ Views

Electric ArcAn electric arc is an electric discharge of gases which is produced by passing an electric current between two points called electrodes. The electric arc was first detected by British chemist Humphry Davy in 1808. The electric arc is the visible plasma between two electrodes due to the ionization of gases by the electric current. The electric arc is commonly used in welding, lighting and plasma cutting.Electrical Properties of Electric ArcThe electrical properties or characteristics of an electric arc are given below.Stability of Electric ArcThe electric arc has negative resistance characteristic, i.e. with the increase in the arc current, ... Read More

What is Carbon Arc Welding?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 23-Feb-2022 10:20:43

5K+ Views

Carbon arc welding is used for welding copper and its alloys. In this method, the carbon electrode is used which is kept negative with respect to work if DC supply is used. It is because, if the carbon electrode is made positive, the carbon particles have a tendency to go into the welded joint and make it brittle. Therefore, the electrode in carbon arc welding is always kept negative and the work positive.For carbon arc welding, only DC supply can be used. In this welding method, the heat from the arc forms a molten pool and the extra metal required ... Read More

What are the properties of a good Heating Element?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 23-Feb-2022 10:18:20

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Heating ElementThe device which converts electrical energy into heat energy through the process of Joule heating is known as heating element. The heating element is the part of any electric heating appliance in which the electrical energy transformed into heat. The electric current through the element encounters resistance which results in heating of the element.Requirements of a Good Heating ElementA good heating element should possess the following properties −High ResistivityThe specific resistance or resistivity of the material used for making the heating element should be high. When the resistivity of the material is high, then the element will require small ... Read More

What are the different Welding Positions?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 23-Feb-2022 10:15:43

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What is a Welding Position?The technique which allows a welder to join the metals in the position in which they are found or the position in which a specific component will be used, is called the welding position.According to the American Welding Society, there are following four welding positions in which arc welding is done −Flat PositionHorizontal PositionVertical PositionOverhead PositionFlat PositionThe flat position is also referred to as down-hand position. In the flat position, the metals to be welded are placed flat and the welder passes the electric arc over them.The important points about the flat position of welding are ... Read More

What are the different types of Electric Heating?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 23-Feb-2022 10:11:52

8K+ Views

Electric HeatingThe process in which electrical energy is converted into heat by resisting the free flow of electric current is known as electric heating. Therefore, the heat is produced due to circulation of electric current through a resistance. This electric current may be circulating directly due to the application of potential difference or it may be due to induced eddy currents.Different Methods of Electric HeatingThe classification of methods used for electric heating is shown in the figure.Direct Resistance HeatingIn this method of electric heating, the electric current is passed through the substance to be heated. This method of electric heating ... Read More

What are the equipment used in Electric Arc Welding?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 23-Feb-2022 10:07:28

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Electric Arc WeldingThe electric arc welding is the welding process which uses electric arc to create heat to melt and join the metals. In the electric arc welding, the electric power supply creates an electric arc between the electrode and the base material.Depending upon the type of power supply used, the electric arc welding equipment is classified into two sections as −Direct Current (DC) Arc WeldingAlternating Current (AC) Arc WeldingEquipment Required for Electric Arc WeldingThe various equipment required for the electric arc welding (AC and DC) are shown in the figure and described below.Welding MachineThe welding machine used for electric ... Read More

Modes of Heat Transfer: Conduction, Convection and Radiation

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 23-Feb-2022 10:02:47

9K+ Views

Heat TransferThe heat transfer is defined as the transmission of heat energy from one region to another region as a result of temperature gradient. In actual practice, the heat transfer always takes place from the region of high temperature to the region of low temperature.Modes of Heat TransferThe transfer of heat energy from one region to another region takes place by the following three modes −ConductionConvectionRadiationIn a majority of real situations, heat transfer occurs as a result of a combination of these modes of heat transfer.ConductionWhen the heat transfers from one part of the substance to another part without the ... Read More

Comparison between Resistance Welding and Arc Welding

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 23-Feb-2022 10:00:06

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Resistance WeldingResistance welding is the welding process of joining of metals by applying mechanical pressure and passing a heavy current for a length of time through the metal parts which are to be joined. The chief advantage of the resistance welding is that it does not require any other material for creating the bond which makes it cost effective.Arc WeldingArc welding is the process in which the metals are joined by using electricity to create enough heat to melt metals, and the melted metals, when cool, result in the joining of the metals. The arc welding uses a welding power ... Read More
