Found 37 Articles for Politics

What is the most shameful thing for any country?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Well, nothing can be so shameful for a nation when its own countrymen stand against it and start intimidating and threatening those who show love for their nation. This is what we witnessed recently when a man showed a shoe to Farooq Abdullah, the former J&K chief minister and the current president of the Jammu & Kashmir National Conference.He was not only heckled but also forced to leave the shrine in Srinagar where he went for Eid prayers. As per reports, Abdullah was paying tributes to former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee when the youth present at the gathering took ... Read More

What UPA, NDA and Third Front in Indian Politics?

Shankar Bhatt
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 12:09:21


UPAThe United Progressive Alliance (UPA) is a coalition of center-left political parties in India came into existence after the 2004 General Elections. Being the largest party of the UPA, Congress or Indian National Congress commands this alliance. Rahul Gandhi is the National President of UPA succeeded the chair after Sonia Gandhi. In 2004, UPA formed the government with the support from other left-aligned parties.NDAThe National Democratic Alliance or the NDA is a center-right coalition of political parties in India. This party is in association with more than 20 parties and is largely led by BJP (Bhartiya Janata Party). It came ... Read More

Should government’s controlling stake in public sector undertakings be reduced to a partial stake not exceeding 25% of authorized capital?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 11:55:52


One of the thumb rules of efficient economics is that governments should not be involved in the business as sellers, traders, and merchants. That is a direct conflict of interest because, in such a situation, the government-run businesses will get favourable treatment over other private sector competitors. That's one argument against government involvement in business. The government's job is to regulate laws, safeguard them and enforce them in cases of non-compliance by individuals, institutions, and organizations, of those laws.Take the case of Air India, which was one of the world's best airlines under the Tatas, who founded it, JRD Tata ... Read More

What is the role of local community media in strengthening democracy at the grassroot level?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 11:58:15


There can be no doubt about the critical role that community media can play in strengthening democracy at the grass-root level. For most folks in urban areas, especially in Tier I, II and even III cities this issue might not generate much interest, but for those in the smaller towns and villages, this is one issue that will spark immediate interest. That's because folks living in such areas that are classified as rural, don't take a lot of things for granted like their counterparts in cities do.Keep An Insight of the Local PoliticsMost of us in cities don't even know ... Read More

Why the President and the governor of India is called a puppet of the ministry?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 12:00:56


In India, the office of the president is intended to be an honorary post although it has been given the highest executive authority by the constitution of the country. The president of India is the supreme commander of the armed forces of the country, the head of the union parliament, appoints the heads of all the leading institutions of the country like the chief justice of supreme court, chiefs of the army, navy and air force, the chief election commissioner, the comptroller and auditor general, chairman of UPSC (Union Public Service Commission), governors of states and envoys among many others.A ... Read More

How successful is Modi Government's Start-up India program?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:26:48


One of the flagship programmes of the Modi Government is Startup India, which aims to significantly improve the start-up ecosystem in the country with greater efficiencies. Prime Minister Modi firmly believes that start-ups can play a very important role in generating a large number of jobs in India, where unemployment is a problem for every government. In accordance with these objectives, Modi launched a 19 point action plan to further boost the start-up culture in January 2016. This action plan will provide tax sops, streamline funding, improve ease of doing business and enable innovation among others.A Tremendous MoveAccording to India's ... Read More

"Makkal Needhi Maiam" what does it mean?

siddhartha kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 08:31:24


It is Kamal Hassan's political party name. Also, will he be the new storm of the Tamil Nadu politics?"Makkal Needhi Maiam" is the political party started by the renowned actor Kamal Hassan in Tamil Nadu. The term “Makkal Needhi Maiam” roughly translates to “people’s justice forum”. The inauguration of the party was done amidst a huge crowd in Madurai’s Ottakattai Grounds.The chief minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal flew down south to show his support the versatile actor who is venturing into politics.The party flag is made up of white background and it has 6 interlinked arms in red and white ... Read More

What is the role of an ambassador in a foreign country?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 06-May-2022 07:26:33


An ambassador is the highest-ranking representative of a country in another country with which it has diplomatic relations and where it has a mission. The ambassador is the head of this mission, popularly known as the embassy; countries that are members of the Commonwealth and were once part of the British empire, call such missions, high commissions while the mission head is called the high commissioner and not the ambassador.Multiple Missions (Ambassadors)An Indian mission, for instance, may not be restricted to just the capital city of another country if that country happens to be large and has other major cities ... Read More

How to bring Modi-Malya and other scamsters back to India?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 12:26:35


In my opinion, it all depends on the desire and willingness of the government of the day to pursue such criminals and get them back. One can understand the difficulty in getting back gangster turned terrorist Dawood Ibrahim and other such criminals back into the country as they are under the special protection of the Pakistani state machinery. That’s not the case with scammers like Vijay Mallya and Nirav Modi along with Mehul Choksi. I’ll emphasize again that it all depends on the willingness and determination of the current government to pursue such criminals and bring them back into the ... Read More

From look east to act east and now look west, what is India's upcoming prospect?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 29-Apr-2022 05:30:32


India had adopted the Look East policy during the Narashima Rao government which was known for adopting other landmark policies, notably the liberalization of the Indian economy by unshackling state control over regulations. Prior to that, India’s economic fortunes were tied to its relations with the West, which essentially meant the OECD countries of western Europe and North America, with a special focus on the US and UK.The Look East policy was pivoted on the need to develop closer socio-economic ties with ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) and other East Asian nations like China, Japan, South Korea, and ... Read More
